Qtard: Well... you tried to claim that liliPut are liar and lie every time. What's happen with that claim, cretin? ;-P
No. I never claimed that. That isn't how propaganda works. Propaganda takes facts and distorts them. But you don't understand that, obviously. For example, there most certainly are Nazis in the Azov Battalion. And there was a far right political party. Although they have been trying to tamp that down internally. So as to keep the money flowing from DC. But they are there (in small numbers). Putin takes this fact and distorts it, says there are FAR more Nazis then there actually are. So many that he needed to invade to "deNazify" Ukraine.
But maybe you're just asking yourself? You say your question is for "cretin", which is you. Well, I will answer anyway.
Who said??? Commies??? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Putin takes this fact and distorts it, says there are FAR more Nazis then there actually are. So many that he needed to invade to "deNazify" Ukraine.
He using that "facts" -- that such a propaganda (about "Ukrainians are nazis") was spreading by USSR... from times of post-ww2.
And it plays well with modern DEMN propaganda (that's it, about "fascists", "far right parties").
So... that is propaganda that riding other propaganda, which by itself whipping whole cart of BS propaganda tugged by numerous propaganda horses.
It's propaganda all way down... yawn.
Propaganda and FAKE "facts".
Means... that is NOT any factual stone cold facts... but some RUMORS, some WORDS of some "witnesses".
As it started in after-match of First World War -- when newly created Russian government of Bolsheviks -- decided to bad-mouth Ukrainian revolutioners that fought for independence of Ukraine from Russian Empire then turned Bolshevik's Empire.
With FALSELY accusing em in doing "pogroms" of Jews in Ukraine(while perfectly knowing that that was Bolshevik's doing).
Who said??? Commies??? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Putin takes this fact and distorts it, says there are FAR more Nazis then there actually are. So many that he needed to invade to "deNazify" Ukraine.
He using that "facts" -- that such a propaganda (about "Ukrainians are nazis") was spreading by USSR... from times of post-ww2.
And it plays well with modern DEMN propaganda (that's it, about "fa_scists", "far r_ight parties").
So... that is propaganda that riding other propaganda, which by itself whipping whole cart of BS propaganda tugged by numerous propaganda horses.
It's propaganda all way down... yawn.
Propaganda and FAKE "facts".
Means... that is NOT any factual stone cold facts... but some RUMORS, some WORDS of some "witnesses".
As it started in after-match of First World War -- when newly created Russian government of Bolshe_viks -- decided to bad-mouth Ukrainian revolutio_ners that fought for independence of Ukraine from Russian Empire then turned B_olshevik's Empire.
With FALSELY accusing em in doing "pogro_ms" of Jews in Ukraine(while perfectly knowing that that was Bolshevik's doing).
Qtard: Surely. You know that -- because you channeling propaganda all of the time.
Yeah, in your NewSpeak where facts and truth telling is "propaganda".
And you ABLE to admit facts (like about Sun rising in the morning) -- I give you that.
No. That's not a fact. The Sun does not rise in the morning. The Earth rotates to face the Sun. The Sun rising in the morning is an illusion. But you are obviously too dumb to understand.
Qtard: But also, you cretinicly trying to do NewSpeak twisting of it too(like with that Open and Obvious Sun-rising).
"Obvious" to dummies who are easily fooled -- like you. Don't understand and can't comprehend that the sun rising is an illusion. Think it is "open and obvious" that the sun rises 🥴💩
Qtard: \\But you don't understand that, obviously\\ Of course I don't. **Cretinic laughter** And because of that calling you cretin... all this time. **cretinic laughter** Oh, shit! **cretinic laughter**
Just realized that it is YOU who is the cretin? Nah. This is just another example of how idiots laugh when they don't understand things. What you do constantly.
Qtard: \\For example, there most certainly are Nazis in the Azov Battalion\\ 100 year old un_deads??? **cretinic laughter**
No. Living ones.
Qtard: Bull Shit! **cretinic laughter**
Yeah. What you wrote about zombie Nazis is definitely bullshit.
Qtard: \\And there was a far right political party\\ Who said??? Commies??? **cretinic laughter**
Ukrainan political party Svoboda existing "said" it.
Qtard: Naaaah. He using that "facts" -- that such a propaganda (about "Ukrainians are nazis") was spreading by USSR... from times of post-ww2. And it plays well with modern DEMN propaganda (that's it, about "fa_scists", "far r_ight parties").
Yeah. In your NewSpeak again. Calling facts "propaganda". Also lyingly blaming Democrats when it is republiturds spreading Putin's propaganda.
Qtard: Means... that is NOT any factual stone cold facts... but some RUMORS, some WORDS of some "witnesses".
The people themselves -- identifying as Far Right and Nazis.
Qtard: As it started in after-match of First World War -- when newly created Russian government of Bolshe_viks -- decided to bad-mouth Ukrainian revolutio_ners that fought for independence of Ukraine from Russian Empire then turned B_olshevik's Empire. With FALSELY accusing em in doing "pogro_ms" of Jews in Ukraine(while perfectly knowing that that was Bolshevik's doing). THAT is when it all started.
Sure. I don't disagree. That doesn't mean there are zero Nazis in Ukraine. There are, but in insignificant numbers. Putin says there are many more. republiturds agree. Yet you cretinicly blame "DEMN propaganda".
Minus: Erdogan is an "untouchable"? Who knew?
Wikipedia: Turkey yearned to become a member of NATO because it wanted a security guarantee against a potential invasion by the Soviet Union...
"NATO was established to deter the expansion of the Soviet Union..."
So, Putin wanted to join the organization that was established to deter Russian expansion? So he could sabotage it from the inside? How foolish would it be to allow that?
\\ Qtard: Surely. You know that -- because you channeling propaganda all of the time.
\\ Yeah, in your NewSpeak where facts and truth telling is "propaganda".
Facts??? AKA Open and Obvious ref to Reality itself? ;-P
Naaah... of course not. Your "facts" is what DEMN propaganda talks about -- that and exclusively that is what you calling "facts" here.
And that way you "allowing to ITself" to say such HEINOUS things like "I *DO* deny..." em HAVING Human Rights.
\\And you ABLE to admit facts (like about Sun rising in the morning) -- I give you that.
\\No. That's not a fact. The Sun does not rise in the morning.
And you swiftly start denying even that little credibility that you have gained... in such a harsh way.
With chanting your NewSpeakean gospel.
\\The Sun does not rise in the morning. The Earth rotates to face the Sun. The Sun rising in the morning is an illusion. But you are obviously too dumb to understand.
Lie of NewSpeaking is BASED on that claim -- that everything is nothing but illusion.
Like it doesn't matter -- break hit your dumb head, or that is your dumb head have met a break... on it's sorowful mundane earthly path. ;-P
\\"Obvious" to dummies who are easily fooled -- like you. Don't understand and can't comprehend that the sun rising is an illusion. Think it is "open and obvious" that the sun rises ����
Thank you for revealing backbone of your cretinity.
\\Just realized that it is YOU who is the cretin?
On the base of what FACT? What LOGIC?
Ah, cretin? ;-P
Oh... yes, in you Universe of Cretinity -- there is NO Laws of Logic, and NO facts -- because they all are merely an illusion? ;-P
So, when you'll eat that thing pictogram of which you inserted here -- you feeling sick, will be just an illusion... too? ;-P
Naaaah... you are not THAT dumb. Your instincts still working. And protect your sorow-fool existance from such a premature death... from consumption of that kind substances.
But... consuming information... ehm, garbage, makes you feel fed and even think it's yammy.
What a sore loser. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Nah. This is just another example of how idiots laugh when they don't understand things. What you do constantly.
What a lame try. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Qtard: Naaaah. He using that "facts" -- that such a propaganda (about "Ukrainians are nazis") was spreading by USSR... from times of post-ww2. And it plays well with modern DEMN propaganda (that's it, about "fa_scists", "far r_ight parties").
\\Yeah. In your NewSpeak again.
I. Stated facts. Historical facts.
And you.
You... do not base you words on anything apart from your hot passion and DEMN/liliPut's propaganda slogans.
And NewSpeakean tryes to subvert it all on the spot.
\\Calling facts "propaganda".
Because FACTS -- it's what can be observed and confirmed existing INDEPENDENTLY from anybody's words.
And propaganda -- that is JUST WORDS -- repeated many-many times. But having NO factual base behind itself.
And you -- NEVER EVER able to provide "facts" that are REAL FACTS -- means, exist INDEPENDENTLY from your sheer hot desire for em to be (like dRump being in prison ;-P)
\\Also lyingly blaming Democrats when it is republiturds spreading Putin's propaganda.
Like republiturd's outlet CNN??? Like republiturds speakers of DEMN WH????
\\Qtard: Means... that is NOT any factual stone cold facts... but some RUMORS, some WORDS of some "witnesses".
\\The people themselves -- identifying as Far Right and Nazis.
But... WHERE is CNN... REPORTING such a case of OPEN and PROUD declaration from the side of Russia inhabitants?????!!!!
It always "ukrainian nazis" who are on DEMNs mind.
\\Qtard: As it started in after-match of First World War -- when newly created Russian government of Bolshe_viks -- decided to bad-mouth Ukrainian revolutio_ners that fought for independence of Ukraine from Russian Empire then turned B_olshevik's Empire. With FALSELY accusing em in doing "pogro_ms" of Jews in Ukraine(while perfectly knowing that that was Bolshevik's doing). THAT is when it all started.
\\Sure. I don't disagree. That doesn't mean there are zero Nazis in Ukraine.
Almost half a million of em -- Russian Nazis, on territory of Ukraine. Trying to genocide people of Ukraine and occupy freed from Ukrainians land.
AND nearly half a million ALREADY buried in its soil.
That -- I can't deny.
\\There are, but in insignificant numbers. Putin says there are many more. republiturds agree. Yet you cretinicly blame "DEMN propaganda".
And that was NOT you... who as "proof" of it "there are nazis in Ukraine" was giving article from CNN????
Article -- WITHOUT any facts (like video or audio for at least, attached) -- just WORDS of that CNN journalist that claimed that he was in Ukraine and saw "nazis" there????
AND... you NEVER was giving links to any OBVIOUSLY "republiturd" sources.
Well... you NEVER was giving ANY OTHER sources... (apart from obvious liliPut's propaganda FAKES)
Putin is waging war on Ukraine to sustain corporate globalism? Who knew?
Everyone who doesn't ever listen to MSNBC, ABC, CNN, NBC, and CBS.
...and especially VOA, PBS & NPR!!!!!!
...and all BBC/UK equivalents.
I thought "Who knew" was code for something that is definitely not happening or false. Doesn't Putin say he is an anti-globalist?
Did they let him join "the Club", or treat him like a woman at Augusta... and stuff a Fiver down her G-String?
\\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
\\ I thought "Who knew" was code for something that is definitely not happening or false. Doesn't Putin say he is an anti-globalist?
Well... you tried to claim that liliPut are liar and lie every time.
What's happen with that claim, cretin? ;-P
Well... cretins, and their cretinic consistency -- always babble cretinic BS.
PS Before re-branded as "globalism"... it was Ol'Goo Imperialism. Yawn.
Naaah. Imperialism is usually just one country in charge, not a 5-Eyes coalition.
Qtard: Well... you tried to claim that liliPut are liar and lie every time. What's happen with that claim, cretin? ;-P
No. I never claimed that. That isn't how propaganda works. Propaganda takes facts and distorts them. But you don't understand that, obviously. For example, there most certainly are Nazis in the Azov Battalion. And there was a far right political party. Although they have been trying to tamp that down internally. So as to keep the money flowing from DC. But they are there (in small numbers). Putin takes this fact and distorts it, says there are FAR more Nazis then there actually are. So many that he needed to invade to "deNazify" Ukraine.
But maybe you're just asking yourself? You say your question is for "cretin", which is you. Well, I will answer anyway.
Minus: Did they let him join "the Club"...
And Eliot Ness should have asked Al Capone if he wanted to join The Untouchables?
\\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
\\ Qtard: Well... you tried to claim that liliPut are liar and lie every time. What's happen with that claim, cretin? ;-P
\\ No. I never claimed that. That isn't how propaganda works. Propaganda takes facts and distorts them.
Surely. You know that -- because you channeling propaganda all of the time.
And you ABLE to admit facts (like about Sun rising in the morning) -- I give you that.
But also, you cretinicly trying to do NewSpeak twisting of it too(like with that Open and Obvious Sun-rising).
\\But you don't understand that, obviously.
Of course I don't. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
And because of that calling you cretin... all this time. :-)))))))))))))))))))))
Oh, shit! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\For example, there most certainly are Nazis in the Azov Battalion.
100 year old undeads??? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Bull Shit! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\And there was a far right political party.
Who said??? Commies??? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Putin takes this fact and distorts it, says there are FAR more Nazis then there actually are. So many that he needed to invade to "deNazify" Ukraine.
He using that "facts" -- that such a propaganda (about "Ukrainians are nazis") was spreading by USSR... from times of post-ww2.
And it plays well with modern DEMN propaganda (that's it, about "fascists", "far right parties").
So... that is propaganda that riding other propaganda, which by itself whipping whole cart of BS propaganda tugged by numerous propaganda horses.
It's propaganda all way down... yawn.
Propaganda and FAKE "facts".
Means... that is NOT any factual stone cold facts... but some RUMORS, some WORDS of some "witnesses".
As it started in after-match of First World War -- when newly created Russian government of Bolsheviks -- decided to bad-mouth Ukrainian revolutioners that fought for independence of Ukraine from Russian Empire then turned Bolshevik's Empire.
With FALSELY accusing em in doing "pogroms" of Jews in Ukraine(while perfectly knowing that that was Bolshevik's doing).
THAT is when it all started.
HUNDRED years ago!
\\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
\\ Naaah. Imperialism is usually just one country in charge, not a 5-Eyes coalition.
Speaking same language? Sharing same values?
Iberia and Albion was Romans in and out? ;-P
\\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
\\ Qtard: Well... you tried to claim that liliPut are liar and lie every time. What's happen with that claim, cretin? ;-P
\\ No. I never claimed that. That isn't how propaganda works. Propaganda takes facts and distorts them.
Surely. You know that -- because you channeling propaganda all of the time.
And you ABLE to admit facts (like about Sun rising in the morning) -- I give you that.
But also, you cretinicly trying to do NewSpeak twisting of it too(like with that Open and Obvious Sun-rising).
\\But you don't understand that, obviously.
Of course I don't. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
And because of that calling you cretin... all this time. :-)))))))))))))))))))))
Oh, shit! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\For example, there most certainly are Nazis in the Azov Battalion.
100 year old un_deads??? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Bull Shit! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\And there was a far right political party.
Who said??? Commies??? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Putin takes this fact and distorts it, says there are FAR more Nazis then there actually are. So many that he needed to invade to "deNazify" Ukraine.
He using that "facts" -- that such a propaganda (about "Ukrainians are nazis") was spreading by USSR... from times of post-ww2.
And it plays well with modern DEMN propaganda (that's it, about "fa_scists", "far r_ight parties").
So... that is propaganda that riding other propaganda, which by itself whipping whole cart of BS propaganda tugged by numerous propaganda horses.
It's propaganda all way down... yawn.
Propaganda and FAKE "facts".
Means... that is NOT any factual stone cold facts... but some RUMORS, some WORDS of some "witnesses".
As it started in after-match of First World War -- when newly created Russian government of Bolshe_viks -- decided to bad-mouth Ukrainian revolutio_ners that fought for independence of Ukraine from Russian Empire then turned B_olshevik's Empire.
With FALSELY accusing em in doing "pogro_ms" of Jews in Ukraine(while perfectly knowing that that was Bolshevik's doing).
THAT is when it all started.
HUNDRED years ago!
Erdogan is an "untouchable"? Who knew?
Qtard: Surely. You know that -- because you channeling propaganda all of the time.
Yeah, in your NewSpeak where facts and truth telling is "propaganda".
And you ABLE to admit facts (like about Sun rising in the morning) -- I give you that.
No. That's not a fact. The Sun does not rise in the morning. The Earth rotates to face the Sun. The Sun rising in the morning is an illusion. But you are obviously too dumb to understand.
Qtard: But also, you cretinicly trying to do NewSpeak twisting of it too(like with that Open and Obvious Sun-rising).
"Obvious" to dummies who are easily fooled -- like you. Don't understand and can't comprehend that the sun rising is an illusion. Think it is "open and obvious" that the sun rises 🥴💩
Qtard: \\But you don't understand that, obviously\\ Of course I don't. **Cretinic laughter** And because of that calling you cretin... all this time. **cretinic laughter** Oh, shit! **cretinic laughter**
Just realized that it is YOU who is the cretin? Nah. This is just another example of how idiots laugh when they don't understand things. What you do constantly.
Qtard: \\For example, there most certainly are Nazis in the Azov Battalion\\ 100 year old un_deads??? **cretinic laughter**
No. Living ones.
Qtard: Bull Shit! **cretinic laughter**
Yeah. What you wrote about zombie Nazis is definitely bullshit.
Qtard: \\And there was a far right political party\\ Who said??? Commies??? **cretinic laughter**
Ukrainan political party Svoboda existing "said" it.
Qtard: Naaaah. He using that "facts" -- that such a propaganda (about "Ukrainians are nazis") was spreading by USSR... from times of post-ww2. And it plays well with modern DEMN propaganda (that's it, about "fa_scists", "far r_ight parties").
Yeah. In your NewSpeak again. Calling facts "propaganda". Also lyingly blaming Democrats when it is republiturds spreading Putin's propaganda.
Qtard: Means... that is NOT any factual stone cold facts... but some RUMORS, some WORDS of some "witnesses".
The people themselves -- identifying as Far Right and Nazis.
Qtard: As it started in after-match of First World War -- when newly created Russian government of Bolshe_viks -- decided to bad-mouth Ukrainian revolutio_ners that fought for independence of Ukraine from Russian Empire then turned B_olshevik's Empire. With FALSELY accusing em in doing "pogro_ms" of Jews in Ukraine(while perfectly knowing that that was Bolshevik's doing). THAT is when it all started.
Sure. I don't disagree. That doesn't mean there are zero Nazis in Ukraine. There are, but in insignificant numbers. Putin says there are many more. republiturds agree. Yet you cretinicly blame "DEMN propaganda".
Minus: Erdogan is an "untouchable"? Who knew?
Wikipedia: Turkey yearned to become a member of NATO because it wanted a security guarantee against a potential invasion by the Soviet Union...
"NATO was established to deter the expansion of the Soviet Union..."
So, Putin wanted to join the organization that was established to deter Russian expansion? So he could sabotage it from the inside? How foolish would it be to allow that?
Russia joining NATO = GTFO.
\\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
\\ Qtard: Surely. You know that -- because you channeling propaganda all of the time.
\\ Yeah, in your NewSpeak where facts and truth telling is "propaganda".
Facts??? AKA Open and Obvious ref to Reality itself? ;-P
Naaah... of course not. Your "facts" is what DEMN propaganda talks about -- that and exclusively that is what you calling "facts" here.
And that way you "allowing to ITself" to say such HEINOUS things like "I *DO* deny..." em HAVING Human Rights.
\\And you ABLE to admit facts (like about Sun rising in the morning) -- I give you that.
\\No. That's not a fact. The Sun does not rise in the morning.
And you swiftly start denying even that little credibility that you have gained... in such a harsh way.
With chanting your NewSpeakean gospel.
\\The Sun does not rise in the morning. The Earth rotates to face the Sun. The Sun rising in the morning is an illusion. But you are obviously too dumb to understand.
Lie of NewSpeaking is BASED on that claim -- that everything is nothing but illusion.
Like it doesn't matter -- break hit your dumb head, or that is your dumb head have met a break... on it's sorowful mundane earthly path. ;-P
\\"Obvious" to dummies who are easily fooled -- like you. Don't understand and can't comprehend that the sun rising is an illusion. Think it is "open and obvious" that the sun rises ����
Thank you for revealing backbone of your cretinity.
\\Just realized that it is YOU who is the cretin?
On the base of what FACT? What LOGIC?
Ah, cretin? ;-P
Oh... yes, in you Universe of Cretinity -- there is NO Laws of Logic, and NO facts -- because they all are merely an illusion? ;-P
So, when you'll eat that thing pictogram of which you inserted here -- you feeling sick, will be just an illusion... too? ;-P
Naaaah... you are not THAT dumb. Your instincts still working. And protect your sorow-fool existance from such a premature death... from consumption of that kind substances.
But... consuming information... ehm, garbage, makes you feel fed and even think it's yammy.
What a sore loser. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Nah. This is just another example of how idiots laugh when they don't understand things. What you do constantly.
What a lame try. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
\\Qtard: \\For example, there most certainly are Nazis in the Azov Battalion\\ 100 year old un_deads??? **cretinic laughter**
\\No. Living ones.
Living dead??? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Yeah. What you wrote about zombie Nazis is definitely bullshit.
Well... that is your claim -- that there STILL are some, that STILL alive. ;-P
\\Ukrainan political party Svoboda existing "said" it.
In Ukrainian? ;-P
You know that you gave ref to English web-site. One which have NOTHING in common with that "Svoboda party".
And one -- Wikipedia -- where ANYONE can log in to, and add ANY text too.
Like calling "commonly known as Svoboda, is an ultranationalist political party in Ukraine."
So... what's that proves????
Only that that RFia's FSB bent of using ALL and ANY means possible, to spread their anti-Ukrainian propaganda.
Well... even by that ref it says that it was Social party.
Well... there is grain of truth on that page -- and that is link to that party web-site --
And what it says there?
За гідне майбутнє
без олігархів!
For a decent future without oligarchs!
Oh... but isn't that what your DEMN party and you constantly preach????
So what... maybe DEMNs are "far-right" too??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))
\\Qtard: Naaaah. He using that "facts" -- that such a propaganda (about "Ukrainians are nazis") was spreading by USSR... from times of post-ww2. And it plays well with modern DEMN propaganda (that's it, about "fa_scists", "far r_ight parties").
\\Yeah. In your NewSpeak again.
I. Stated facts. Historical facts.
And you.
You... do not base you words on anything apart from your hot passion and DEMN/liliPut's propaganda slogans.
And NewSpeakean tryes to subvert it all on the spot.
\\Calling facts "propaganda".
Because FACTS -- it's what can be observed and confirmed existing INDEPENDENTLY from anybody's words.
And propaganda -- that is JUST WORDS -- repeated many-many times. But having NO factual base behind itself.
And you -- NEVER EVER able to provide "facts" that are REAL FACTS -- means, exist INDEPENDENTLY from your sheer hot desire for em to be (like dRump being in prison ;-P)
\\Also lyingly blaming Democrats when it is republiturds spreading Putin's propaganda.
Like republiturd's outlet CNN??? Like republiturds speakers of DEMN WH????
\\Qtard: Means... that is NOT any factual stone cold facts... but some RUMORS, some WORDS of some "witnesses".
\\The people themselves -- identifying as Far Right and Nazis.
On video?
Like HERE -- Russian NAZI openly claims "I'm nazi"
But... WHERE is CNN... REPORTING such a case of OPEN and PROUD declaration from the side of Russia inhabitants?????!!!!
It always "ukrainian nazis" who are on DEMNs mind.
\\Qtard: As it started in after-match of First World War -- when newly created Russian government of Bolshe_viks -- decided to bad-mouth Ukrainian revolutio_ners that fought for independence of Ukraine from Russian Empire then turned B_olshevik's Empire. With FALSELY accusing em in doing "pogro_ms" of Jews in Ukraine(while perfectly knowing that that was Bolshevik's doing). THAT is when it all started.
\\Sure. I don't disagree. That doesn't mean there are zero Nazis in Ukraine.
Almost half a million of em -- Russian Nazis, on territory of Ukraine. Trying to genocide people of Ukraine and occupy freed from Ukrainians land.
AND nearly half a million ALREADY buried in its soil.
That -- I can't deny.
\\There are, but in insignificant numbers. Putin says there are many more. republiturds agree. Yet you cretinicly blame "DEMN propaganda".
And that was NOT you... who as "proof" of it "there are nazis in Ukraine" was giving article from CNN????
Article -- WITHOUT any facts (like video or audio for at least, attached) -- just WORDS of that CNN journalist that claimed that he was in Ukraine and saw "nazis" there????
AND... you NEVER was giving links to any OBVIOUSLY "republiturd" sources.
Well... you NEVER was giving ANY OTHER sources... (apart from obvious liliPut's propaganda FAKES)
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