Monday, July 22, 2024

Kennedy's SotU Address

Time to Vote FOR Something and NOT Simply Choose between "The Lesser of Two Evils" or "AGAINST THEM"!
e pluribus unum


Anonymous said...

Do you have 500 million$ to donate to him? No???

Then get out from a lawn where Big Daddies will be deciding YOUR Destiny instead of you. ;-P


Joe Conservative said...

Kennedy won't win... he's splitting the Democrat vote. It's in the bag for Trump now as the Democratic Party has racially divided itself, blacks for Moochelle and Whites for Kennedy.

Got popcorn?

Joe Conservative said...

It's always about "race" with Democrats. I still remember the Kweisi Mfume Senate race party betrayal and the 2006 coronation of Ben Cardin and subsequent rapprochement. They can't help themselves.

Joe Conservative said...

It's a good thing that after the Trump shooting, DJT got Secret Service "protection" (denied by the Biden Admin) approved instituted for Kennedy (not that they'll actually protect him).

Joe Conservative said...

...They sure didn't protect his father OR his uncle.

Joe Conservative said...

It's why I love Kennedy. He knows better than to trust the b*stards!

Joe Conservative said...

The period between now and the DNC Convention is going to be critical for the RFK, Jr. Campaign. He seems to be right on message and tempo. As Kamala fades, he'll pick up steam with the electorate.

Joe Conservative said...

By the time Moochelle gets nominated, RFK, Jr. will have locked in the White Democrat vote. Not even their guilt-pride will turn around their votes then!

Joe Conservative said...

Got that Derv?

Anonymous said...

\\Got popcorn?

I not involved, remember?

\\They can't help themselves.

Riding dead horse?

Seems like that is what your USA politics is about.


Joe Conservative said...

...and yours is about... oh yeah...NOT having elections.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: It's why I love Kennedy. He knows better than to trust the b*stards!

Baloney. rfkjr admitted he has no chance and is running as a spoiler for tЯump. The audio of his confession was leaked by his own son.

"We're gonna win", Trump said, after which Kennedy said, "Yeah". link

So, rfkrj knows he has no chance. But Minus thinks he could be elected? Or you're lying about liking Kennedy and hoping Democrats are dumb enough to vote for them. Because a vote for rfkjr is a vote for tЯump.

Minus: By the time Moochelle gets nominated, RFK, Jr. will have locked in the White Democrat vote. Not even their guilt-pride will turn around their votes then! Got that Derv?

Yeah, I got it. You need to start taking the Seroquelor Abilify/Aristada your doctor prescribed. No "Moochelle" will not be nominated. Nor will Michelle Obama be nominated.

Minus: ...and yours is about... oh yeah...NOT having elections.

In whatever fascist country Qtard resides in? What one is that? You're jealous? Well, that could happen soon in the US. Then you won't need to be jealous anymore.

Joe Conservative said...



Rattrapper said...

Hey Q, get some popcorn and have a big laugh. Watching "Cretin" Ichabod Derpwood bin §atan~§ander$666 getting spanked by his puppet master $atan will be quite entertaining in itself.

Rattrapper said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I will vote for Kamala Harris. My entire extended family will vote for her. We are all White.

Well, excepting the trumper cousin and her family. She is a "Christian" who hates gays and a woman's right to choose.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You're going to write her in in November? Cuz she won't be on any ballots, just ask Barack.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I'm not writing anyone in. I'm voting for the Democratic nominee for president, which will be Kamala Harris.

Anonymous said...

\\I will vote for Kamala Harris. My entire extended family will vote for her. We are all White.

Whole family of cretins???

Or just a bunch of your alter-egos you see in your delusions as your "extended family"? ;-P

\\You're going to write her in in November? Cuz she won't be on any ballots, just ask Barack.

By that time IT (and all its "extended family") will be screeching that they "ALWAYS WAS ALL PRO *CURRENT* DEMN candiate". ;-P


\\I'm not writing anyone in. I'm voting for the Democratic nominee for president, which will be Kamala Harris.

Under different name? ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

It fun to watch all the people coming out for Kamala... but wait until they see the polls and reality hits them in the face again!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

There haven't been any polls re the senile dotard/Harris matchup since Sunday. That is as per a Time article published 6 hours ago.

Joe Conservative said...

Cuz she's gotten WAY more popular recently.... @@

Did she cure cancer?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The tЯump unfavorability rating is currently 53.4 percent. His favorability went up slightly after someone shot near him and killed a person attending his rally. Apparently he coincidentally got a tiny mosquito bite on his ear at the same time. Why should that make anyone like him more? Because he smooched the victim's firefighting helmet at his convention? Was that before or after he gave his dud of an acceptance speech?

Meanwhile Kamala Harris is campaigning -- speaking strongly against the orange felon and in favor of woman's rights. Women are pissed that d0nald tЯump's fascist supЯeme court has deemed them to be second class citizens who don't have bodily autonomy. And should die instead of receiving the health care they need in a lot of cases that are gaining attention.

Vance wants battered women to take it and for raped women to be forced to bear their rapist's babies. In regards to registered voters, women edge out men, 51.1 percent versus 48.9 percent. People are aware now what a terrible decision it was not to elect Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Yet you think people are eager to repeat this mistake. I surely hope the voters aren't that dumb. If you don't like old, now you have a candidate that is considerably younger. d0nald tЯump is now the oldest candidate to ever run for office. JD Vance was a horrible choice. Nobody wants him to be predisent. Even you expressed concerns.

Joe Conservative said...

Kamala's unfavorables are at 51.8% That's within the margin of error with Trump! Her favourables are at the highest they're ever going to get, and I've a feeling that by the time of the convention, EVERYONE will be cringing at her cackling laughter.

Joe Conservative said...

Trump's 'favourables are at 42.% Kamala's? 38.8% A much bigger spread than the "Unfavourables".

Joe Conservative said...

Now throw Kennedy voters into the mix. The Democrats are toast.

Joe Conservative said...

In 2000 I voted for Ralph Nader. He took out Al Gore!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

So WHY is so much money spent on political campaigns? Because everyone's minds are completely made up and advertising has no effect? Why did tЯump sell the VP slot for 45 million a month to put someone in there who called him "America's Hitler" if he doesn't need that money?

Does he feel bad about how much money Rupert Murdoch had to shell out for lying about the election and defaming Dominion? He's going to buy a lot of ad time on Fox to reimburse Rupert, get Peter Thiel to pay?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

...Kennedy is uniquely positioned to poach from both sides. "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has two things going for him. One is a Democratically known last name, which could play to low-informed Democratic voters who are looking for an additional option beyond Biden", Republican strategist Matthew Bartlett recently told Politico. "But beyond that, he has a lot of interesting if not conspiratorial ideas, from vaccines to autism to a wide range of fringe ideas that certainly play more to the right than to the left".

...a... recent survey, by NBC News, found Biden coming from 2 points behind to lead Trump by 2 when Kennedy and two other third-party candidates were added as options — largely because 15% of respondents who initially picked Trump against Biden defected to Kennedy in the five-way matchup (vs. just 7% of those who initially chose Biden).

Elsewhere, an April CNN poll showed Kennedy with a much higher favorable rating among Trump voters (42% favorable vs. 16% unfavorable) than among Biden voters (19% favorable vs. 53% unfavorable), while a Politico analysis revealed that Kennedy has raised about twice as much money from 2020 Trump donors than from 2020 Biden donors.

Both of these data points suggest that Kennedy's candidacy might have more upside on the right than on the left. (Yahoo News June 27, 2024).

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


Biden Has 100 Million Reasons to Stay In
He can’t legally shift his campaign war chest to Harris until he’s the official Democratic nominee.


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...Kennedy is uniquely positioned to poach from both sides.

Duh... read the poll data.

Dervish Pooped Hir Thong Panties said...

I'm so angry I can cry!