Monday, July 8, 2024

France Wins Socialism! Woo-Hoo!

Viva la France!


Rattrapper said...

Let the clown show begin. OH BOY!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Nothing will convince the world to vote for right wingers like the imminent France fiasco.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Nothing will convince the world to vote for right wingers like the imminent France fiasco.

French people are desperate to make their situation significantly worse?

Thersites said...

No, French bureaucrats ignored them, as always. I would too if I could spend 58% of French GDP.

Joe Conservative said...

...but then again, nothing beats "central economic planning"... @@

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You're a libertarian? I heard the audience was not receptive to tRump's outreach when he attended their convention in May.

"France wins socialism"... because it's what The People want.

Anonymous said...

And if people want Freedom and Free Markets -- that's despotism, totalitarism and Hell on Earth, yes??? ;-P


Well... commies of all times and from all places -- are in same face. Yawn.

Joe Conservative said...

"France wins socialism"... because it's what The People want.

If the people got what they want, then why didn't the people who voted for Reform get a majority of seats in parliament?

Joe Conservative said...

The Income tax rate in France just went to 90%. The government already spends 58% of GDP. You KNOW it's going up now...

Rattrapper said...

90% Tax Rate? You can bet they'll raise it even higher if the cabal can get away with it.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: And if people want Freedom and Free Markets -- that's despotism, totalitarism and Hell on Earth, yes??? ;-P

NewSpeakian conflating of freedom with free markets. But yes, unregulated "free markets" do create hell on earth. Absolutely. But most people don't buy your randian BS.

Minus lied: The Income tax rate in France just went to 90%.

It did not. The highest tax bracket in France is 45%.

Mystere: 90% Tax Rate?


Mystere: You can bet they'll raise it even higher if the cabal can get away with it.

"Cabal" = tinfoil hat nuttery.

Joe Conservative said...

Ya caught me, Derv. It WILL be 90%

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Reply sent to spam? I can publish again. I saved it.

Joe Conservative said...

Spam folder's empty. Sorry.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Saved comment...

Because all proposed laws are enacted? Like BBB was proposed and is now law? Who knew?

Even if it does pass, "the Income tax rate in France just went to 90%" will still be false. "The" implies the 90 percent rate will apply to all French citizens. It won't. It will be "A income tax rate". The 90 percent rate will apply to very few French. And then only on a income above €400,000 (436,296 USD).

I predict it will not be enacted. btw, in 1944 the top US income tax rate was 94 percent. This type of dishonesty fools a lot of people. Including rubes like Mystere. So I understand why you engage in it.