Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
What Democracy Looks Like in 2024....
Carville speaking for all Democrats: "It's our Party and we kinda like where we are right now"... anti-democracy is evidently a feature, not a flaw, in this election cycle. Just ask James Carville...
James Carville - Barack Obama's Magical Cajun - Every White Man
"Suck it Up Boys... we Planned this confusion deliberately!
No, I hadn't heard. Thank you for letting me know. So many now of our former "happy gang"... gone. I sure miss those days... such good fun! Best to Warren, and Elbro, if you speak again!
BS. d0nald tRump and his White Supremacist foot soldiers attempted to END democracy on January 6, 2021.
While Democrats replaced their potus candidate with the VP, as per the Constitution.
Mystere says the US Constitution is "pig slop from the Democrats"? Bragging about how much you hate democracy and the Constitution, Mystere?
Well, after your Orange Turd Fascist leader attempted to violently overthrow a free and fair democratic election, he did call for the Constitution to be terminated.
No doubt Mystere and Minus would love to get rid of the Constitution and make d0nald tRump "president for life". The totalitarian-loving Qtard agreed too.
Your fixation on Mystere and your obsession to wipe out the Constitution the way it is and to modify it to only benefit far left communists shows up again, Assface Dervish.
I didn't say what you say I did, Mystere. d0nald tRump said he wanted to terminate the Constitution. I strongly disagree with what he called for. You have serious reading comprehension problems.
btw, you're the one obsessed with me, Mystere. You have to have someone to harass. Previously it was Lester Liberalman and Irl Hudnutt. They aren't around anymore so you've focused in on me. You are an extremely disturbed shithead. You should be kicked off Blogger and WordPress permanently for your bad behavior.
FYI, Fred Trump III says he thinks his uncle d0nald is scared and he should be. He means of Kamala Harris, who he says he is voting for. He also says he has heard his uncle use the N-word.
Minus: Derv, the day we attempt to END Democracy will be the day Democracy ends.
Politico: The leader of a conservative think tank orchestrating plans for a massive overhaul of the federal government in the event of a Republican presidential win said that the country is in the midst of a "second American Revolution" that will be bloodless "if the left allows it to be". Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts made the comments Tuesday on Steve Bannon's "War Room" podcast, adding that Republicans are "in the process of taking this country back". link
We know you want to end democracy. Your side is very vocal about it. You even published your plan.
"Critics have characterized Project 2025 as an authoritarian, Christian nationalist, plan to steer the US toward autocracy. Legal experts have said it would undermine the rule of law, separation of powers, separation of church and state, and civil liberties".
I think far more people DON'T want this than do want it. But republiturds are going to cheat and try to steal the presidency again. Then whine about Democrats cheating if they lose. I think we definitely need to prepare for fascist moron violence if/when Harris wins. And (sadly) we should be prepared to put down any fascist moron uprising with extreme prejudice.
We don't have a democracy, Derv. We have a representative Republic... and we know how you "elect" YOUR representatives... they're appointed by the elect.
Qtard: Democracy NewSpeakingly RE-TRANSLATED to mean "Democracy it's Rule of Democrats".
By YOU. As a way of expressing your extreme hate for democracy. As a lover of totalitarianism.
Qtard: Because Democrats ONLY know how to DO DEMN-OK-ratsy".
Democrats don't know anything about any "Demn-ok-ratsy". Because that's YOUR delusion. Well, I know about it. Because you babble about it incessantly. But no other Democrat does. Unless you go babbling on other blogs about your imaginary "Demn-ok-ratsy".
Qtard: DEMN-cretin spreading it's lies. AGAiN! **cretinic laughing and drooling**
Self encouragement.
Qtard: Maduro in Bolivia -- PROTECTED demn-oK-ratsy? Becvause he is one kin with you -- demn-OK-rat too.
Wikipedia says "Maduro heads an authoritarian government, and has been described as an autocrat and a dictator". He cheated to retain the presidency -- like d0nald tRump tried to do. Obviously he is anti-democracy. Also like tRump.
Minus: We don't have a democracy, Derv. We have a representative Republic... and we know how you "elect" YOUR representatives... they're appointed by the elect. ...and you are FINE with that. So why the hypocritical whining about 'democracy'?
I have a post about this topic on my "Dervish Sanders Blog". But I can't link to it because it is offline currently. Thanks to the a-hole Mystere. Maybe it was that post that Mystere reported for "hate".
I'll ask Google...
Google, is the united states a democracy?
Answer: The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves.
"You are fine with that"... no, I'm not.
Minus: ..."an institution which prevents injustice other than such as it commits itself".
What tRump and those glomming onto him are planning for a second d0tard d0nald administration? As laid out in the 900 page document known as "project 2025"?
Mystere: Don't worry, Assface Buttstink bin §atan~§ander$666. Project 2025 is your party's BIGLY plan.
Early onset dementia, also known as younger onset dementia or presenile dementia, is a general term for cognitive decline that occurs in people under the age of 65. It can affect memory, language, and cognitive skills...
\\Qtard: Democracy NewSpeakingly RE-TRANSLATED to mean "Democracy it's Rule of Democrats".
\\By YOU. As a way of expressing your extreme hate for democracy. As a lover of totalitarianism.
Yeah. More of your lame cretinic NewSpeaking.
But... no, I will not try to prevent you from saying it... because I democrat and honor Human Rights, Right of Free Speech... so, you continue-continue, DEMN-totalitarian cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Qtard: Because Democrats ONLY know how to DO DEMN-OK-ratsy".
\\Democrats don't know anything about any "Demn-ok-ratsy". Because that's YOUR delusion.
dRump -- shut, that is "my delusion"??? And not Open and Obvious to everyone FACT?
Yeah... THAT IS EXACTLY what totalitarian Commies would like -- World of Orwell.
Where people ALLOWED to remember and venerate as facts ONLY THAT what The Party and Big Brother told em.
\\Qtard: DEMN-cretin spreading it's lies. AGAiN! **cretinic laughing and drooling**
\\Self encouragement.
Again saw moniker "Qtard" and understood it as own alter-ego babbling? ;-P
\\Qtard: Maduro in Bolivia -- PROTECTED demn-oK-ratsy? Becvause he is one kin with you -- demn-OK-rat too.
\\Wikipedia says "Maduro heads an authoritarian government, and has been described as an autocrat and a dictator". He cheated to retain the presidency -- like d0nald tRump tried to do. Obviously he is anti-democracy. Also like tRump.
Aha... so dRump are socialist? And borderline Commie? ;-P
Well... Commies do call each other "autocrats and dictators" too. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))
He only tried to prevent THEIR Boliwian version of dRump to come to power. Why democrats of all world cannot unite and help each other? ;-P
\\Google, is the united states a democracy?
\\Answer: The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves.
\\"You are fine with that"... no, I'm not.
Hah... and you trying to say that you are NOT totalitarian.
While here is text that says "people govern themselves"... and what what your say to it???
That you are not happy of it.
But... continue-continue, totalitarian cretin, your self-revealing babbling. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
\\Early onset dementia, also known as younger onset dementia or presenile dementia, is a general term for cognitive decline that occurs in people under the age of 65. It can affect memory, language, and cognitive skills...
Again excerpts from own diagnosis papers? ;-P
Or... that is report about Kambala's(Captain Haggis) health? (it seems that to DEMN-rats only such a person eligible to take top office... that is borderline on dementia, yes?%^)))))))))
Qtard: because I democrat and honor Human Rights, Right of Free Speech... so, you continue-continue, DEMN-totalitarian cretin. **cretinic laughter**
NewSpeakian admission of being anti-democratic, anti-human rights and opposed to free speech.
Qtard: shut, that is "my delusion"??? And not Open and Obvious to everyone FACT?
That "shot" is spelled "shut"? Yeah, looks like it -- that is your bigly delusion. Well, I'm only guessing you're referring to the tRump false flag in which a registered republican shot near tRump.
Qtard: Yeah... THAT IS EXACTLY what totalitarian Commies would like -- World of Orwell. Where people ALLOWED to remember and venerate as facts ONLY THAT what The Party and Big Brother told em.
Naah. That is what totalitarian rightturds like you want. d0nald tRump "took a bullet for America". Or (as per you) was "shut". aka he got a tiny owie on his ear that didn't require stitches. Which was covered up (with no details being released to the public). Nothing suspicious about that **sarcasm**
Qtard: Again saw moniker "Qtard" and understood it as own alter-ego babbling? ;-P
I saw YOUR nickname "Qtard" after I typed it. And I wasn't confused at all. Given that I JUST TYPED IT. In front of YOUR words. To indicate that Qtard (YOU) wrote those words. You're the one who is bigly confused -- thinking YOUR words are words of some non-existing "alter ego" of mine.
Qtard: Aha... so dRump are socialist? And borderline Commie? ;-P Yep. He bigly believes in socialism for the rich. As all republicans do.
Qtard: Well... Commies do call each other "autocrats and dictators" too. **cretinic laughter** Because... there cannot be TWO True Commies. That's why USA democ... ehn, commies call Boliwian Democrat Maduro names.
"Boliwian"?? What's that? Bolivian? But Maduro is the president-for-life of Venezuela. You're obviously bigly confused... as always. Like your confusion about USA Democrats being "communist". Which is ridiculous.
Qtard: Why??? He only tried to prevent THEIR Boliwian version of dRump to come to power. Why democrats of all world cannot unite and help each other? ;-P
"Boliwian" again? Is that qtardese for "Venezuelan"?? Though, yes, that was terrible for Venezuelans -- they only had 2 bad candidates running for president of Venezuela (not Boliva) to chose from. A totalitarian fascist or totalitarian fake socialist.
NYT: ...in recent years, the socialist model has given way to brutal capitalism, economists say, with a small state-connected minority controlling much of the nation's wealth. link.
Qtard: Hah... and you trying to say that you are NOT totalitarian. While here is text that says "people govern themselves"... and what what your say to it??? That you are not happy of it.
BS. I said I wasn't fine (didn't use the words "not happy") with what Minus FJ wrote -- that the US isn't a democracy. I'm not fine with what Minus FJ claims because it isn't true. But words confuse you -- as always. I am happy with people governing themselves, liar.
Qtard: Yawn. But... continue-continue, totalitarian cretin, your self-revealing babbling. **cretinic laughing and drooling.
YOUR self revealing babbling. Such as "Again excerpts from own diagnosis papers?"... could very well be what your papers say. Given that you brought it up. Referring to your own experiences.
Qtard: Or... that is report about Kambala's(Captain Haggis) health? (it seems that to DEMN-rats only such a person eligible to take top office... that is borderline on dementia, yes?**Cretinic laughter**
Could be. In your delusions re this imaginary "Captain Haggis".
\\ Qtard: because I democrat and honor Human Rights, Right of Free Speech... so, you continue-continue, DEMN-totalitarian cretin. **cretinic laughter**
\\ NewSpeakian admission of being anti-democratic, anti-human rights and opposed to free speech.
Of course!
As you are NewSpeakean cretin and totalitarian liar -- it's DEMN obvious for you to see it that way. ;-P (like in all that times you: ordered me to get away from here, or when you said "I *DO* deny..." something, that is undeniable, or... well, &c, &c, &c)
\\Qtard: Yeah... THAT IS EXACTLY what totalitarian Commies would like -- World of Orwell. Where people ALLOWED to remember and venerate as facts ONLY THAT what The Party and Big Brother told em.
\\Naah. That is what totalitarian rightturds like you want.
Commie talks.
\\ aka he got a tiny owie on his ear that didn't require stitches.
Yeah... if half of his head would be blown up... and even if not killed leaved him vegitable in coma -- you DEMN-cretin would be much happier?
\\Which was covered up (with no details being released to the public).
OK, Google "Trump ear photo"
Naaah. Tough lack. They already eradicated from search tops... that photo I gave ref to here -- up close photo. In seconds from shooting.
But... you'll DEMN-splain it in a jiffy. Yes, DEMN-cretin. Because that is what DEMN propaganda now tells you to do -- to LIE like you NEVER LIED BEFORE!!!! %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I mean... of course there is nothing suspicious in that that that is DEMNs who are at fault for that attempt to kill dRump. And so now they trying so fervently to bury it under waterfalls of lies.
\\Qtard: Again saw moniker "Qtard" and understood it as own alter-ego babbling? ;-P
\\I saw YOUR nickname "Qtard" after I typed it.
Precisely what I stated.
\\And I wasn't confused at all.
Sure thing. You recognized it right away, without any doubts or suspicions. ;-p
\\Given that I JUST TYPED IT.
Yeah... SAMEBODY... but with yet another alter-ego. ;-P
\\In front of YOUR words.
Well... all question is -- and who exactly was that "YOUR" that SAMEBODY was thinking about? ;-p
Same as... WHO exactly that SAMEBODY was thinking being... in that time? ;-P
Minus? Mistere? Doctor? Some other of SAMEBODY merry bunch of crazy cretins? ;-P
\\To indicate that Qtard (YOU) wrote those words.
And what is name of that "YOU"? ;-P
For now I know only your alter-ego "Qtard". Which name you like that much, that sticking all around. ;-P
\\You're the one who is bigly confused -- thinking YOUR words are words of some non-existing "alter ego" of mine.
Of course!
Because that is not ME... that "thinking YOUR words are words of some non-existing "alter ego" of mine." -- that is evidently YOU are one who thinking that way...
because of staunch cretinity and overbroad craziness. ;-P
That's EXACTLY are the reason you placing that "Qtard" before my words... well, most of the time... but also before words of other people here... or your own words.
Because... I deduce... that is most laud voice in your head -- of that cretin "Qtard" alter-ego, you hear nearly all of the time (or, that is your own voice)
\\Qtard: Aha... so dRump are socialist? And borderline Commie? ;-P \\Yep. He bigly believes in socialism for the rich. As all republicans do.
So... Socialism is... bad thing? ;-P
\\"Boliwian"?? What's that? Bolivian? But Maduro is the president-for-life of Venezuela.
Took you so long to grasp it? ;-P
And well... how unsurprising, for such a totalitarian as you are -- to admit it being "president-for-life", that Maduro. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Like your confusion about USA Democrats being "communist". Which is ridiculous.
Why not???
They lying? Checked.
They proclaim "paradise for all humanity"? Checked.
They killing their political opponent? Checked.
And (unlike "nazis") they pretty definitely exist and kicking. In RFia. In PRCia. And other countries.
So... why there cannot be outright Commies among DEMNs, ahh???
Why they cannot be called Commies, altogether???
"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."
\\A totalitarian fascist or totalitarian fake socialist.
Commies do call other commies "fake commies".
\\NYT: ...in recent years, the socialist model has given way to brutal capitalism, economists say, with a small state-connected minority controlling much of the nation's wealth. link.
And where?
Or they same as you have problems to recall where exactly that Bolivia or Venezuela... any other country, like Shithole and Whatever. ;-P
\\BS. I said I wasn't fine (didn't use the words "not happy") with what Minus FJ wrote -- that the US isn't a democracy. I'm not fine with what Minus FJ claims because it isn't true.
Because for you only "Democracy it's Rule of Democrats" are Only True DEMN-OK-ratsy. ;-P
\\I am happy with people governing themselves, liar.
Like that people that came to Capitol on 6 January of 2020? ;-P
\\YOUR self revealing babbling. Such as "Again excerpts from own diagnosis papers?"... could very well be what your papers say.
Well.... YOU gave such quote...
but again, claiming "could very well be what your papers say".
Much confused you are. With your brain.
But... nothing biggy, continue-continue, being confused. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Because that is DEMN funny. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Qtard: Or... that is report about Kambala's(Captain Haggis) health? (it seems that to DEMN-rats only such a person eligible to take top office... that is borderline on dementia, yes?**Cretinic laughter**
\\Could be. In your delusions re this imaginary "Captain Haggis".
If it MY delusion... ;-P
how you'd be able to know that it is... imaginary? ;-P
Still smarting from getting your joebiden spanked, Dervish? My My! Who did you joebiden and anger, Dervish? Looks like you joebidened with the wrong blogger Dervish and got your joebiden spanked. Your joebidening around boomeranged back at you, getting shoved up your joebidenhole, Dervish.
Getting joebidened is a BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD THING! But at least it didn't happen to me, Mis-ter-E. And That, Is... A GOOD Thing!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
Derrrrrrrviiiiiiissssh? Oh Derrrrrrrviiiiiiissssh? Your Bigly pay day is coming! Where are you? Your grand master is looking for you. Derrrrrrrviiiiiiissssh? Oh Derrrrrrrviiiiiiissssh?. Come out, come out, wherever you are, Dervish!
Joebidenhole "Cretin" Ichabod Derpwood Assface bin §atan~§ander$666 bent his flea ridden carcass and stuck his head up his joebidenplughole to replicate the Sloppy Joes from Joe Biden's panties. Cretin loves to eat Joe Biden Burritos, Taco Jill's Bigly Joey Biden tacos, the Hunter special Joe Biden enchiladas and the specialty Sloppy Joe Whoppers made daily in Joey's panties.
Cretin's Bigly appetite has infected his microscopic flea brain with a terminal joebiden worship virus. He's in stage 5 now, past the Trump Derangement Syndrome stage.
LOL! That is hilarious, Mystere! I crack myself up.
fyi, I'm commenting now with my 2nd "Mystere" account. This is the account you can recognize due to the fact that I use a picture of my best friend as my avatar. And, YES, John Stamos and I are best buds. Don't believe me? I don't care. Go joebiden yourself.
Off topic....
Did you hear that blogger Nanc passed away around the first of the year? I just found out a few days ago.
Brain cancer, according to some checking around that Elmer's Brother did when I passed along this sad news.
No, I hadn't heard. Thank you for letting me know. So many now of our former "happy gang"... gone. I sure miss those days... such good fun! Best to Warren, and Elbro, if you speak again!
She'll be missed!
"anti-democracy is evidently a feature".
Yes. republicans are definitely opposed to democracy.
...apparently not so much as Democrats.
Thanks for the heads up AOW. She's sorely missed.
Dervish keeps slurping the pig slop from the Democrats.
Minus: ...apparently not so much as Democrats.
BS. d0nald tRump and his White Supremacist foot soldiers attempted to END democracy on January 6, 2021.
While Democrats replaced their potus candidate with the VP, as per the Constitution.
Mystere says the US Constitution is "pig slop from the Democrats"? Bragging about how much you hate democracy and the Constitution, Mystere?
Well, after your Orange Turd Fascist leader attempted to violently overthrow a free and fair democratic election, he did call for the Constitution to be terminated.
No doubt Mystere and Minus would love to get rid of the Constitution and make d0nald tRump "president for life". The totalitarian-loving Qtard agreed too.
Derv, the day we attempt to END Democracy will be the day Democracy ends.
Your fixation on Mystere and your obsession to wipe out the Constitution the way it is and to modify it to only benefit far left communists shows up again, Assface Dervish.
I didn't say what you say I did, Mystere. d0nald tRump said he wanted to terminate the Constitution. I strongly disagree with what he called for. You have serious reading comprehension problems.
btw, you're the one obsessed with me, Mystere. You have to have someone to harass. Previously it was Lester Liberalman and Irl Hudnutt. They aren't around anymore so you've focused in on me. You are an extremely disturbed shithead. You should be kicked off Blogger and WordPress permanently for your bad behavior.
FYI, Fred Trump III says he thinks his uncle d0nald is scared and he should be. He means of Kamala Harris, who he says he is voting for. He also says he has heard his uncle use the N-word.
Minus: Derv, the day we attempt to END Democracy will be the day Democracy ends.
Politico: The leader of a conservative think tank orchestrating plans for a massive overhaul of the federal government in the event of a Republican presidential win said that the country is in the midst of a "second American Revolution" that will be bloodless "if the left allows it to be". Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts made the comments Tuesday on Steve Bannon's "War Room" podcast, adding that Republicans are "in the process of taking this country back". link
We know you want to end democracy. Your side is very vocal about it. You even published your plan.
"Critics have characterized Project 2025 as an authoritarian, Christian nationalist, plan to steer the US toward autocracy. Legal experts have said it would undermine the rule of law, separation of powers, separation of church and state, and civil liberties".
I think far more people DON'T want this than do want it. But republiturds are going to cheat and try to steal the presidency again. Then whine about Democrats cheating if they lose. I think we definitely need to prepare for fascist moron violence if/when Harris wins. And (sadly) we should be prepared to put down any fascist moron uprising with extreme prejudice.
DEMN-cretin spreading it's lies. AGAiN! %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00
But, that is not problem for me... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))000
So what, cretin? Maduro in Bolivia -- PROTECTED demn-oK-ratsy? ;-P
Becvause he is one kin with you -- demn-OK-rat too. ;-P
Don't worry, Assface Buttstink bin §atan~§ander$666. Project 2025 is your party's BIGLY plan.
We don't have a democracy, Derv. We have a representative Republic... and we know how you "elect" YOUR representatives... they're appointed by the elect.
...and you are FINE with that. So why the hypocritical whining about 'democracy'?
FYI, Joe:
Thanks, AoW!
\\...and you are FINE with that. So why the hypocritical whining about 'democracy'?
Tsk-tsk-tsk... DEMN-OK-ratsy. ;-P
Democracy NewSpeakingly RE-TRANSLATED to mean "Democracy it's Rule of Democrats".
OF COURSE he'd be whining about "destroying" SUCH "democracy". ;-P Do you see any other possibility?
Because DEMN-rats through DEMN-propaganda inseminated its mind with that idea.
"Why Bwando??? It have e-le-ctro-lites!"(tm) :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Because DEMN-rats DO NOT like to loose power.
"Why Democracy??? Because Democrats ONLY know how to DO DEMN-OK-ratsy". ;-P
@AoW. I think I'm done now. Thanks for all that!
Qtard: Democracy NewSpeakingly RE-TRANSLATED to mean "Democracy it's Rule of Democrats".
By YOU. As a way of expressing your extreme hate for democracy. As a lover of totalitarianism.
Qtard: Because Democrats ONLY know how to DO DEMN-OK-ratsy".
Democrats don't know anything about any "Demn-ok-ratsy". Because that's YOUR delusion. Well, I know about it. Because you babble about it incessantly. But no other Democrat does. Unless you go babbling on other blogs about your imaginary "Demn-ok-ratsy".
On Demn-ok-ratsy...
"Muqaddimah" of Ibn Khaldun on Government: "an institution which prevents injustice other than such as it commits itself"
Qtard: DEMN-cretin spreading it's lies. AGAiN! **cretinic laughing and drooling**
Self encouragement.
Qtard: Maduro in Bolivia -- PROTECTED demn-oK-ratsy? Becvause he is one kin with you -- demn-OK-rat too.
Wikipedia says "Maduro heads an authoritarian government, and has been described as an autocrat and a dictator". He cheated to retain the presidency -- like d0nald tRump tried to do. Obviously he is anti-democracy. Also like tRump.
Minus: We don't have a democracy, Derv. We have a representative Republic... and we know how you "elect" YOUR representatives... they're appointed by the elect. ...and you are FINE with that. So why the hypocritical whining about 'democracy'?
I have a post about this topic on my "Dervish Sanders Blog". But I can't link to it because it is offline currently. Thanks to the a-hole Mystere. Maybe it was that post that Mystere reported for "hate".
I'll ask Google...
Google, is the united states a democracy?
Answer: The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves.
"You are fine with that"... no, I'm not.
Minus: ..."an institution which prevents injustice other than such as it commits itself".
What tRump and those glomming onto him are planning for a second d0tard d0nald administration? As laid out in the 900 page document known as "project 2025"?
Mystere: Don't worry, Assface Buttstink bin §atan~§ander$666. Project 2025 is your party's BIGLY plan.
Early onset dementia, also known as younger onset dementia or presenile dementia, is a general term for cognitive decline that occurs in people under the age of 65. It can affect memory, language, and cognitive skills...
\\Qtard: Democracy NewSpeakingly RE-TRANSLATED to mean "Democracy it's Rule of Democrats".
\\By YOU. As a way of expressing your extreme hate for democracy. As a lover of totalitarianism.
Yeah. More of your lame cretinic NewSpeaking.
But... no, I will not try to prevent you from saying it... because I democrat and honor Human Rights, Right of Free Speech... so, you continue-continue, DEMN-totalitarian cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Qtard: Because Democrats ONLY know how to DO DEMN-OK-ratsy".
\\Democrats don't know anything about any "Demn-ok-ratsy". Because that's YOUR delusion.
dRump -- shut, that is "my delusion"??? And not Open and Obvious to everyone FACT?
Yeah... THAT IS EXACTLY what totalitarian Commies would like -- World of Orwell.
Where people ALLOWED to remember and venerate as facts ONLY THAT what The Party and Big Brother told em.
\\Qtard: DEMN-cretin spreading it's lies. AGAiN! **cretinic laughing and drooling**
\\Self encouragement.
Again saw moniker "Qtard" and understood it as own alter-ego babbling? ;-P
\\Qtard: Maduro in Bolivia -- PROTECTED demn-oK-ratsy? Becvause he is one kin with you -- demn-OK-rat too.
\\Wikipedia says "Maduro heads an authoritarian government, and has been described as an autocrat and a dictator". He cheated to retain the presidency -- like d0nald tRump tried to do. Obviously he is anti-democracy. Also like tRump.
Aha... so dRump are socialist? And borderline Commie? ;-P
Well... Commies do call each other "autocrats and dictators" too. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))
Because... there cannot be TWO True Commies.
That's why USA democ... ehn, commies call Boliwian Democrat Maduro names.
He only tried to prevent THEIR Boliwian version of dRump to come to power. Why democrats of all world cannot unite and help each other? ;-P
\\Google, is the united states a democracy?
\\Answer: The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves.
\\"You are fine with that"... no, I'm not.
Hah... and you trying to say that you are NOT totalitarian.
While here is text that says "people govern themselves"... and what what your say to it???
That you are not happy of it.
But... continue-continue, totalitarian cretin, your self-revealing babbling. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
\\Early onset dementia, also known as younger onset dementia or presenile dementia, is a general term for cognitive decline that occurs in people under the age of 65. It can affect memory, language, and cognitive skills...
Again excerpts from own diagnosis papers? ;-P
Or... that is report about Kambala's(Captain Haggis) health? (it seems that to DEMN-rats only such a person eligible to take top office... that is borderline on dementia, yes?%^)))))))))
The United States is currrently in an abuser relationship with its' citizens. And so, Dervy doesn't want to see ANY democracy in HIS party...
As ever... yawn...
Qtard: because I democrat and honor Human Rights, Right of Free Speech... so, you continue-continue, DEMN-totalitarian cretin. **cretinic laughter**
NewSpeakian admission of being anti-democratic, anti-human rights and opposed to free speech.
Qtard: shut, that is "my delusion"??? And not Open and Obvious to everyone FACT?
That "shot" is spelled "shut"? Yeah, looks like it -- that is your bigly delusion. Well, I'm only guessing you're referring to the tRump false flag in which a registered republican shot near tRump.
Qtard: Yeah... THAT IS EXACTLY what totalitarian Commies would like -- World of Orwell. Where people ALLOWED to remember and venerate as facts ONLY THAT what The Party and Big Brother told em.
Naah. That is what totalitarian rightturds like you want. d0nald tRump "took a bullet for America". Or (as per you) was "shut". aka he got a tiny owie on his ear that didn't require stitches. Which was covered up (with no details being released to the public). Nothing suspicious about that **sarcasm**
Qtard: Again saw moniker "Qtard" and understood it as own alter-ego babbling? ;-P
I saw YOUR nickname "Qtard" after I typed it. And I wasn't confused at all. Given that I JUST TYPED IT. In front of YOUR words. To indicate that Qtard (YOU) wrote those words. You're the one who is bigly confused -- thinking YOUR words are words of some non-existing "alter ego" of mine.
Qtard: Aha... so dRump are socialist? And borderline Commie? ;-P
Yep. He bigly believes in socialism for the rich. As all republicans do.
Qtard: Well... Commies do call each other "autocrats and dictators" too. **cretinic laughter** Because... there cannot be TWO True Commies. That's why USA democ... ehn, commies call Boliwian Democrat Maduro names.
"Boliwian"?? What's that? Bolivian? But Maduro is the president-for-life of Venezuela. You're obviously bigly confused... as always. Like your confusion about USA Democrats being "communist". Which is ridiculous.
Qtard: Why??? He only tried to prevent THEIR Boliwian version of dRump to come to power. Why democrats of all world cannot unite and help each other? ;-P
"Boliwian" again? Is that qtardese for "Venezuelan"?? Though, yes, that was terrible for Venezuelans -- they only had 2 bad candidates running for president of Venezuela (not Boliva) to chose from. A totalitarian fascist or totalitarian fake socialist.
NYT: ...in recent years, the socialist model has given way to brutal capitalism, economists say, with a small state-connected minority controlling much of the nation's wealth. link.
Qtard: Hah... and you trying to say that you are NOT totalitarian. While here is text that says "people govern themselves"... and what what your say to it??? That you are not happy of it.
BS. I said I wasn't fine (didn't use the words "not happy") with what Minus FJ wrote -- that the US isn't a democracy. I'm not fine with what Minus FJ claims because it isn't true. But words confuse you -- as always. I am happy with people governing themselves, liar.
Qtard: Yawn. But... continue-continue, totalitarian cretin, your self-revealing babbling. **cretinic laughing and drooling.
YOUR self revealing babbling. Such as "Again excerpts from own diagnosis papers?"... could very well be what your papers say. Given that you brought it up. Referring to your own experiences.
Qtard: Or... that is report about Kambala's(Captain Haggis) health? (it seems that to DEMN-rats only such a person eligible to take top office... that is borderline on dementia, yes?**Cretinic laughter**
Could be. In your delusions re this imaginary "Captain Haggis".
\\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
\\ Qtard: because I democrat and honor Human Rights, Right of Free Speech... so, you continue-continue, DEMN-totalitarian cretin. **cretinic laughter**
\\ NewSpeakian admission of being anti-democratic, anti-human rights and opposed to free speech.
Of course!
As you are NewSpeakean cretin and totalitarian liar -- it's DEMN obvious for you to see it that way. ;-P (like in all that times you: ordered me to get away from here, or when you said "I *DO* deny..." something, that is undeniable, or... well, &c, &c, &c)
But... continue-continue, demonstrate self-revealing cretinity. :-))))))))))))))))))))
\\That "shot" is spelled "shut"?
verb: shut; 3rd person present: shuts; past tense: shut; past participle: shut; gerund or present participle: shutting
2. make (something) unavailable for business or service, either permanently or until due to be open again.
"we shut the shop for lunch"
OR... my example "shut your DEMN mouth up". ;-P
\\Qtard: Yeah... THAT IS EXACTLY what totalitarian Commies would like -- World of Orwell. Where people ALLOWED to remember and venerate as facts ONLY THAT what The Party and Big Brother told em.
\\Naah. That is what totalitarian rightturds like you want.
Commie talks.
\\ aka he got a tiny owie on his ear that didn't require stitches.
Yeah... if half of his head would be blown up... and even if not killed leaved him vegitable in coma -- you DEMN-cretin would be much happier?
\\Which was covered up (with no details being released to the public).
OK, Google "Trump ear photo"
Naaah. Tough lack. They already eradicated from search tops... that photo I gave ref to here -- up close photo. In seconds from shooting.
And even Bing are full of conspirologic crap now.
But still... here it is
But... you'll DEMN-splain it in a jiffy. Yes, DEMN-cretin. Because that is what DEMN propaganda now tells you to do -- to LIE like you NEVER LIED BEFORE!!!! %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Nothing suspicious about that **sarcasm**
What a witty and to the point remark. ;-P
I mean... of course there is nothing suspicious in that that that is DEMNs who are at fault for that attempt to kill dRump. And so now they trying so fervently to bury it under waterfalls of lies.
\\Qtard: Again saw moniker "Qtard" and understood it as own alter-ego babbling? ;-P
\\I saw YOUR nickname "Qtard" after I typed it.
Precisely what I stated.
\\And I wasn't confused at all.
Sure thing. You recognized it right away, without any doubts or suspicions. ;-p
\\Given that I JUST TYPED IT.
Yeah... SAMEBODY... but with yet another alter-ego. ;-P
\\In front of YOUR words.
Well... all question is -- and who exactly was that "YOUR" that SAMEBODY was thinking about? ;-p
Same as... WHO exactly that SAMEBODY was thinking being... in that time? ;-P
Minus? Mistere? Doctor? Some other of SAMEBODY merry bunch of crazy cretins? ;-P
\\To indicate that Qtard (YOU) wrote those words.
And what is name of that "YOU"? ;-P
For now I know only your alter-ego "Qtard". Which name you like that much, that sticking all around. ;-P
\\You're the one who is bigly confused -- thinking YOUR words are words of some non-existing "alter ego" of mine.
Of course!
Because that is not ME... that "thinking YOUR words are words of some non-existing "alter ego" of mine." -- that is evidently YOU are one who thinking that way...
because of staunch cretinity and overbroad craziness. ;-P
That's EXACTLY are the reason you placing that "Qtard" before my words... well, most of the time... but also before words of other people here... or your own words.
Because... I deduce... that is most laud voice in your head -- of that cretin "Qtard" alter-ego, you hear nearly all of the time (or, that is your own voice)
That's why you seeing it everywhere?
Am I right, Qtard? ;-P
Dervish joebidened his panties again.
\\Qtard: Aha... so dRump are socialist? And borderline Commie? ;-P
\\Yep. He bigly believes in socialism for the rich. As all republicans do.
So... Socialism is... bad thing? ;-P
\\"Boliwian"?? What's that? Bolivian? But Maduro is the president-for-life of Venezuela.
Took you so long to grasp it? ;-P
And well... how unsurprising, for such a totalitarian as you are -- to admit it being "president-for-life", that Maduro. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Like your confusion about USA Democrats being "communist". Which is ridiculous.
Why not???
They lying? Checked.
They proclaim "paradise for all humanity"? Checked.
They killing their political opponent? Checked.
And (unlike "nazis") they pretty definitely exist and kicking. In RFia. In PRCia. And other countries.
So... why there cannot be outright Commies among DEMNs, ahh???
Why they cannot be called Commies, altogether???
"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."
🔺Dervish just described himself🔺
\\A totalitarian fascist or totalitarian fake socialist.
Commies do call other commies "fake commies".
\\NYT: ...in recent years, the socialist model has given way to brutal capitalism, economists say, with a small state-connected minority controlling much of the nation's wealth. link.
And where?
Or they same as you have problems to recall where exactly that Bolivia or Venezuela... any other country, like Shithole and Whatever. ;-P
\\BS. I said I wasn't fine (didn't use the words "not happy") with what Minus FJ wrote -- that the US isn't a democracy. I'm not fine with what Minus FJ claims because it isn't true.
Because for you only "Democracy it's Rule of Democrats" are Only True DEMN-OK-ratsy. ;-P
\\I am happy with people governing themselves, liar.
Like that people that came to Capitol on 6 January of 2020? ;-P
\\YOUR self revealing babbling. Such as "Again excerpts from own diagnosis papers?"... could very well be what your papers say.
Well.... YOU gave such quote...
but again, claiming "could very well be what your papers say".
Much confused you are. With your brain.
But... nothing biggy, continue-continue, being confused. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Because that is DEMN funny. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Qtard: Or... that is report about Kambala's(Captain Haggis) health? (it seems that to DEMN-rats only such a person eligible to take top office... that is borderline on dementia, yes?**Cretinic laughter**
\\Could be. In your delusions re this imaginary "Captain Haggis".
If it MY delusion... ;-P
how you'd be able to know that it is... imaginary? ;-P
Here it is.
In ALL details.
But... DEMN-cretin will be screaming "it all republiturds lies".
Still smarting from getting your joebiden spanked, Dervish? My My! Who did you joebiden and anger, Dervish? Looks like you joebidened with the wrong blogger Dervish and got your joebiden spanked. Your joebidening around boomeranged back at you, getting shoved up your joebidenhole, Dervish.
Getting joebidened is a BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD THING! But at least it didn't happen to me, Mis-ter-E. And That, Is... A GOOD Thing!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
Derrrrrrrviiiiiiissssh? Oh Derrrrrrrviiiiiiissssh? Your Bigly pay day is coming! Where are you? Your grand master is looking for you. Derrrrrrrviiiiiiissssh? Oh Derrrrrrrviiiiiiissssh?. Come out, come out, wherever you are, Dervish!
Joebidenhole "Cretin" Ichabod Derpwood Assface bin §atan~§ander$666 bent his flea ridden carcass and stuck his head up his joebidenplughole to replicate the Sloppy Joes from Joe Biden's panties. Cretin loves to eat Joe Biden Burritos, Taco Jill's Bigly Joey Biden tacos, the Hunter special Joe Biden enchiladas and the specialty Sloppy Joe Whoppers made daily in Joey's panties.
Cretin's Bigly appetite has infected his microscopic flea brain with a terminal joebiden worship virus. He's in stage 5 now, past the Trump Derangement Syndrome stage.
LOL! That is hilarious, Mystere! I crack myself up.
fyi, I'm commenting now with my 2nd "Mystere" account. This is the account you can recognize due to the fact that I use a picture of my best friend as my avatar. And, YES, John Stamos and I are best buds. Don't believe me? I don't care. Go joebiden yourself.
Did you say something, Derpwood?
Dervish keeps playing with fire.
Dervish wants to terminate the Constitution.
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