Sunday, July 21, 2024

The MSM Changes the Subject from the Trump Shooting and RNC Convention to Woman Power!

Narrative Control, We've got Bleeding Polling Data Against the Democratic Party Agenda, I recommend that we Change the Narrative, Over.

Roger  that Polling Data.  We' just Implemented the Biden Drop-Out Narrative, so its' Time for everyone to go FULL out on the Woman Power Narrative!  Please Advise with future Polling Data when we Need to Implement the Plan B Black/ Trans Woman Candidate Narrative.  Over and Out!
She'll make a great Attorney General in the next Michelle Obama Administration!
Somebody needs to Save the Country from Trump & MAGA for Democracy's Sake, and if NOT the USIC, then who?  
Вперед Україно! Слава Україні!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I know I've had enough of the mosquito bite / huge bandage prop / God himself saved tЯump narrative. The old man who is senile can't run on the other candidate being the one who is "really" the senile old man anymore. At least. Though now the misogynist and racist attacks will be ramped up. You STILL think the Democratic potus candidate is going to be Michelle Obama somehow? Everyone is falling in line behind Harris. She will be the nominee, as I said. If not Biden then Harris. She won the primary, as a vote for Biden was a vote for Harris.

Forced out by the Democrat elites and donors is what I heard. The funding was flowing. Why we need public financing of elections. Donors shouldn't be choosing the candidate. On the other side Thiel and Musk purchased the VP slot. That's great by you?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Correction: The funding to the Biden/Harris campaign stopped flowing. The donors are happy now and will resume giving.

While (on the other side) Musk is donating $45 million a month re his purchase of the VP slot aka the successor to the presidency slot. Bigly bucks to get their tool in place. They hope. To enact their project 2025 agenda -- which donald doesn't know much about and has said aspects of are extreme -- his words.

Quote: Right-wing figures have reacted to Donald Trump distancing himself from Project 2025 after he called the controversial policy proposals "radical", and "seriously extreme". Source: NewsWeek.

Joe Conservative said...

Kennedy 2024!

Joe Conservative said...

...or SHUT UP and fall in line, peasant!

Dervish Sanders Wet His Pants said...

Dervish farted.

Dervish Sanders Wet His Pants said...

Dervish soiled his pants

Anonymous said...

And how fast cretin pivoted on its cretinic "Bi-den Bi-bi-best Pi-pi-pi-resident". ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

The funding to the Biden/Harris campaign stopped flowing. The donors are happy now and will resume giving.

So what's that tell you about "who" is in control?

Anonymous said...


Totalitarian CRETINS.

And that's what THAT one likes. The most. ;-P

Anonymous said...


Joe Conservative said...

No worryies, Kamala's "catfishing" for the DNC donors now. They'll extract every penny they can up until the moment they switch candidates, and then fleece them again!

Joe Conservative said...'s ALWAYS all about the Benjamins!

Rattrapper said...


Pass the popcorn please!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: No worryies, Kamala's "catfishing" for the DNC donors now. They'll extract every penny they can up until the moment they switch candidates, and then fleece them again!

That is against campaign finance rules. Money raised by one campaign can't be transferred to another. That is why the nominee must be Harris. Michelle Obama can't enter the race with no money and win against Musk's 45 million a month.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"Rules..." LOLs!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"Foreigners can't donate to Campaigns...." BWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

For Sale... Presidential Campaign money laundering machine... only used 1 billion times... Cheap!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: And how fast cretin pivoted on its cretinic "Bi-den Bi-bi-best Pi-pi-pi-resident". ;-P

Gibberish. I was going to guess what you're babbling about, but decided against it. Something about you pivoting from one thing to another and the imaginary "Bi-den". I just don't give a sh!t.

Anonymous said...


For at least, cretin tried to use IT's cretinity as excuse, for good.

But... conntinue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0000