Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Manly French... Oooh-la-LAH!

Le Manteau de Gygès est Incroyable, Magnifique!


Rattrapper said...

OUI OUI! OUI OUI!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Candace Owens and fake Lefty Jimmy Dore discuss their tinfoil hate nuttery. How many other wives of Left leaders are secretly trans women? Only Barack Obama and Emmanuel Macron, or many others? Thank you for giving another example of the superior moral values of the Left.

Joe Conservative said...

Sterility is a superior moral value? Who knew/

Joe Conservative said...

Catholic priest wanabes is my guess.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No. I was referring to your irrational hate. But you knew that. Yet you pretend not to. To make a "joke" about another category of people you hate. Not just Catholic priests who molest children (which is a minority) but ALL Catholic priests? Do you hate people who identify as Catholic too? Like the corrupt scotus kings and Harrison Butker? I'd have guessed you were a fan. The categories of people you DON'T hate must be very few.

btw, is Sophie Grégoire Trudeau a trans woman? What about Begoña Gómez? Is she a trans woman?

Joe Conservative said...

I hate paedophiles and their enablers. Happy? I also don't care about adult trannies, provided they aren't "evangelical" trannies, They're adults. But stay away from kids with all the "to be truly happy you must cut it off" crap!

Rattrapper said...

Dervish loves the trannies.

Joe Conservative said...

pre- or Post-Op?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"evangelical trannies" are imaginary. Such people exist only in your hate-filled delusions.