Monday, July 8, 2024

Totalitarianism Rising...

I'm from the Government, and I'm here to prevent harmful misinformation...


Rattrapper said...

The video forgot the regimes of Josef RobbingIt Biden Junior and Justin Trudeau. Otherwise, it's accurate.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Sauerkraut and vodka are Dervish's staples to keep him satisfied.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere: The video forgot the regimes of Josef RobbingIt Biden Junior and Justin Trudeau. Otherwise, it's accurate.

Mystere is full of sh!t. Joe Biden isn't a totalitarian. Nor is Just Trudeau. They are democratically elected leaders. I don't follow what is going on in Canada closely, but I have seen what a fantastic job as president Joe Biden is doing.

Only people who long for totalitarianism like Minus and Mystere will vote for donald tRump. And/or really dumb people. Mystere is definitely an "and".

btw, instead of the means of production being under the control of the state (under president for life donald tRump), it will be handed off to our corporate overlords. The corrupt fascist scotus kings just set it up by overturning Chevron. Our corporate overlords now have free reign to pollute, poison and kill us in pursuit of even more profits.

Everything is in place for totalitarianism under King donald the first -- if the 2024 election is successfully stolen.

Joe Conservative said...

Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism are incompatible. So pick one, and then try to make it stick to the wall, Dervy. Trump is a Modern father (authoritarian). Biden is a Post-Modern father Totalitarian).

Your analysis just won't do. Fly, fly, fly little Starling...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Biden is a Post-Modern father Totalitarian...


Minus: Trump is a Modern father (authoritarian)...

Why do you consider that to be a good thing?

They are not that different. But most people would say both are undesirable.

Anonymous said...

\\Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism are incompatible.


And how is it possible to come in full total without going through full auth???

\\Mystere is full of sh!t. Joe Biden isn't a totalitarian.


Mausoleum (pyramid) not YET built. ;-P

\\They are democratically elected leaders.

Same as Hitler. And many-many other "democraticly elected leaders" that gone authoritarian (through extermination of Political Opposition (through sham trials too)) and then, to thwart disapprove of their less then successful turned full throttle totalitarian.


"Politicians... are like diapers -- need to be changed ASAP" (c)

\\...but I have seen what a fantastic job as president Joe Biden is doing.


Of rebuilding USA into totalitarian state. By example of sworn enemies -- RFia and PRCia.


\\They are not that different. But most people would say both are undesirable.

So much for "democratically elected".


\\btw, instead of the means of production being under the control of the state (under president for life donald tRump),

WUT???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

He unable to control even his "billionere's empire". :-)))))))))))))))))0

And now you claim that dRump will turn 100% Socialist and would nationalize all "means of production"...

or, you just as ever -- cretin that dunno meaning of words it trying to use. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Our corporate overlords now have free reign to pollute, poison and kill us in pursuit of even more profits.

Remind to you... who allowed pumping more oil in USA? And NOT sanction RFia's "shadow fleet" -- so there'd be more, MORE, MOAAAAR oil and subproducts to burn to "pollute, poison and kill us"???

Isn't that (dis)honorable DEMN POTUS Bi-den? ;-P

Or what... pollution produced by DEMNs -- is tasty sweets and cure??? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

Joe Conservative said...

Minus: Biden is a Post-Modern father Totalitarian...
Minus: Trump is a Modern father (authoritarian)...
Why do you consider that to be a good thing?
They are not that different. But most people would say both are undesirable.

Have you never watched this clip? I've posted it 1000x

The authoritarian father doesn't crawl into your head and constantly censor and nag and propagandize you.

Joe Conservative said...

...He doesn't "guilt trip" you about SoJus. You can just take your licks, and enjoy yourself when he's not present.

Joe Conservative said...

And how is it possible to come in full total without going through full auth???

You can't. One day you're working in the city minding your own business... and the next you're in the countryside re-education camp... and the next you lying in a rice paddy in the killing fields.

Joe Conservative said...

Democrats are still at the re-education camp stage. SoJus... SoJus... SoJus... @@

Anonymous said...

Cretins needs... no, ABLE to be re-educated???? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))00

Joe Conservative said...


Gulags... worked to DEATH.

Anonymous said...

\\The authoritarian father doesn't crawl into your head and constantly censor and nag and propagandize you.

Authoritarian father and authoritarian state... is not one and the same.


And well... that is female-centric concept.

Why there exist "authoritarian fathers"??? Because their respective MOTHERS want it that way.

The Stepford Wives (2004)
IMDb › title
stepford wives movie from
Joanna Eberhart, a wildly successful president of a TV Network, after a series of shocking events, suffers a nervous breakdown and is moved by her ...
Rating: 5.3/10 · ‎70,190 votes
‎Stepford · ‎Claire Wellington · ‎Trivia · ‎Parents Guide

The Stepford Wives (1975)
IMDb › title
stepford wives movie from
The Stepford Wives ... Joanna Eberhart has come to the quaint little town of Stepford, Connecticut with her family, but soon discovers there lies a sinister truth ...

Anonymous said...

\\Gulags... worked to DEATH.

YOU will be telling me about Gulag???? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


It even worse -- it works EVEN AFTER death.


Current war have Gulag as a reason behind it.

Joe Conservative said...

Father and Mother are metaphors for the State.

And digital gulags aren't gulags? Who knew? The "Achievement" Society IS the gulag, fool. Now get to work... or starve. btw - Did you attend the DEI committee working group? No? Your next assignment will be duly downgraded!

Anonymous said...

\\Father and Mother are metaphors for the State.

I understand.

But... map it's not territory.

And most of the time (except state governed orphans?) government do not neither motherly nor fatherly... toward own subordinates...

\\And digital gulags aren't gulags?

Are they things one cannot flee from? Are cold to the bone env? Only bad-bad-bad and scarce food? And... manual labour in extreme env?


\\The "Achievement" Society IS the gulag, fool.

Whatever you'll say, dunce. ;-P

\\ Now get to work... or starve.


Now go starve... while WORKING! And PRAISING OUR GREAT LEADER!!! Bu-ga-gah!

And teach own children -- that they are living in a FKing Paradise!

\\btw - Did you attend the DEI committee working group? No? Your next assignment will be duly downgraded!

Walking in tight columns hailing to Great Leader... while chanting HOW HAPPY we are.

With watching after each other -- if that demonstrated happiness... IS SINCERE!!!

With then OSTRACHISING those who was reported in such trespassing.

(Your "Equilibrium" movie... is feint and pale and hardly adequate)

Joe Conservative said...

Watching the Netflix series "Bodies'.

"Know that you are loved!"

...and PUSH the button!

Joe Conservative said...

isaiah Berlin letter to George Kennan (2/13/51)

All this may seem an enormous platitude, but, if it is true, this is, of course, what ultimately refutes utilitarianism and what makes Hegel and Marx such monstrous traitors to our civilisation. When, in the famous passage, Ivan Karamazov rejects the worlds upon worlds of happiness which may be bought at the price of the torture to death of one innocent child, what can utilitarians, even the most civilised and humane, say to him? After all, it is in a sense unreasonable to throw away so much human bliss purchased at so small a price as one--only one--innocent victim, done to death however horribly--what after all is one soul against the happiness of so many? Nevertheless, when Ivan says he would rather return the ticket, no reader of Dostoevsky thinks this cold-hearted or mad or irresponsible; and although a long course of Bentham or Hegel might turn one into a supporter of the Grand Inquisitor, qualms remain.

Joe Conservative said...

Tunisia. The Arab Spring. Mohamed Bouazizi (born March 29, 1984, Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia—died January 4, 2011, Ben Arous, Tunisia) was a Tunisian street vendor whose self-immolation after being harassed by municipal officials catalyzed the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia and helped inspire a wider pro-democracy protest movement in the Middle East

Corporate globalism. Why couldn't Bouazizi escape the system and simply "work"?

Joe Conservative said...

Because a man alone cannot defeat the "machine" that monopolizes all social spaces much, MUCH more efficiently and cost effectively. His "labour" has been made "worthless".

Joe Conservative said...

What do you think Ukrainian labour is worth to the West?

Joe Conservative said...

We don't need your products. We need your "consumers".

Joe Conservative said... on the edges, margins, like Bouazizi, or the residents of the Sandtown community in Baltimore. Want "extra" money? Try selling drugs.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Lazy ass Hikikomori!

Joe Conservative said...

You burn out in the Gig economy... THAT's ON YOU!

Anonymous said...

\\Corporate globalism. Why couldn't Bouazizi escape the system and simply "work"?

Why-why-WHY... there is cloud, and that nasty rain fell on me... WHY????!!!!!


Say where... in what place and time... it was different???

\\All this may seem an enormous platitude, but, if it is true, this is, of course, what ultimately refutes utilitarianism and what makes Hegel and Marx such monstrous traitors to our civilisation.


They just stooopid.

That Marx and Co.

Hanlon's Razor.


\\When, in the famous passage, Ivan Karamazov rejects the worlds upon worlds of happiness which may be bought at the price of the torture to death of one innocent child,

Is there such worlds??? Wrap me dozen of em. ;-P

Well... there is NONE.

Like... lately 4 children was killed in Ukraine. In most cruel way.

So... WHO monetized on it? And recieved some happiness? ;-P

Naaaaah. That's not how THIS world works. And killed children is just a dead meat.

Most regrettable.

But... there is NO any magic. In human sacrifices. SAME as in angelic protection of em. No rewards.


\\what can utilitarians, even the most civilised and humane, say to him?

I. Pragmatist said -- there is none.

Children -- it's responsibility of their respective parents/relatives.

And if they lost... vae victis.

Anonymous said...

\\You burn out in the Gig economy... THAT's ON YOU!

As always...

Joe Conservative said...

Say where... in what place and time... it was different???

America 1776.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... I know that melody.

It chimes from 1917. In our hemisphere.


(have you read "10 days that changed world"? at least sinopsis)

Joe Conservative said...

Nope. On April 4, 1917, the U.S. Senate voted in support of the measure to declare war on Germany. The House concurred two days later. The United States later declared war on Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917.

No one needed Russia anymore.

Anonymous said...

Ten Days That Shook the World (1919) is a book by the American journalist and socialist John Reed. Here, Reed presented a firsthand account of the 1917 Russian October Revolution. Reed followed many of the most prominent Bolsheviks closely during his time in Russia.

Ten Days That Shook the World - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Ten_Days_That_Shoo...

Joe Conservative said...

Like I said, no one needed Russia anymore.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: \\Mystere is full of sh!t. Joe Biden isn't a totalitarian\\YET. Mausoleum (pyramid) not YET built. ;-P

Never to be built. But Qtard thinks Biden will be a totalitarian -- when he is dead? HOW?

Qtard: \\They are democratically elected leaders\\ Same as Hitler. And many-many other "democraticly elected leaders" that gone authoritarian...

TIME: Adolf Hitler never won a majority in a free and open national election. He never received more than 37% of the vote in a free and open national election... Hitler exercised his constitutional right to free speech and freedom of assembly to hold rallies across the country and spew invective in all directions—against Bolsheviks, social democrats, immigrants, Jews... 4/26/2024.

donald tRump is America's Orange Hitler.

Qtard: ...through extermination of Political Opposition (through sham trials too) and then, to thwart disapprove of their less then successful turned full throttle totalitarian. Yawn.

Sham trials to come if donald tRump gets back in power. He has told us they are coming.

Qtard: \\...but I have seen what a fantastic job as president Joe Biden is doing\\ Yeah.
Of rebuilding USA into totalitarian state. By example of sworn enemies -- RFia and PRCia.

Delusions from Qtard's mentally ill brain.

Qtard: \\They are not that different. But most people would say both are undesirable\\So much for "democratically elected".

Huh? Qtard brain fart?

Qtard: \\btw, instead of the means of production being under the control of the state (under president for life donald tRump)\\ WUT???? **cretinic laughter** He unable to control even his "billionere's empire". **cretinic laughing and drooling** And now you claim that dRump will turn 100% Socialist and would nationalize all "means of production"...

Never claimed. You cut off my quote.

instead of the means of production being under the control of the state (under president for life donald tRump), it will be handed off to our corporate overlords.

Mangled and misrepresented what I wrote on purpose? Or due to cretinity?

Qtard: or, you just as ever -- cretin that dunno meaning of words it trying to use. **cretinic laughter**

Cretin dunno meaning of words IT reads. As ever.

Qtard: \\Our corporate overlords now have free reign to pollute, poison and kill us in pursuit of even more profits\\ Remind to you... who allowed pumping more oil in USA? And NOT sanction RFia's "shadow fleet" -- so there'd be more, MORE, MOAAAAR oil and subproducts to burn to "pollute, poison and kill us"???

Non sequitur. I was talking about scotus overturning the Chevron doctrine which "is a 40-year-old precedent that afforded federal agencies a degree of discretion in interpreting ambiguous laws in their areas of expertise". I wasn't talking about oil drilling. Are you a green energy advocate now?

Qtard: Isn't that (dis)honorable DEMN POTUS Bi-den? ;-P

No. This "(dis)honorable DEMN POTUS Bi-den" isn't a real person. You're talking about your delusions again.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Or what... pollution produced by DEMNs -- is tasty sweets and cure??? **cretinic laughing and drooling**

People who consume oil are producing the pollution that comes from burning oil. What "pollution produced by DEMNs"?? Republicans also use oil. Joe Biden is trying to keep down the price of oil because the price of oil effects the US economy. He increased drilling on federal lands to counter the Saudis cutting back production. What they always do in an election year when the potus is a Democrat. So republicans can blame Democrats for high oil prices.

Google: Press reports suggest that the large, and for Biden, ill-timed OPEC+ cut arose from Saudi animosity toward the president and a desire to assist Republicans in the US midterm elections, in hopes of opening the way for Trump's reelection in 2024.

Minus: Now get to work... or starve.

The Conservative Randian fantasy.

Minus: btw - Did you attend the DEI committee working group? No? Your next assignment will be duly downgraded!

A White Supremacist's White grievance whine.

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

\\ Qtard: \\Mystere is full of sh!t. Joe Biden isn't a totalitarian\\YET. Mausoleum (pyramid) not YET built. ;-P

\\ Never to be built. But Qtard thinks Biden will be a totalitarian -- when he is dead? HOW?

Lenin's Mausoleum
Wikipedia › wiki › Lenin's_Mausoleum
mausoleum lenin from
It serves as the resting place of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin, whose preserved body has been on public display since shortly after his death in 1924, with rare ...

For any religious cult it's very benefitial to have thumb of "father founder". ;-P

Like... do you have thumb of Lincoln? ;-P

\\TIME: Adolf Hitler never won a majority in a free and open national election.

So what???

He was "democratically elected".

And then was assigned on chancellor position. In all accordance with law.

\\donald tRump is America's Orange Hitler.

Yeah. You totalitarian want him to be. It seems.

\\Sham trials to come if donald tRump gets back in power. He has told us they are coming.

In DEMNs example?

Yeah... that is how it happen. When ONE side start using poison and daggers -- other sides FORCED to do it too.


\\Qtard: \\...but I have seen what a fantastic job as president Joe Biden is doing\\ Yeah.
Of rebuilding USA into totalitarian state. By example of sworn enemies -- RFia and PRCia.

\\Delusions from Qtard's mentally ill brain.

Yeah... confirmed with FACTS... but called "delusions", by totalitarian NewSpeaking LIAR.

Nothing new. Nothing to look at here. Move on.


\\Qtard: \\They are not that different. But most people would say both are undesirable\\So much for "democratically elected".

\\Huh? Qtard brain fart?

Hah... so, now "democratically elected" means "brain fart".


Anonymous said...

\\Qtard: \\btw, instead of the means of production being under the control of the state (under president for life donald tRump)\\ WUT???? **cretinic laughter** He unable to control even his "billionere's empire". **cretinic laughing and drooling** And now you claim that dRump will turn 100% Socialist and would nationalize all "means of production"...

\\Never claimed. You cut off my quote.

Ok, Google means of production being under the control of the state (under president for life donald tRump)

And it answered:

Socialism is, broadly speaking, a political and economic system in which property and the means of production are owned in common, typically controlled by the state or government. Socialism is based on the idea that common or public ownership of resources and means of production leads to a more equal society.Oct 19, 2023

Socialism - National Geographic Education
National Geographic Society › resource › soc...

Or what??? Google -- lied? ;-P

\\instead of the means of production being under the control of the state (under president for life donald tRump), it will be handed off to our corporate overlords.

So??? You claim that USA have Socialism NOW????!!!!!! %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Mangled and misrepresented what I wrote on purpose? Or due to cretinity?

Trying to devise some meaning from twisted and incomprehensible babbling of a total cretin? Yes.


\\Cretin dunno meaning of words IT reads. As ever.

Thank you for admission, cretin. ;-P

\\Qtard: \\Our corporate overlords now have free reign to pollute, poison and kill us in pursuit of even more profits\\ Remind to you... who allowed pumping more oil in USA? And NOT sanction RFia's "shadow fleet" -- so there'd be more, MORE, MOAAAAR oil and subproducts to burn to "pollute, poison and kill us"???

\\Non sequitur.


Because when that is DEMNs policy -- to pump up oil and produce more wastes and pollutions... that pollution *SUDDENLY* become sweet pills of cure...

Joe Conservative said...

Minus: btw - Did you attend the DEI committee working group? No? Your next assignment will be duly downgraded!
/A White Supremacist's White grievance whine.

You didn't get the e-mails, Dervy.

Joe Conservative said...

btw - I eventually joined the Asian and Pacific islander group. They had the best food.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: For any religious cult it's very benefitial to have thumb of "father founder". ;-P

Back to incorrect usage of "founding father" as "father founder" again? After I thought all my correcting had paid off. Like with my correcting of your incorrect "suprime" when you meant "supreme". Though (of course) you didn't admit being wrong. Lied about it being a "mistyping".

fyi, there is no Biden "religious cult". No "Bi-den" "religious cult" either. He will be president for the next 4 years -- then hopefully we can get a Democratic president a bit further to the Left than the Moderate-Left Biden.

Qtard: \\TIME: Adolf Hitler never won a majority in a free and open national election\\ So what???

So... same as donald tRump -- who never won the popular vote and never will.

Qtard: He was "democratically elected". And then was assigned on chancellor position. In all accordance with law.

Yeah... and when donald tRump (if he becomes predisent again) exercises his "unitary executive" powers that he has as per the recent corrupt scotus ruling -- that will be "in all accordance with law" too.

Qtard: \\donald tRump is America's Orange Hitler\\ Yeah. You totalitarian want him to be. It seems.

It seems that way to you due to you being a cretin.

Qtard: \\Sham trials to come if donald tRump gets back in power. He has told us they are coming\\ In DEMNs example?

No. Democrat's example is to hold a criminal president accountable. Because nobody is above the law. Well, that was the case before the corrupt scotus ruling.

Qtard: \\...I have seen what a fantastic job as president Joe Biden is doing\\ Yeah. of rebuilding USA into totalitarian state. By example of sworn enemies -- RFia and PRCia.

What republicans are doing. Accusation in a mirror... Qtard knows (and uses) this trick constantly.

Qtard: \\Delusions from Qtard's mentally ill brain\\ Yeah... confirmed with FACTS... but called "delusions", by totalitarian NewSpeaking LIAR.

More usage of "Accusation in a mirror".

Qtard: Nothing new. Nothing to look at here. Move on. **cretinic laughter**

Right. You've been accusing me of that YOU do for a long time now. Well, that's what rightturds do.

Qtard: \\They are not that different. But most people would say both are undesirable\\So much for "democratically elected"\\Huh? Qtard brain fart? Hah... so, now "democratically elected" means "brain fart". Ou'Key!

I said that Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism are both undesirable. You replied "So much for democratically elected", which makes no sense. Well, I didn't know what you meant at the time. Maybe you meant "so much for democratically elected, hurray!"? It does seem you are quite eager for donald tRump (an authoritarian by Minus FJ's admission) to regain power.

Qtard: And now you claim that dRump will turn 100% Socialist and would nationalize all "means of production"...\\Never claimed. You cut off my quote\\Ok, Google means of production being under the control of the state (under president for life donald tRump)

Doubling down on moronity again? I clearly said he would NOT do that. What republiturds want is to remove ALL control by The People.

Qtard: And it answered: Socialism is, broadly speaking, a political and economic system in which property and the means of production are owned in common, typically controlled by the state or government. ... Or what??? Google -- lied? ;-P

No, you lied. I never said otherwise. That is what socialism is... "broadly speaking".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: \\instead of the means of production being under the control of the state (under president for life donald tRump), it will be handed off to our corporate overlords\\ So??? You claim that USA have Socialism NOW????!!!!!! **cretinic laughter**

What a moron. The US government doesn't control the means of production. It never will. Bernie Sanders (who I voted for in the Democratic Party primary prior to the 2020 election) doesn't want that.

Qtard: Trying to devise some meaning from twisted and incomprehensible babbling of a total cretin? Yes.

Yeah, you're right. It is impossible to deduce any meaning from your incomprehensible babbling much of the time.

Qtard: \\Cretin dunno meaning of words IT reads. As ever\\ Thank you for admission, cretin. ;-P

Talking about yourself in the 3rd person again. Well, as always. You did admit having many alter egos. Though tried (and still trying) to say it's me who has split personality disorder. But you're obviously talking about yourself. "Accusation in a mirror" is your modus operandi.

Qtard: Because when that is DEMNs policy -- to pump up oil and produce more wastes and pollutions... that pollution *SUDDENLY* become sweet pills of cure...

There is no "DEMNs" who have any such policy. That isn't a policy of the Democratic Party either. In any case, I already responded to this. You just ignored what I wrote and restated your same lies. Oil production wasn't even what I was talking about. What I was actually talking about (scotus overturning the Chevron doctrine) was ignored by you as well. But you probably dunno what that is.

Anonymous said...

\\Qtard: For any religious cult it's very benefitial to have thumb of "father founder". ;-P

\\Back to incorrect usage of "founding father" as "father founder" again?

Well... as ever. You are free to EXPLAIN -- how and why it "incorrect usage".

But... naaaaah, you are cretin -- and unable to provide such explanation. ;-P

But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\fyi, there is no Biden "religious cult".

...YET. ;-P

\\...then hopefully we can get a Democratic president a bit further to the Left than the Moderate-Left Biden.

Yep. Commie-Totalitarians. That want with such "salami tactics" re-made USA into USSR.


But... you'd be screaming "I NEVER said something like that". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Yeah... and when donald tRump (if he becomes predisent again) exercises his "unitary executive" powers that he has as per the recent corrupt scotus ruling -- that will be "in all accordance with law" too.


You DEMN-cretin want only enemies to be punished "in accordance with law".


\\It seems that way to you due to you being a cretin.


\\No. Democrat's example is to hold a criminal president accountable. Because nobody is above the law. Well, that was the case before the corrupt scotus ruling.

Yeah. Punished "in accordance with law". But there still are people who know what Human Rights is...

Too bad, your Commie-Coup not succeed. ;-P

\\What republicans are doing. Accusation in a mirror... Qtard knows (and uses) this trick constantly.



That is what your alter-ego "Qtard" doing constantly.

While thinking that that is clever... THAT cretin. ;-P

But, oups! You are one and a SAMEBODY with it. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Right. You've been accusing me of that YOU do for a long time now. Well, that's what rightturds do.


Anonymous said...

\\Qtard: \\They are not that different. But most people would say both are undesirable\\So much for "democratically elected"\\Huh? Qtard brain fart? Hah... so, now "democratically elected" means "brain fart". Ou'Key!

\\I said that Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism are both undesirable.

Yeah... when that is not DEMNs who are Authoritarians and Totalitarians.


I get it, I do.

\\You replied "So much for democratically elected", which makes no sense.

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

so much for

phrase of so

indicating that one has finished talking about something.
"So much for the melodic line. We now turn our attention to the accompaniment"
suggesting that something has not been successful or useful.
"so much for that idea!"

Well... that's not my problem that your are cretin. Yawn.

That's my sheer fun! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Doubling down on moronity again? I clearly said he would NOT do that. What republiturds want is to remove ALL control by The People.

Yeah. They anti-Commies. I give em that.

\\No, you lied. I never said otherwise. That is what socialism is... "broadly speaking".


And what you ADMITTED! In the beginning of THIS POST I comment. With "a bit further to the Left than the Moderate-Left Biden."

\\What a moron. The US government doesn't control the means of production. It never will.


Party will be. ;-P

Or... that is what DEMNs want to achieve.

With their "salami tactic". With each little step "a bit further to the Left than the Moderate-Left Biden."

I get it, I do.

Anonymous said...

\\Bernie Sanders (who I voted for in the Democratic Party primary prior to the 2020 election) doesn't want that.

Socialists... they are BIGGLY liars.


NewSpeakian liars.

Like when they proclaim "we want Freedom for all People" -- what they REALLY mean "we want you all slaves, OUR -- SLAVES!!! Bu-ga-gah!!!".

\\Yeah, you're right. It is impossible to deduce any meaning from your incomprehensible babbling much of the time.


Because you are cretin -- and because of it do not understand even some common sense notions (like showed up here with "so much for").


\\Qtard: \\Cretin dunno meaning of words IT reads. As ever\\ Thank you for admission, cretin. ;-P

\\Talking about yourself in the 3rd person again. Well, as always.





But, well... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

You retorts as ever -- spectacularly cretinic. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Good job! Show must go on! ;-P

\\You did admit having many alter egos. Though tried (and still trying) to say it's me who has split personality disorder. But you're obviously talking about yourself. "Accusation in a mirror" is your modus operandi.


But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

\\There is no "DEMNs" who have any such policy. That isn't a policy of the Democratic Party either. In any case, I already responded to this.


Because DEMNs in WH -- are republiturds. ;-P

And DEMN POTUS Bi-den -- is secretly republiturd. :-)))))

I get it, I do. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"I get it, I do" = Qtard just told a bunch of bigly lies.

Anonymous said...


Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))0