From Iowa Public Radio news:A proposed CO2 pipeline project spanning five states has moved one step closer to reality. The Iowa Utilities Board unanimously approved Summit Carbon Solutions’ application for a permit to construct, operate and maintain a carbon sequestration pipeline through 29 counties in the state. The IUB said Summit met the requirements of Iowa Code and that the “public benefits of the project outweigh the private and public costs.”To bolster its case, the article quotes Iowa Renewable Fuels Executive Director Monte Shaw: “Whether you think it’s smart or silly, the world’s largest airlines want to decarbonize their fuel. Carbon capture and sequestration gets Iowa ethanol into that market, potentially providing a generational boost to Iowa’s economy.”
Sounds like when our mothers, responding to our youthful desire to do something stupid, would say “so if your neighbor jumps in the lake in the middle of winter, are you going to jump in too?” Understandably, Mr. Shaw acknowledges in so many words that if the government is throwing all this money around, Iowa may as well get its share of the booty.
Last year around this time, the selfsame Summit Carbon Solutions filed 80 similar eminent domain lawsuits against South Dakota farmers.
Aside from the “public benefit” of tapping into (free!) taxpayer money, what manner of legerdemain is required to conclude that the Pros of traversing pipelines through five midwestern states to connect 57 ethanol plants (30 in Iowa) to capture, transport, and ultimately bury the CO2 from those plants in a North Dakota burial ground thousands of feet below the surface, outweigh the Cons, of which there are a few?
To wit:-Many farmers are incensed at having their private land appropriated and torn up to accommodate the pipelines, and they have vowed to appeal and fight the court orders to the bitter end.One would be crazy not to believe that these grandiose carbon pipelines will be stupid expensive and potentially hazardous to the environment. This project is likely immersed in a prolonged “research phase” that would extend well past the “implementation phase.”
-The underlying assumption that CO2 is an evil, existential threat to the planet is absurd. At a mere 0.042 percent of the atmosphere (420 ppm), CO2 is a trace molecule. Scientists assert that plants require a minimum of 350 ppm to curate (to employ a strangely in-vogue term) the very oxygen we breathe, and that rock formations from prior geologic eras demonstrate that a diverse, thriving biosphere enjoyed a CO2 concentration in the thousands of ppm. Deep ice cores comparing temperature with CO2 levels reveal that CO2 levels trail, not lead, climate change by 100 or more years, and that solar activity, when graphed alongside changes in temperature, provides the best correlation between climate change and any other outside influence.
-The plan requires “capturing” carbon dioxide in liquid-based solvents and materials, which would then be transported through pipelines. A ScienceDirect article titled “Recent advances in carbon dioxide capture and utilization with amines and ionic liquids” discusses the various methods in use and under development, and compares their advantages and disadvantages. Amine solvents such as MEA, MDEA, DEA, AMP, PZ, etc. seem to be most commonly used. Essentially, the tradeoffs are quick absorption and high recycling energy consumption vs slow absorption and lower energy consumption. The downsides to these solvents involve corrosion and toxicity. As the article is focused on the chemistry of these processes, it fails to address any of the associated costs involved, or any degree of possible environmental damage caused by these solvents.
Inertia, like atrophy, is a powerful force in nature. Barring a tectonic shift in the social and political landscape, Ethanol is Forever; no amount of rational argument can foreseeably cause its demise. The same will be true of this carbon capture mania unless it can be stopped in its tracks. That goal, however, is within reach. Iowa -- a state that prides itself on conservatism -- is at the epicenter of this fight that’s being waged in the midwestern farm states. Iowa’s Republican party controls the offices of the governor, secretary of state, attorney general, as well as both chambers of the state legislature. Surely the state can look after the welfare of its farm communities without succumbing to these divisive, destructive, and utterly pointless monstrosities.
Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland

Saturday, July 6, 2024
Deranged Environmentalism from MAD Magazine's "Snappy Answers to Stupid Environmental Questions" file
John M. Contino, "Iowa farmers fight the CO2 pipeline"
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F*ck the environment. I say we should destroy it. MAGA!!
Environmental conservation isn't crazed extremism focused like a laser on meaningless CO2 levels.
The current levels are rising in comparison to...the ICE AGE!
Of course. "Global warming" is a libtard hoax. Just like covid, rampant White Supremacy, Russian collusion, the "insurrection", transqueers, etc. Libtards are always trying to hoax us. The SMART people see right through these hoaxes. Smart people like Joe and myself :)
Dumb people like "cretin" fall for the hoaxes every time.
You're right faux Mystere. We could never catch you libtards at the game, cuz we never write any history down... @@
Are you done exposing yourself for the fool you really are, Dervish? Pull your pants back up and cover your face, Dervish.
Mystere: Are you done exposing yourself for the fool you really are, Dervish? Pull your pants back up and cover your face, Dervish.
That's what you do with every blog post and comment you write, Mystere. Mystere runs around pantless online 100 percent of the time. Either in his "gay thong panties" or completely nude down below.
The Dunning-Kruger effect = Mystere.
As for writing things down, that is how we know that "the combined land and ocean temperature has increased at an average rate of 0.11° Fahrenheit (0.06° Celsius) per decade since 1850, or about 2° F in total [and that] the rate of warming since 1982 is more than three times as fast: 0.36° F (0.20° C) per decade". That is as per NOAA's 2023 Annual Climate Report.
] the rate of warming since 1982 is more than three times as fast: 0.36° F (0.20° C) per decade". That is as per NOAA's 2023 Annual Climate Report.
Adjusted? Or Un-Adjusted?
The alterations started around 25 years ago with small adjustments averaging 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit. These adjustments have reportedly become much larger in recent years, with a marked acceleration post-1990.
1/2 a degree in average adjustments a year... for 40 years... is 20F in "adjustments" Derv... 10x your 2F growth number.
Cretin DUNNO even Arithmetic.
Are you surprised, Joe? ;-)
\\As for writing things down, that is how we know that "the combined land and ocean temperature has increased at an average rate of 0.11° Fahrenheit (0.06° Celsius) per decade since 1850, or about 2° F in total [and that] the rate of warming since 1982 is more than three times as fast: 0.36° F (0.20° C) per decade". That is as per NOAA's 2023 Annual Climate Report.
Because we living in interglacial period. ;-P
An interglacial period (or alternatively interglacial, interglaciation) is a geological interval of warmer global average temperature lasting thousands of years that separates consecutive glacial periods within an ice age. >>>>The current Holocene interglacial began at the end of the Pleistocene, about 11,700 years ago.<<<<
Interglacial - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Interglacial
And that is PERFECTLY SCIENTIFICAL -- means, confirmed from many-many different sources and scientific facts collected.
Unlike "Boo, Climate Cha-a-a-ange". ;-P
But you are DEMN-cretin.
That's why you supporting absolutely unscientific and reaking of nazi-totalitarian BS ideas.
And OPPOSE scientifc FACTS.
Minus: Adjusted? Or Un-Adjusted?
Question: Does data processing make temperature data warmer?
Answer: No. Almost half of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) corrected data are cooler than the original records. NOAA's corrections of temperatures over the ocean -- done to compensate for changes in methods of observing the temperature of water at the surface of the ocean -- reduced the warming trend in global temperature.
Qtard: Cretin DUNNO even Arithmetic. Yawn. Are you surprised, Joe?
Naah. I'm not surprised you dunno arithmetic. I am surprised you'd admit it, though.
Qtard: Because we living in interglacial period.
Question: How is the current global warming trend different from previous warming periods in Earth's history?
Answer: Today's global warming is happening at a much faster rate today than it did in the warm periods between ice ages over the last million years. The transition from the last ice age to the current interglacial period is estimated to have spanned 5,000 years. Humans could witness the same magnitude of global warming within a span of about 110 years. In other words, if our world warms by as much as 7°F (4.1°C) from 1990 to 2100, as some climate models project could happen, then that warming rate is about 45 times faster than the warming Earth experienced when it emerged from the last ice age. link
Qtard: But you are DEMN-cretin. That's why you supporting absolutely unscientific and reaking of nazi-totalitarian BS ideas. And OPPOSE scientifc FACTS.
Your alter ego "DEMN-cretin"?
\\Answer: No. Almost half of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) corrected data are cooler than the original records. NOAA's corrections of temperatures over the ocean -- done to compensate for changes in methods of observing the temperature of water at the surface of the ocean -- reduced the warming trend in global temperature.
And who said? ;-P
\\Qtard: Cretin DUNNO even Arithmetic. Yawn. Are you surprised, Joe?
\\Naah. I'm not surprised you dunno arithmetic. I am surprised you'd admit it, though.
Yeah... YOUR TEXT was discussed. But... somehow... that is MY WORDS and MY confession. :-))))))))))))))))))))
But... continue-continue, cretin, that cretinicly thinking that such a cretinic retorts can make any good to it... instead of confirming dull and definite cretinity, of a cretin. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00
\\Qtard: Because we living in interglacial period.
And what you tried to refer to???? %^))))))))))))))))))))))
It leads to THIS same thread. ;-P
\\Answer: Today's global warming is happening at a much faster rate today than it did in the warm periods between ice ages over the last million years.
So what??? ;-P
\\as some climate models project could happen, then that warming rate is about 45 times faster than the warming Earth experienced when it emerged from the last ice age. link
And how good was predictions of that "some climate models" previously? ;-)
Like... what was PREDICTIONS in 90th... about OUR TIMES here and now? ;-P
What about Hokey Stick?
Hockey stick graph (global temperature)
Wikipedia › wiki › Hockey_stick_graph_(...
Hockey stick graphs present the global or hemispherical mean temperature record of the past 500 to 2000 years as shown by quantitative climate ...
What about Al Gore movie? ;-P
An Inconvenient Truth is a 2006 American documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim about former United States Vice President Al Gore's campaign to educate people about global warming. The film features a slide show that, by Gore's own estimate, he has presented over 1,000 times to audiences worldwide.
An Inconvenient Truth - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › An_Inconvenient_Truth
Isn't message was "Vote DEMNs... or WE ALL DIE!!!!! from Climate Cha-a-a-a-ange"???? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
And now it just "Vote DEMNs... or WE ALL DIE!!!! from dRump-Totalitarian". ;-P
\\Qtard: But you are DEMN-cretin. That's why you supporting absolutely unscientific and reaking of nazi-totalitarian BS ideas. And OPPOSE scientifc FACTS.
\\Your alter ego "DEMN-cretin"?
What a lame cretinic try. ;-P
But... you are cretin not for nothing.
So... continue-continue, cretin. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00
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