Thursday, July 18, 2024

Republican Re-Brand Roll-Out Time

Are You as Confused as the old Uni-Party Never-Trump NeoCons with the RNC's New NATCon / MAGA Focus?


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


Rattrapper said...

Saw a video of granddaughter Kai Trump. What a sharp respectful teenager she is! She has respect for her elders, which is a breath of fresh air. She also resembles her paternal grandmother Ivana Trump around the eyes, quite the looker for teenage boys.

Nimarata Nikki Randhawa "Byrdbrain" Haley got booed? 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 That figures, after she stuck a political knife in the back of Donald Trump. I do hope she learned a lesson and makes herself a better person overall from this point.

Joe Conservative said...

Trump has a lot more allies to draw from with the NATCons. The NeoCons aare no longer sitting in the catbird seat.

Joe Conservative said...

My bad. See my latest post. I'm done, I think.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

tRump isn't a NatCon? As a puppet of Putin who wants to MRGA, obviously he isn't. But I thought that is he was pretending to be.

btw, Mystere wrote "Yawn". That isn't my comment. I don't know anything about this "Kai Trump". Even if it is a real person or not. I don't care enough to Google it. Birdbrain Mystere doesn't know how to spell "bird". Talking about bending the knee -- Nikki Haley definitely did.

Joe Conservative said...

The CIA started forming the NATCons to minute in 2015 Trump came down the escalator.

Joe Conservative said... a contingency plan for 2024.