Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Biden to Mooch? Presidential Candidate Transition Plan is Right on Schedule for a Hobson's Choice Election!

Anyone Remember THIS?
1.13.24: President Joe Biden’s campaign is tapping a veteran of Jon Stewart’s old show and a top aide from a progressive stalwart in the latest move to build out its national staff.

The reelection campaign is set to announce on Saturday two new hires, one to its research and one to its communications teams.
The Manufacturing of Consent isn't rocket science.  It's Alchemy.
Soros realizes that he who controls the biases of the people, controls the future. Not, "he who can relate the best facts, he can understand the world the best, who can articulate facts the best, that's not who controls the future." Soros realizes, it is he who controls the biases of the people, is who controls the Future.

It MAGICALLY transmutes POWER 

Hobson's Choice, "You can either GO or STAY!"


When a "Regular Order" Election Just Doesn't Suit Your Needs....


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

This plan to remove Biden and replace him with Michelle Obama is a rightturd plan. Democrats don't take orders to carry out plans from rightturds. NOT in regards to what the democratic party does. Joe Biden went though the Democratic primary process and was selected by voters as the Democratic Party's official nominee.

Thersites said...

LOL! Think the DNC gives 2 sh*ts about the VOTERS and/or PROCESS?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison says "the party has the president's back".

Jon Stewart isn't doing a very good job as an official Biden propagandist.

Joe Conservative said...

He's the TV Late Night Jokeman in charge of validating Obama's pick for Biden's replacement. Step 1 - Boot Biden... Step 2 -?... Step 3 - the Mooch!

Rattrapper said...

OH please! Your party is so screwed with the old fart and his cackling side kick. They're desperate to knock him out permanently.

Rattrapper said...

Yep, they have his back, and are ready to stab it soon.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

rightturd tinfoil hate nuttery.

Joe Conservative said...

Lets talk again after the Democratic Convention...

Joe Conservative said...

btw - Thanks for all the Trump ad soundbites if I'm wrong!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Are you going to continue to say Michelle Obama is going to be the nominee after the convention -- when Joe Biden is confirmed as the Democratic Party's nominee? Or will your narrative then be -- that's what Democrats should have done because they would have had a chance with Michelle Obama as the nominee? No way you're going to admit being wrong. You'll just drop that lie and concentrate on other lies. Like Joe Biden having dementia and is corrupt. What happened to the House investigation into his bribes, btw? I haven't heard anything in awhile.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

What soundbites?

Joe Conservative said...

Not you. Your party. It'll make great loop tapes before the election... and the 25th amendment vote.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Yeah, some Democrats are currently sabotaging their candidate, Joe Biden. What they're doing is trying to lose. Of course republiturds are going to use that against Joe Biden. But there isn't going to be any 25th amendment vote (that is how donald tRump should have been removed).

Michelle Obama will never be a Democratic potus nominee. She will never attempt to get the Democratic potus nomination.

Anonymous said...

Script is already written.

And whole series filmed by it.

Designated Survivor. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

Derv's a loyal Democrat. He's "ridin' with Biden"... way past his bus stop.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Biden's next "bus stop" is 2028. He won't go past that and try to stay in power for a 3rd term. I won't say he should run for a 3rd term.

tRump (if he gets a 2nd term) definitely might try to steal a 3rd term.

Anonymous said...

Desho? ;-P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
