Thursday, July 4, 2024

Why the Mooch Will Be President of the US Come 2025?

Popularity + Ballot Harvesting Operation = Electoral Victory
Michelle 11% Ahead in Head-to-Head Polls
Barrack LOVES it when a Plan Comes Together!  Imagine the Down-Ballot Coat Tails...


Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club said...

Good one Joe! I love you!!

Joe Conservative said...

Hope springs eternal amongst Democrats...

Joe Conservative said...

...and then we CRUSH it! ;)

Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club said...

Believe, Obey, Fight!

Joe Conservative said...

I prefer De-MONSTRATIONS. But I always was a more acta non verba type. ;)

Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club said...

Heil Herr Trump! Donald Trump's SUPREME court has confirmed Führer Trump will rule with ultimate power! President Trump's First Acta as Führer will be to deport the Beaners and RagHeads who are poisoning the blood of America.

Joe Conservative said...

...that IS the hyperbole of the Democrats, all right!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Liar. Those are donald tRump's own words.

Anonymous said...

As ever. No vid. No even FACTUAL sound recording.

Only torn out of context "quotes".

Facing criticism for repeatedly harnessing rhetoric once used by Adolf Hitler to argue that immigrants entering the U.S. illegally are “poisoning the blood of our country,”


I found that vid.

With few seconds of googling.

And that THEY “poisoning the blood of our country,” -- clearly and obviously was not about immigrants... but about DEMN politics.


Joe Conservative said...

Liar, I affirmed how Democrats were characterizing Trump... hyperbolizing with zero caritas.

Rattrapper said...

Says Dervish the lying puppet of Satan.

Rattrapper said...

And swat Dervish the puppet of Satan.

Rattrapper said...

Says the spirit of Hitler through the carcass of Dervish Sanders.

Rattrapper said...

Uh oh! Dervish farted!

Rattrapper said...

Smelly Shelley BIGLY Mikey won't be the clown show drag queen. It'll be Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie.