Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Mo' SoJus...Please! @@

According to the American Bar Association’s 2020 Profile of the Legal Profession, the percentage of lawyers who are men and women of color – Hispanic, African American, Asian, Native American and mixed race – grew slowly over the past decade. Collectively, the number of lawyers of color grew less than 3 percentage points in the past 10 years, from 11.4% of all lawyers in 2010 to 14.1% of all lawyers in 2020, according to the ABA National Lawyer Population Survey. White men and women are still overrepresented in the legal profession compared with their presence in the overall U.S. population.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


Joe Conservative said...

66% diversity appointments when only 14% of the legal community is diverse? Sounds like a lot of legal lemons at the highest levels...

Joe Conservative said...

....all the easier to persecute political enemies with, my dear! Lawfare has become "armed and dangerous"!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Paranoid tinfoil hate nuttery.

Joe Conservative said...

THAT's SoJus all right!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I was referring to your comments.

Joe Conservative said...


Rattrapper said...

Derpy's for lawfare against all conservatives.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

White grievance whines from two out-and-proud White Supremacists.

Joe Conservative said...

The Black Power agenda... and the guilt-pride of their enablers. A perfect storm.

Joe Conservative said...

My kids and Tupac Shakur went to the same high school in Baltimore. Tupak was Panther royalty.

Joe Conservative said...


Joe Conservative said...

David Horowitz used to hang with the Panthers, too. I used to blog at his FPM Freedom Center site for a few years. His stories about the Panthers were instructive.

Joe Conservative said...

Especially vis Betty.

Joe Conservative said...

...you can ask Z over at Geeeez. She probably remember them.

Joe Conservative said...

He had some great stories about Bill Ayer's and the Weathermen, too. They did make Barack Obama into the man he is today, after all.

Joe Conservative said...

Ayer's old man ran Chicago philanthropy. He got Barack and Moochelle their jobs, and seats on cool organization with lots of money to spread around like the Ford Foundation.

Joe Conservative said...

Bill Ayer's Dad.

Joe Conservative said...

The radical Left was a pretty tight community back in the day, after all.

Joe Conservative said...

You should take some time and explore your party on deep background, Derv. It might open your eyes.

Joe Conservative said...

I blogged there as "Homer" until they started hiring "moderators" and censoring posts in the mid 2000's. Then people like me, mr. ducky, Z, Big Bubba, et al, left and started our own blogs.

Joe Conservative said...

...although mr. ducky (an honest Left radical) usually just made the rounds of our sites.

Joe Conservative said...

I owe him a lot. He taught me everything about being raised by red diaper parents and becoming part of "the New left".

Rattrapper said...

Are you referring to Dodobyrd aka Ducky's Here Joe? I noticed after his massive coronary in 2019 that he flew the coup. Is he okay?

Joe Conservative said...

Yes, mr. ducky became ducky's here... and I wish I knew what happened to him. He was a good egg.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere hates his guts. Mystere (as a fake Christian) prays for the misfortune of his "enemies". That Ducky may have had a "massive coronary" and no longer be with us brings Mystere great joy -- because he is an evil Turd.

Joe Conservative said...

He can speak for himself. Enemies seldom characterize their adversaries positions with much caritas.