Thursday, July 4, 2024

Democrats Panties in a Wad, Try Shifting the Overton Window thru Sheer Hyperbolic Paranoiac Force

Eppur si Muove

Who knew that the Unitary Executive Theory of the Constitution had never been considered valid by the legal system BEFORE Trump's 1/6/21 Insurrection?  And now the "theory" has unexpectedly become "reality" through settled case law and acquired the power of stare decisis?  More likely, they're doing the bureaucratic cover-your-own-ass shuffle, trying to cover THEIR OWN unethical and immoral POLITICAL weaponization of the government against Donald J. Trump as evidenced by their lack of thorough legal analysis as to "official acts" and their ever pressing determination to drive their cases to judgement before the November 2024 POLITICAL election.

"Pop Smoke!  Pop Smoke!  What other Obscurants do we have?"


Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club said...

Democracy will be ending soon :)

Donald Trump is going to be America's first dictator :)

Bubba and Hillary, Barrack and Big Mike, and Fake Doctor Jill and Joseph Bidet are going to Gitmo to be executed :)

I am so happy!!

Praise Satan!!!

Joe Conservative said...

Naaah. Execution is too good for them. We'll just get State to comfiscate their passports, and make them live in DJT's America Made Greater.

Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club said...

Heil Herr Trump! Soon Donald Trump will be anointed America's first Führer! I'm so excited! The mass deportations of the dirty Beaners and Rag Heads who are poisoning the blood of America will commence in January 2025. The Blacks will KNOW THEIR PLACE, which is BELOW that of the two master races -- Whites and Asians.

The queertards and transqueers will be arrested and executed unless they renounce their perversions. MAGA!! America is a Christian Nation, Demoncraps! On the 2025 agenda of Donald Trump's MAGA SUPREME court will be to overturn queertard "marriage". A man shall NOT lie with a man as a man lies with a woman. Sodomy will be a crime in Donald Trump's America... meaning Ichabod Derpwood will be arrested and executed :)

Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club said...

People of Japanese ethnicity (like me) are honorary Aryans. Excepting those who are not followers of Yeshua. That is why Japan deserved to be nuked. My people had numerous chances to listen, but turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the Gospel.

Joe Conservative said...

You need help, Moonbat.

Joe Conservative said...

...if that's who you really are.

Rattrapper said...

Why Dervish, you're gloating with glee over this. You should be careful of who you praise. Your chronic pain will pale in comparison with the eternal pains you will suffer in Fire Lake.

Rattrapper said...

That's Assface Ichabod Derpwood Sanders using his fake Mystere account.

Rattrapper said...

Says the white chinaman Dervish Sanders. Snorting Hunter's sloppy seconds of white china is a bad thing, Derpwood.

Rattrapper said...

Says Dervish the puppet of Satan.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No. That's you, using your 2nd "Mystere" account.