Naaaah, it can't be Ichabod Derpwood bin §atan~§ander$666. Even that sniper is just slightly smarter than xe is. It's another one of Shenehneh's Boston Piggy slop piglets.
Dervy had posted this... but I'm not sure why the comment doesn't show... it's not in spam...
Paul Pelosi was hurt far worse by the trumper who tried to assassinate him with a hammer. Yet tRump himself repeated the absurd lie about the assassin being a gay lefty who was hired by Nancy Pelosi to have sex with her husband.
I posted that too, Dervy. And please, the guy was no "trumper".
Dervy posted this too, but it's not in spam and I have no idea why his comments aren't posting... maybe you should try another thread, cuz this one ain't working...
Russell Brand = tRump propagandist. PS -- I wrote my comment above, then watched his propaganda video. He says he is going to the RNC convention? This Turd should be barred from entry into the US. Not for his abhorrent political views, but because he is a raper.
Minus: I'm sure the shooter was simply trying to "save democracy" from the coming "orange man dictatorship".
Of course you are "sure". You're also sure about the Paul Pelosi conspiracy theory too, aren't you. tRump repeated the conspiracy theories and joked about a man being attacked with a hammer.
The Hill: "Wow, it's weird things going on in that household in the last couple of weeks", Trump said during an appearance on the "Chris Stigall Show". "The glass it seems was broken from the inside to the out, so it wasn’t a break-in, it was a break-out". link
Mystere bigly believes that the trumper DePape was actually a Leftist and was hired by Nancy Pelosi to have gay sex with her husband.
Minus: Perhaps their "rules of engagement" weren't quite what they should have been.
Secret Service = trumpers.
"Senior Secret Service official Tony Ornato served as a political adviser during former President Donald Trump's administration".
Maybe the Secret Service didn't take out the shooter before he opened fire because they were in on the fake "assassination attempt"?
I'm "sure" the shooter was trying to "save democracy" from the "Bi-den dictatorship" by helping Secret Service trumpers stage a false flag.
That kid sure was a good shot then. He must be the Robin Hood/ William Tell class of marksmen. That he would give his life, and kill some crowd members to make it more convincing... shows his dedication to the "Trumpian" cause!
Cuz I can barely hit the black of the target from 100 yards, let alone 130. And a moving one? It took me 6 shots to take down a wild pig on the run at about 80.
Minus: That kid sure was a good shot then. He must be the Robin Hood/ William Tell class of marksmen.
Naah. tRump wasn't shot at all. He put his hand to his ear and broke a blood pack. Then a Secret Service member injured tRump's ear when they had him on the ground.
AP: The man accused of breaking into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's California home and severely beating her husband with a hammer appears to have made racist and often rambling posts online, including some that questioned the results of the 2020 election, defended former President Donald Trump and echoed QAnon conspiracy theories. 10/29/2022.
As per what I'm seeing on the news right now, Thomas Matthew Crooks is a registered republican.
Mystere: Naaaah, it can't be Ichabod Derpwood bin §atan~§ander$666.
Of course not. No such person exists. Additionally, special characters (like you used to name this imaginary person) are generally not allowed on birth certificates. So no such person COULD have that as their legal name, Mystere.
Me: Is it allowed in the United States for a parent to give their child a legal name that includes numbers?
Copilot AI: In the United States, naming laws vary by state, but there are some general guidelines. While parents have considerable freedom in choosing their child's name, there are restrictions. For instance -- Numerical digits are prohibited in several states. Names cannot include obscenities, non-English characters, symbols, or accents.
btw, I will confirm that I wrote and submitted that comment as reposted by Minus. Unlike the a-hole Mystere, Minus doesn't fake comments. Although (definitely like Mystere) he has multiple Blogger accounts. Although (unlike the Turd Mystere) Minus doesn't deny using multiple Blogger accounts.
Minus: Are we sure the gunman wasn't dervish? ;) He certainly has the TDS pre-requisite.
The gunman was killed. I'm still alive. Proven by me commenting here. And I don't have TDS. I have TES (tRump enragement syndrome). It isn't "deranged" in the least to be enraged by the evil Turd donald tRump. What is deranged is to NOT be enraged by the horrible Turd donald tRump's actions on the political stage (and off -- raping, sexually assaulting, running scam charities and fake universities, etc).
Minus and Mystere both have TDS. I don't know which of the two is more deranged. I'll go with Mystere, given his totally deranged belief that donald tRump will return to the White House (as per fake profit$) because he is "God's chosen leader".
btw - What's that line across Trump's ear then? Signs of a cosmetic operation for concealing a Hollywood blood-pack to make the hit seam more convincing?
It wasn't in the film before the attack... that DJT must have a GREAT make-up artist. The Orange spray-on tan and combover certainly confirm it. I think even Biden's using him now.
Mystere: You should be worried about your fate by attacking prophets, Ichabod.
This "Ichabod" also has correctly deduced that the prophet$ you listen to are liars? Well, that's not a tough one. It is actually very easy to see they are lying hucksters.
Mystere: You keep poking God Almighty in the Eye with your retorts.
Impossible. I can't "keep" doing something I have never done. Not even once. You, on the other hand, pook God in his eyes constantly.
Minus: ...and at the time the comment was made, you hadn't posted yet, so yes, you could only actually be the missing grassy knoll gunman.
The "grassy knoll gunman" was CIA agent Bernard Barker. So that supports the theory that this was a false flag. If a CIA tRumper was in on the plot to fake-assassinate donald tRump -- or, it could be an ex-CIA tRumper. Though, if there is a "missing grassy knoll gunman", the person is likely a Secret Service tRumper.
Mystere: Mystere and I believe prophets because prophets tell us what God is saying.
The prophet$ you listen to are frauds. They do NOT tell you what God is saying. God never said that the horrible orange Turd donald tRump is his "chosen leader".
Also... why do you write "Mystere and I" when YOU ARE MYSTERE? "Rattrapper" is a Mystere account. You aren't two different people. Though maybe you think you are? Because you (and not me) have a split personality.
Minus: It was just a stupid 20 year old... brainwashed by the MSM and needing to "save democracy"..
BS. They found no notes, no manifesto and no online babblings. Maybe something will turn up. But right now his motivations are NOT known. And he DEFINITELY did not save democracy. He did the tRump campaign a bigly favor.
seminar on the Ethics of Psychoanalysis, Lacan elaborates the distinction between two types of the contemporary intellectual, the fool and the knave: The 'fool' is an innocent, a simpleton, but truths issue from his mouth that are not simply tolerated, but adopted by virtue of the fact that this 'fool' is sometimes clothed in the insignia of the jester. And in my view it is a similar happy shadow, a similar fundamental 'foolery', that accounts for the importance of the left wing intellectual.
And I contract this with the designation for that which the same tradition furnishes a strictly contemporary term, a term that is used in conjunction with the former, namely, 'knave'... He's not a cynic with the element of heroism implied by that attitude. He is, to be precise, what Stendhal called an 'unmitigated scoundrel'. That is to say, no more than your Mr. Everyman, but your Mr. everyman with greater strength of character.
Davey DePape was a Pelosi gay love slave for Paulie's closet queerness. After all, why would Paulie be undressed to his underwear while hanging out with his boy toy DePape? DePape was paid for by Nanshee to be Paulie's boy toy while she was gone.
Dervish got spooked!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
Are we sure the gunman wasn't dervish? ;) He certainly has the TDS pre-requisite.
Naaaah, it can't be Ichabod Derpwood bin §atan~§ander$666. Even that sniper is just slightly smarter than xe is. It's another one of Shenehneh's Boston Piggy slop piglets.
It was just a stupid 20 year old... brainwashed by the MSM and needing to "save democracy"...
Dervy had posted this... but I'm not sure why the comment doesn't show... it's not in spam...
Paul Pelosi was hurt far worse by the trumper who tried to assassinate him with a hammer. Yet tRump himself repeated the absurd lie about the assassin being a gay lefty who was hired by Nancy Pelosi to have sex with her husband.
I posted that too, Dervy. And please, the guy was no "trumper".
It could have been a longer comment, but that's all I could retrieve of it.
He was a Canadian "illegal" nutjob who overstayed his Visa.
...and probably LOVED living in the "sanctuary city" of San Francisco.
Anyone else see the "irony"?
Dervy posted this too, but it's not in spam and I have no idea why his comments aren't posting... maybe you should try another thread, cuz this one ain't working...
Russell Brand = tRump propagandist. PS -- I wrote my comment above, then watched his propaganda video. He says he is going to the RNC convention? This Turd should be barred from entry into the US. Not for his abhorrent political views, but because he is a raper.
Minus: I'm sure the shooter was simply trying to "save democracy" from the coming "orange man dictatorship".
Of course you are "sure". You're also sure about the Paul Pelosi conspiracy theory too, aren't you. tRump repeated the conspiracy theories and joked about a man being attacked with a hammer.
The Hill: "Wow, it's weird things going on in that household in the last couple of weeks", Trump said during an appearance on the "Chris Stigall Show". "The glass it seems was broken from the inside to the out, so it wasn’t a break-in, it was a break-out". link
Mystere bigly believes that the trumper DePape was actually a Leftist and was hired by Nancy Pelosi to have gay sex with her husband.
Minus: Perhaps their "rules of engagement" weren't quite what they should have been.
Secret Service = trumpers.
"Senior Secret Service official Tony Ornato served as a political adviser during former President Donald Trump's administration".
Maybe the Secret Service didn't take out the shooter before he opened fire because they were in on the fake "assassination attempt"?
I'm "sure" the shooter was trying to "save democracy" from the "Bi-den dictatorship" by helping Secret Service trumpers stage a false flag.
That kid sure was a good shot then. He must be the Robin Hood/ William Tell class of marksmen. That he would give his life, and kill some crowd members to make it more convincing... shows his dedication to the "Trumpian" cause!
Cuz I can barely hit the black of the target from 100 yards, let alone 130. And a moving one? It took me 6 shots to take down a wild pig on the run at about 80.
Minus: That kid sure was a good shot then. He must be the Robin Hood/ William Tell class of marksmen.
Naah. tRump wasn't shot at all. He put his hand to his ear and broke a blood pack. Then a Secret Service member injured tRump's ear when they had him on the ground.
David DePape was CONFIRMED to be a trumper.
AP: The man accused of breaking into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's California home and severely beating her husband with a hammer appears to have made racist and often rambling posts online, including some that questioned the results of the 2020 election, defended former President Donald Trump and echoed QAnon conspiracy theories. 10/29/2022.
As per what I'm seeing on the news right now, Thomas Matthew Crooks is a registered republican.
Mystere: Naaaah, it can't be Ichabod Derpwood bin §atan~§ander$666.
Of course not. No such person exists. Additionally, special characters (like you used to name this imaginary person) are generally not allowed on birth certificates. So no such person COULD have that as their legal name, Mystere.
Me: Is it allowed in the United States for a parent to give their child a legal name that includes numbers?
Copilot AI: In the United States, naming laws vary by state, but there are some general guidelines. While parents have considerable freedom in choosing their child's name, there are restrictions. For instance -- Numerical digits are prohibited in several states. Names cannot include obscenities, non-English characters, symbols, or accents.
btw, I will confirm that I wrote and submitted that comment as reposted by Minus. Unlike the a-hole Mystere, Minus doesn't fake comments. Although (definitely like Mystere) he has multiple Blogger accounts. Although (unlike the Turd Mystere) Minus doesn't deny using multiple Blogger accounts.
Minus: Are we sure the gunman wasn't dervish? ;) He certainly has the TDS pre-requisite.
The gunman was killed. I'm still alive. Proven by me commenting here. And I don't have TDS. I have TES (tRump enragement syndrome). It isn't "deranged" in the least to be enraged by the evil Turd donald tRump. What is deranged is to NOT be enraged by the horrible Turd donald tRump's actions on the political stage (and off -- raping, sexually assaulting, running scam charities and fake universities, etc).
Minus and Mystere both have TDS. I don't know which of the two is more deranged. I'll go with Mystere, given his totally deranged belief that donald tRump will return to the White House (as per fake profit$) because he is "God's chosen leader".
Your Mystere Derangement Syndrome is showing, Ichabod.
Mystere and I believe prophets because prophets tell us what God is saying.
You should be worried about your fate by attacking prophets, Ichabod. You keep poking God Almighty in the Eye with your retorts.
TES sounds like a "dialed up" version of TDS Derv. From D to E...
...and at the time the comment was made, you hadn't posted yet, so yes, you could only actually be the missing grassy knoll gunman...
David DePape was CONFIRMED to be a trumper.
Really? He voted for him? Why wasn't he arrested for ballot fraud, then? Illegal Canadiens who overstay their visas can't vote in US elections.
btw - What's that line across Trump's ear then? Signs of a cosmetic operation for concealing a Hollywood blood-pack to make the hit seam more convincing?
It wasn't in the film before the attack... that DJT must have a GREAT make-up artist. The Orange spray-on tan and combover certainly confirm it. I think even Biden's using him now.
tRump's face was numbed prior to him starting to speak. When the secret service had him on the ground, a secret service member cut him.
I didn't say David DePape voted for tRump. He wrote online expressing his trumpyness.
Mystere: You should be worried about your fate by attacking prophets, Ichabod.
This "Ichabod" also has correctly deduced that the prophet$ you listen to are liars? Well, that's not a tough one. It is actually very easy to see they are lying hucksters.
Mystere: You keep poking God Almighty in the Eye with your retorts.
Impossible. I can't "keep" doing something I have never done. Not even once. You, on the other hand, pook God in his eyes constantly.
Minus: ...and at the time the comment was made, you hadn't posted yet, so yes, you could only actually be the missing grassy knoll gunman.
The "grassy knoll gunman" was CIA agent Bernard Barker. So that supports the theory that this was a false flag. If a CIA tRumper was in on the plot to fake-assassinate donald tRump -- or, it could be an ex-CIA tRumper. Though, if there is a "missing grassy knoll gunman", the person is likely a Secret Service tRumper.
Mystere: Mystere and I believe prophets because prophets tell us what God is saying.
The prophet$ you listen to are frauds. They do NOT tell you what God is saying. God never said that the horrible orange Turd donald tRump is his "chosen leader".
Also... why do you write "Mystere and I" when YOU ARE MYSTERE? "Rattrapper" is a Mystere account. You aren't two different people. Though maybe you think you are? Because you (and not me) have a split personality.
Minus: It was just a stupid 20 year old... brainwashed by the MSM and needing to "save democracy"..
BS. They found no notes, no manifesto and no online babblings. Maybe something will turn up. But right now his motivations are NOT known. And he DEFINITELY did not save democracy. He did the tRump campaign a bigly favor.
\\It was just a stupid 20 year old... brainwashed by the MSM and needing to "save democracy"...
And who created "opportunity window" for him? ;-P
trumpyness = common sense
Common sense? AKA "science of fools"? ;-P
Better fools than knaves. ;P
seminar on the Ethics of Psychoanalysis, Lacan elaborates the distinction between two types of the contemporary intellectual, the fool and the knave:
The 'fool' is an innocent, a simpleton, but truths issue from his mouth that are not simply tolerated, but adopted by virtue of the fact that this 'fool' is sometimes clothed in the insignia of the jester. And in my view it is a similar happy shadow, a similar fundamental 'foolery', that accounts for the importance of the left wing intellectual.
And I contract this with the designation for that which the same tradition furnishes a strictly contemporary term, a term that is used in conjunction with the former, namely, 'knave'... He's not a cynic with the element of heroism implied by that attitude. He is, to be precise, what Stendhal called an 'unmitigated scoundrel'. That is to say, no more than your Mr. Everyman, but your Mr. everyman with greater strength of character.
\\Better fools than knaves. ;P
Fools... are enemies to themself. Even. Yawn.
Indeed. But wasn't Don Quixote's a "life well lived"?
Zizek = coked up shithead.
Qtard = says IT is an enemy to ITself.
Zizek = most dangerous philosopher in the West.
Davey DePape was a Pelosi gay love slave for Paulie's closet queerness. After all, why would Paulie be undressed to his underwear while hanging out with his boy toy DePape? DePape was paid for by Nanshee to be Paulie's boy toy while she was gone.
Zizek = shithead.
Dervish was staring down his outhouse porta potty bowl and saw himself while writing his retort.
\\Zizek = most dangerous philosopher in the West.
Most Uncatchable Joe of the West? ;-P
\\Qtard = says IT is an enemy to ITself.
That's why you use that alter-ego "Qtard" of yours? ;-P
To shortcut that self-explanation. ;-P
\\Indeed. But wasn't Don Quixote's a "life well lived"?
That was... parody.
Do clown live a good live... hmmm, well... maybe.
Qtard: That's why you use that alter-ego "Qtard" of yours? ;-P
I have never used any "alter ego Qtard" of mine. I don't have any "alter ego Qtard". Qtard is YOUR nickname. I am not Qtard, you are.
Why I label your comments"Qtard". You don't recognize your own comments? See your words and think I wrote them?
\\I have never used any "alter ego Qtard" of mine. I don't have any "alter ego Qtard". Qtard is YOUR nickname. I am not Qtard, you are.
And you NEVER EVER signed OWN WORDS with that moniker? ;-P
\\Why I label your comments"Qtard".
Because you habitually conjure that that is one of your alter-egos words? ;-P
\\You don't recognize your own comments?
Asking ITself? ;-P
\\See your words and think I wrote them?
Because that is what usually happens with you? ;-P
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