...cuz I need MORE Popcorn!
Cullen Linebarger, "REPORT: Barack Obama Threatened to Use the 25th Amendment to Remove Joe Biden After His “Medical Incident” in Las Vegas and Had Kamala Harris’s Approval to Do So"As The Gateway Pundit’s Kristinn Taylor reported, Biden suffered an “undisclosed medical emergency” while in Las Vegas on July 17 that was never disclosed to the public.
Now, according to a report from a respected longtime investigative journalist, an equally explosive incident followed just a few days later.
On Saturday, Seymour Hersh wrote on his substack that sources told him that Barack Obama had called Biden three days after the disturbing incident. Obama reportedly told Biden on July 20 that he had Kamala Harris’s approval to use the 25th Amendment to kick him out of office.
You read that right. Harris was reportedly on board with declaring Old Joe incapacitated and kicking him to the curb.
From Hersh:“I went over (reports) this week with a senior official in Washington who helped me fashion an account of a White House in complete disarray,” Hersh said.Since Hersh’s post is only for paid subscribers, here is the relevant snippet.
“Obama called Biden after breakfast (on July 20) and said, ‘Here’s the deal. We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment,'” he continued.
Hersh also confirmed that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Hakeem Jeffries were also directly involved. This correlates with TGP’s extensive reporting of the palace coup.
He went on to write that Obama did not plan on immediately endorsing Kamala, but it was clear that she would “get the nod.”
The Gateway Pundit previously reported Obama initially wanted Mark Kelly at the top of the ticket, but Biden beat him to the punch with Harris.
“He (Obama) had an agenda, and he wanted to seek it through to the end, and he wanted to have control over who would be elected,” Hersh wrote.
Excerpts from the Obama-Harris endorsement from The Daily Beast:
In a written extract of the full call shared by the campaign, Obama also warns that the Democrats face a rocky road to victory. “We’re gonna be underdogs, you know,” he says. “and you are gonna have to continue, as you said, to, to earn, not just the nomination but earn the trust of, of folks all across this country.”
...Other insiders told The New York Times shortly after that Obama was holding back his support to avoid the perception that he was puppet-mastering her anointment. Another explained to NBC that he was trying not to “overshadow” President Joe Biden, who on Wednesday night addressed the nation for the first time since announcing on Sunday he was dropping out of the presidential race.
...NBC’s sources said that both of the Obamas privately backed Harris, and that Barack had been “in regular contact” with the vice president, acting as a sounding board for her. Another source told USA Today that the couple was looking for the right moment to endorse Harris.
Yeah, Kamala's "sounding board" told her to invoke the 25th Amendment if Joe didn't drop out, and that the Deep State was fully behind her. So is Mark Kelley of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and the Obama favorite for President going IN to the Convention going to be her VP? The Magic 8-Ball says, "It is Certain!
Somebody who's not a DEI hire and familiar with the USIC and Deep State will be needed to manage NATOs Forever Wars for them and send more hundreds of thousands Ukrainians to their fruitless deaths.
Jiffy Pop? Orville Redenbacher?
🔺It's a miracle! 🔺
He's talking to Dervish in hopes of knocking some sense into him.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
I want some popcorn too!😋😋😋😋😋🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿😋😋😋😋😋
Ich mag geknallten Mais, der aus meinem Hintern kommt.🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋
All of the above, so long as its' b uttered!
JP Sears is doing his part to NewSpeak "coup". A "coup" isn't (as per Minus) a violent attack on the Capitol in an effort to disrupt the counting of electoral votes and stop Joe Biden from being declared the rightful winner of the 2020 election.
Now a "coup" is the VP candidate replacing the presidential candidate on the democratic ticket. Even though everyone that voted in the Democratic Party primary who voted for Biden was voting for the Biden/Harris ticket. And that the VP steps in for the president if necessary is in the Constitution. Somehow that is now a "coup".
But an actual coup attempt -- such as the one attempted by d0nald tЯump on January 6, 2020 when d0nald tЯump instructed his fascist foot soldiers (Proud Boys, et al) to march on the Capitol -- that wasn't a coup at all. It was a "fedsurrection" that Nancy Pelosi "admitted" responsibility for.
Looks like Mystere wants us all to know that he's sticking popcorn up his endo. Though he's too embarrassed to write it under his own display name.
btw, Mystere -- in regards to your popcorn munching...
Pride goeth before destruction, And an haughty spirit before a fall. Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, Than to divide the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:18-19.
Perhaps you should think about that instead of gloating with glee about Joe Biden bowing out and your conviction that Satan's Chosen leader d0nald tЯump will occupy the White House again. But you won't because you're a fake Christian. Proven by your following of fake prophet$ who say an evil man like d0nald tЯump has been selected by God.
A coup is threatening to invoke the 25th Amendment unless you withdraw your candidacy. A coup is disenfranchising millions of Democratic voters.
The point is that invoking the 25th Amendment would have been entirely proper HAD THEY DONE SO. But they didn't... so it was purely a blackmail move to disenfranchise the voter in 50 Democratic primaries and install an oligarchical puppet to be their candidate.
An unfit demented idiot is in charge of America for the next 6 months... its' the gravest threat to national security since the founding. It's TREASON, pure and simple.
So much for Democrat's respect for their Constitutional duties....
...the next election is WAY more important!
Minus: An unfit demented idiot is in charge of America for the next 6 months...
That was Mystere's incorrect 2018 prediction. But d0nald tЯump is not currently predisent and not currently completing a second term.
Minus: It's TREASON, pure and simple.
You definitely need to resume taking the Seroquel your doctor prescribed you.
fyi, I don't believe anything Seymour Hersch says.
Seymoure Hersch is an actual journalist, and not a Government transponder like the ones you listen to.
He's freelancer and transponder of liliPut's propaganda.
Or... whatever BS, whoever would pay more for it. ;-P
Hi there Q! Got popcorn or any other snacks? The show must go on!
Minus: Seymoure Hersch is an actual journalist, and not a Government transponder like the ones you listen to.
Seymour Hersh? He used to be. Now he allows himself to be punked in order to get "big scoops". That's what happened re his "Nord Stream was blown by US with help from Norway" scoop which turned out to be full of holes. I strongly suspect the same is true of his "Obama and Kamala forced Biden to bow out by threatening to 25th amendment him" scoop.
This story CERTAINLY feeds your delusions about Obama behind the scenes pulling the strings. Both Barack Obama AND Kamala Harris are conniving n*ggers who stabbed their White Savior in the back. The lesson to be learned is that DEI is for saps. N*ggers won't appreciate being given jobs they don't deserve. Instead they'll turn on their White saviors.
Could be one reason why you're so afraid of a non-White person being president.
Seymour Hersh is 87 years old. Maybe his advanced age is a factor here.
Qtard: He's freelancer and transponder of liliPut's propaganda.
"He" and not "IT"? So you're obviously not talking about me. Given that you've been referring to me as "IT". Is "he" Minus FJ? Probably not. Because if you said that about Minus FJ -- you'd be right. But you're almost always wrong.
Also, you have lyingly said this about me previously.
Dervish's Dumbest Retorts keep on increasing with even dumber ones, daily.
He, don't knock Barack's coup yet, Derv. Kamala won't last much longer.
\\"He" and not "IT"? So you're obviously not talking about me.
It's good that you started recognizing and admitting being IT. ;-P
Who knows... maybe our talks will do good therapeutic effect on your mental disorder(s).
Naaaaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Mystere: Dervish's Dumbest Retorts keep on increasing with even dumber ones, daily.
I can't compete with you, Mystere.
Minus: ...don't knock Barack's coup yet, Derv. Kamala won't last much longer.
What "Barack's coup"? The one Seymour Hersh says happened? And everyone is supposed to believe it just because Seymour Hersh says so? No evidence is necessary?
How much time is "won't last much longer"? In 2032 at the end of her second term? I'm not predicting she will be elected -- I'm just asking how long "much longer" might be. If you mean as the Democrat's potus nominee, then she is going to last in that position from the time she is officially nominated until the 2024 potus election "winner" is announced. Possibly beyond that, if the results are in "doubt" due to republiturd attempts to steal the election.
Qtard: \\"He" and not "IT"? So you're obviously not talking about me\\ It's good that you started recognizing and admitting being IT. ;-P
I don't recognize or admit being an "IT" because I am not. There is no way you would have of knowing anyway. I only referred to the fact that you have been calling me "IT". Due to your mental disorder(s).
How much time is "won't last much longer"?
The Convention starts is 3 weeks... so 3.5 weeks tops. Then the funding of the actual nominee begins. Can you say, "Moooooooooo-ch?"
\\I don't recognize or admit being an "IT" because I am not. There is no way you would have of knowing anyway. I only referred to the fact that you have been calling me "IT". Due to your mental disorder(s).
IT... plural to point at your merry bunch of SAMEBODY cretinic alter-egos. ;-P
I was explaining it properly, previously.
But... you are YET ONE alter-ego... so you don't remember, yes? ;-P
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