Sunday, July 14, 2024

Siren Calls for Street Justice to Put an End to the Formal/ Systemic/ Partisan "Just Is"

 ...but few people outside the 'system' these days have wax for digital ears or masts to be tied to. Let's Pray We Find Some and that the attempts at Fraudulently Manipulating the 2024 Election CEASE immediately!  That means "you, USIC".  The streets are a dangerous place.


Rattrapper said...

If anyone ever doubted that Satan exists to stir up trouble, the proof is right in front of us. We had better put on our soul armor and rumble.

Rattrapper said...

And by the way, before Dervish oiñks and squeals like he's in hog heaven, I'm talking about a Spiritual Rumble, not acts of violence.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The proof is that donald tRump's plan to destroy American democracy might succeed.

Rattrapper said...

The proof is that 0bama's plan to destroy the American Republic will fail, Dervish.

Must I remind you America is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy? A true Democracy is mob rule of the majority. A Constitutional Republic is a regulated form of Democracy that ensures the minority that they won't get trampled over.

Anonymous said...


Joe Conservative said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere: A Constitutional Republic is a regulated form of Democracy that ensures the minority that they won't get trampled over.

Right. That minority being rich white men. Why you love the electoral college so much. It allows you to trample over the rights of the majority. The majority that does not want fascism.

Poor and middle class people who vote republiturd are bigly dupes. They vote for polices that harm them -- thinking these republiturd polices help them. Instead of just rich people. BUT they get White Supremacy, which they REALLY want to maintain. Even though that harms them too. Because rightturds are racist idiots.

By the way Mystere, you did not school me. I am aware of everything you wrote. I don't need schooling from an imbecile.

Anonymous said...

\\The majority that does not want fascism.

Yeah. Because fascism it's rule of majority. Militant majority. Enraged against minorities.

\\Poor and middle class people who vote republiturd are bigly dupes.

Commie-talks. Yawn.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus FJ has made the same point to me previously -- that "American is a constitutional republic and not a democracy". So this is a conversation that has been had and NOT new information to me (it wasn't then either).

Minus stated that he would like the 17th amendment to be repealed. Don't ask me for a "quote", but I doubt he would deny he probably wrote this. And that is what he wants.

The 17th amendment definitely increased democracy. Why republicans want to get rid of it. rightturds believe that less democracy is better than more democracy. ps I never said the United States is a pure democracy.

I had a post about this (proving you did not give me any new information) on my "Dervish Sanders blog". I could link to it, but it is still locked -- a$$hole. Blogger just keeps doing endless "reviews" (when they tell me it is still locked and I request a new "review").

I just checked and see it has been locked since April 1 and I have requested a new review 9 times. Apparently there is no such thing as a "final decision" and I can keep requesting new reviews indefinitely. btw, I the last time I reported Mystere content to Blogger I found that they revamped the process. They removed the place where I could type in a reason I am reporting. Obviously they don't give a shit about WHY someone is reporting content anymore. The reason for reporting now has to be self evident and not need an explanation.

G00gle also discontinued site search, which makes finding these "quotes" Qtard demands almost impossible. I think G00gle is tying to decrease man-hours (by using algorithms and AI) to increase their profits. But it's making the services they provide a lot shittier.

I guess (on the upside) Mystere's reporting of me for fake TOS violations is probably going to be far less successful going forward. I still don't know WHY G00gle acted on his false reports at all. And never will know, obviously. As you can't contact them and they give no specific reason when locking a blog. Like, WHAT CONTENT allegedly violated the stated policy they SAY I violated.

There was no "hate" on my Dervish Sanders blog, Mystere -- you piece of sh!t.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Commie-talks. Yawn.

Oligarchic stooge talks. Yawn.

Joe Conservative said...

That minority being rich white men

Nope. Rural people not living in urban centers where centralization of services over self-reliance actually makes sense

Anonymous said...

\\Oligarchic stooge talks. Yawn.

As always. Cretin trying to use words it doesn't know what they mean. Yawn.

\\I just checked and see it has been locked since April 1 and I have requested a new review 9 times. Apparently there is no such thing as a "final decision" and I can keep requesting new reviews indefinitely.


That is EXACTLY how Digital GULAG looks like.

One you want to make USA and ALL World INTO.

Why you unhappy???

Ah. Yes. You thought it will be used against your sworn enemies ONLY.

What a cretin!

\\G00gle also discontinued site search, which makes finding these "quotes" Qtard demands almost impossible. I think G00gle is tying to decrease man-hours (by using algorithms and AI) to increase their profits. But it's making the services they provide a lot shittier.

And why you NOT happy, cretin??? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))

This One said...

Mystere is dumber than an imbecile, Dervish.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: As always. Cretin trying to use words it doesn't know what they mean. Yawn.

"Oligarchy"? Yeah, I believe you when you say you dunno what that means.

Anonymous said...

\\"Oligarchy"? Yeah, I believe you when you say you dunno what that means.


It's you are one who used it. But somehow that is ME, who dunno it.

What a cretinic response. ;-P

But you are cretin. So, no surprise here.

But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Right. I used it because I know what it means. You saw the word (in my comment) and got confused. Said it was ME who doesn't know what it means -- hoping I'd explain it you.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

The cretin had another PooPoo BooBoo in his queer thong panties again? OH MY!

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Cretin had another PooPoo BooBoo in his KU KLUX KLAN Burqa again, Q.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...


Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Pass the popcorn, please! ...wait, no popcorn? 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

Anonymous said...

\\Right. I used it because I know what it means. You saw the word (in my comment) and got confused. Said it was ME who doesn't know what it means -- hoping I'd explain it you.

\\\\Oligarchic stooge talks. Yawn.

\\As always. Cretin trying to use words it doesn't know what they mean. Yawn.

And. OK, Google...

relating to an oligarchy (= a small group of powerful people who control or rule a country or an organization): Oligarchic governments ruling over corrupt states are still too common.Jul 10, 2024

OLIGARCHIC | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Cambridge Dictionary › dictionary › oligarchic

So... logical conclusion is:

either you DUNNO what word "oligarchy" means...


with this use you admit that USA is a "corrupt state". ;-P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: with this use you admit that USA is a "corrupt state". ;-P

I always admit facts.

Fact: republiturds are lovers of oligarchy.

Fact: republiturds are corrupt.

When one of the United States 2 political parties is completely corrupt it is logical to conclude the US is a corrupt state. Yawn.

Anonymous said...


And as you are NewSpeaker... you just revealed that DEMNs are biggly corrupt. ;-P

Dervish Sanders said...

Blaming Democrats for what Republicans do... As always. Yawn. I revealed no such thing.

Anonymous said...
