Thursday, July 25, 2024

I wonder if NOT Sniping Constitutes "Election Interference"? An Illegal Campaign Contribution?

...but it was HOT outside, Jimmy!  You wanted us to open the window and shoot the Trump Sniper? Our Carbon Footprint would have Gone Thru the Roof, with the A/C on!  We have a strict Carbon Budget that we can't exceed without buying Carbon Offsets in advance!  And we gave all the ones we had to the Agents covering the 1st Lady event.  
$10 bucks says the Sniper Conveniently Used a Ladder Left by the USSS Team to get on the Roof.

I Can hardly Wait to Read the Government IG Report 3 Years from Now and $50m Later Spent Exonerating the USSS Detail.  I wonder if those extra years will count towards the Agent's Government pensions?  But hey... Public Service  is what it is.  A high paying responsibility avoidance Paradise!
Got Baizuo?


The Prophet Of Satan Dervish Z Sanders said...

d0nald tЯump was NOT shot! d0nald tЯump was NOT shot! d0nald tЯump was NOT shot!

I'm The Prophet Of Satan Dervish Z Sanders and I never tell a lie!

Rattrapper said...

Looks like Ichabod took a hike and headed to Lisa's blog for now. Q stopped over there recently too.

Dervish Sanders said...

"Ichabod" isn't real, Mystere. "Ichabod" only exists in your delusions.

As for the video, the Turd Jimmy D0re thinks this was an inside job. I'm thinking more and more that he might be right and this really was a false flag.

Anonymous said...

Butler Syndrome... yawn.

Joe Conservative said...

They could have used the drones, Q... both sides.

Anonymous said...


That you are -- one who know about such NEW spears.

And your other peers -- are totally oblivious.


Joe Conservative said...

Only due to your persistence, Q. And for that, I do thank you. Educating foreigners can be a daunting task! ;)

Anonymous said...

Go thank derpy -- that is his cretinic persistency... that holding me here. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

His is an unshakably committed "will to power", that is certain. ;)

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Go thank derpy -- that is his cretinic persistency... that holding me here.

"his cretinic persistency" = your delusion. Also... aren't you going to deny commenting on Lisa's blog? I spotted a comment from you on her blog previously and you denied that it was you. Now you're silently agreeing with what Mystere said?

Minus: His is an unshakably committed "will to power", that is certain. ;)

No. If you knew me you'd know how laughable that claim is. Though I am thankful you don't know me.

Joe Conservative said...

Did I say "your" power? The power of the foolish ideals you serve... like "guilt-pride".

Joe Conservative said...

...protecting blacks from imaginary racist bullies... keeping their lives "harassment free" and committing to make them all willing contributors to our new totalitarian "Achievement Society".... aka Achievement through DEI. All carrots, no sticks.

Rattrapper said...

🔺Fake Dervish Sanders logged in?🔺

What happened, Fake Dervish Sanders? Are you trying to start your third account?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Rattrapper said...


Rattrapper said...

What specifically did Mystere say, Ichabod? Please do tell. That way, we can tell if you had a lucid moment or not.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Did I say "your" power? The power of the foolish ideals you serve... like "guilt-pride".

"Guilt pride" is imaginary. It isn't a real thing.

Minus: ...protecting blacks from imaginary racist bullies... keeping their lives "harassment free" and committing to make them all willing contributors to our new totalitarian "Achievement Society".... aka Achievement through DEI. All carrots, no sticks.

DEI is about giving an equal shot to QUALIFIED minorities. It isn't about giving unearned positions to unqualified minorities. You see DEI that way because you're a racist.

fyi, JD Vance got a job he didn't earn and is unqualified to hold -- second in command to an idiot not qualified to be president. Remember that d0nald tЯump did a terrible job and was fired the last time he held the office. He didn't earn a chance to do an even worse job in a second term.

Black people's lives aren't harassment free. White supremacists are harassing them constantly. Kamala Harris is going to be under racist harassment bigly in the lead up to the election.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: aka Achievement through DEI. All carrots, no sticks.

That's the racist's understanding of what DEI is. DEI (in reality) is Equality in employment by putting more effort into finding QUALIFIED minorities who have EARNED a position. It isn't giving positions to unqualified minorities who haven't earned them.

Mystere: What happened, Fake Dervish Sanders? Are you trying to start your third account?

Posting by using the Name/URL option does not "start" an account, moron. And I only have ONE "Dervish Sanders" account. The other "Dervish Sanders" account was created by you to fake comments from me.

Mystere: What specifically did Mystere say, Ichabod? Please do tell. That way, we can tell if you had a lucid moment or not.

No "Ichabod" commented, Mystere.

Mystere lucid moments = few and far between.

Dervish Sanders said...

How many times do I have to write the same comment? I refuted your BS about DEI twice now. Published then disappeared each time.

Joe Conservative said...

DEI is the Left's way of creating sham equality... a sham just like every stupid program (affirmative action) that creates the illusion of equality. Yours is a shambolific party racked with guilt-pride. Its' high time you got over yourdselves and your responsibility for American slavery.

Anonymous said...

\\Published then disappeared each time.

Blame DEMN censure... would ya? ;-P

But naaaah, of course not. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

You'll be continuing blaming those DEMN propaganda PRESCRIBED to blame. ;-P

"Enemies of the DEMNs"(tm)

Because you DEMN-totalitarian-cretin.

Like that Stalin's bashi-bazouks that was hailing to Great Leader... even when that leader directed em to a fast trial and firing squad.



Totalitarian cretins are all in one face -- in all places, in all times.


But... continue-continue, DEMN-totalitarian-cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

\\Black people's lives aren't harassment free. White supremacists are harassing them constantly.

Do White people lives "harassment free"???

Especially POOR ones.

Or... their lives and struggles DOESN'T COUNTS... as they are "white supremacists".

Like struggles of Ukrainians... because they are "white supremacists"... and even "nazis".

Even if that is some children... struggling from cancer... while bombed out with Russian Rockets... with DEMN-OK-rattic microchips inside em...

But yeah... there'd be NO sane response to that.


Only more-MORE-MOAAARR DEMN lies based on NOthing else but DEMN/liliPut's propaganda.

Joe Conservative said...

You should have read our conversation at GeeeZ yesterday about "harrassment"... and Demns...

Joe Conservative said...


The helicopter parent raised elites are unused to coping and dealing with “bullies” like free-range children are. They fear “harassment” by the other kids and require a “supervising adult” to keep their environment free of bullies and “misinformation” that might conflict with their post-modern learned woke values.

Woke… defending Black people from the harassment of racist bullies… hovering over blacks and keeping them safe from free-range predators!

The Ideology of the permissive parent who doesn’t criticize his ward… even if that ward is in engaged in self-destructive behaviours…. because we know they “CAN” succeed/ achieve. Their presence in the colleges validates them! They will become self-correcting absent the presence of bully-racists!

…all they require is access to the best opportunities… NOT discipline from the likes of cops/ prisons.

…because all people are the same by human nature… “good”. They learned nothing from WWII and the Nazi’s and Germans. Stanislaw Lem wrote a wonderful piece called “Provocation” about the truth of human nature. i highly recommend it.

It demonstrates the futility of engaging in the Woke Project.

Anonymous said...

Well... Stanislav Lem was wise than that...

he propheted that NO "final solution" is possible.

Another words -- there is NO gods, just US.

Even if that "god from machine"... that is STILL our and our own choices.


AKA as.


I know. Most feared. Most loathed word.

Anonymous said...

Well... to the message of post itself -- someone opened to themself Ying and Yang base of politics.


That is NOT about fathers.

That is mothers and fathers. Fathers are naturally more strict and result-based.

And mothers -- more forgiving.

Because their children -- was PART OF THEIR bodies... once.

Anonymous said...

My 2 dimes. ;-P

Plowing wines... and plowing to sew some grain/corn -- is not one and the same thing. In goal and results... and labor. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

Inflation? $.02 would have been enough. ;)

Joe Conservative said... "inflated" self-worth ie- value of your own opinion? ;p

Joe Conservative said...

...and what was said of the post-modern FATHER is also true for the pre-Modern Mother (of whom you speak). But in these post-modern times, we in the West favour the stories of "My two Daddies". Woke's more "commercial." ;p

Joe Conservative said...

Mom's tend to be over-controlling b*tches. That is their "charm" (temperance/ feminine qualities). We males like to believe ourselves "courageous". See the 'virtuous' opposition at work?

But as ts eliot said of the modern era, "We are the hollow men"...

Joe Conservative said...


Joe Conservative said...

Meden agan!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Do White people lives "harassment free"??? Especially POOR ones.

No. They are crushed daily by the wealthy elites. BUT you support this crushing. That's what Ayn Rand supported -- and you've identified as a fan, haven't you? Well, all rightturds support the crushing of the poor. The middle class too.

Qtard: Or... their lives and struggles DOESN'T COUNTS... as they are "white supremacists".

Many are White Supremacists. And they have themselves to blame for being crushed. Given how many poor Whites there are -- they could greatly improve their lives if only they'd vote in their own interests. Instead many vote for republicans. Because republicans say they will crush the people poor white supremacists hate MORE than they crush them. While Democrats are for lifting up ALL people and not crushing anyone. Including minorities. And, to that, poor White Supremacists say "no way". They accept being crushed if the people they hate are crushed more.

Minus: DEI is the Left's way of creating sham equality... a sham just like every stupid program (affirmative action) that creates the illusion of equality. Yours is a shambolific party racked with guilt-pride. Its' high time you got over yourdselves and your responsibility for American slavery.

No. DEI is the Left's way of moving toward greater equality. You oppose it because you don't want that. I feel zero personal responsibility for slavery. And I feel none of this imaginary "guilt pride" rightturds made up -- it's White Supremacist NewSpeak. "No, we're not racist -- Democrats are the REAL racists".

Joe Conservative said...

Keeping the slaves on the Democratic Plantation is freedom? Who knew. The Democratic aristocracy always was closer to Madeira, than the poor white trash who ploughed their own fields... for they 100% completely "commodified" their Labour supply. Now they do it by harvesting their ballots.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Butler Syndrome... yawn.

It's "Burnside–Butler syndrome". Also, not everyone who has it has an intellectual disability. As per Wikipedia 98.7% of people with the syndrome don't. You're one of the less than 2% who do. You are speaking from personal experience, right?

Joe Conservative said...

Democrats are capitalist destruction personified. They destroy the church and all cultural obstacles/ elements (including democracy) that prevent the 100% commodification of Labour.

Joe Conservative said...

...and Dervy's just one of their many Ideologically brainwashed "tools".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Keeping the slaves on the Democratic Plantation is freedom? Who knew.

More White Supremacist NewSpeak. Black people who vote Democratic (80+ percent of African Americans) aren't slaves on any "Democratic Plantation". But that is in line with your racist thinking -- slaves had it good and would prefer to remain slaves over assuming responsibility for their own lives. Black people (as per your racist thinking) are the same today -- they'd prefer to keep receiving "free stuff" that Democrats give them. Why they don't vote republican.

Joe Conservative said...

They fear freedom sans "patronage'.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Yeah, I know that is how you (as a racist) view African Americans that vote for Democrats.

It's republicans politicians that rely on patronage to survive. Without funding from rich rightturds that are afraid of paying slightly higher taxes -- they might get voted out of office.

The republican politician strategy to get elected is to get funding from greedy rich rightturds who want low taxes and juice the base by playing the race card and fear mongering about muslims, immigrants, gays and trans people. But definitely NOT by doing anything that will actually benefit their non-rich voters.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: You should have read our conversation at GeeeZ yesterday about "harrassment"... and Demns...

Geeez: I remember the Trump sons saying that when they left for school every morning, they heard their father call out “And don’t drink and don’t do drugs~!” Seems like they didn’t. Biden’s did.

What BS. Where does this "they heard their father call out" come from? That sounds like a fictional claim to me. tRump isn't a strict or lenient father. He was an absent father. He had nothing to do with the raising of his children. That was the job of his wife and help (probably illegal immigrants). I very seriously doubt he called out any such thing. He's a drug user and so is his son d0nald junior.

Hunter Biden turned to drugs because his family members were killed in a car accident. But you're completely compassionless. It's a personal failing of Hunter Biden that he took it badly after his mother and sister were killed. He should have gotten over it.

People: Hunter Biden Says His Addiction Issues Stemmed from "Serious Trauma" of Mom's 1972 Car Crash Death. link

Joe Conservative said...

So where does the Democratic Party get its' funding? Let me give you a hint, it's not how the ActBlue small-washing money laundering machine would have you believe... The same Individual Poor people giving thousands of $20 contributions every month.

...and Hunter turned to drugs because he was a privileged a-hole hanging with the Kerry and Pelosi kids cashing in overseas on their DC parents power positions.

Joe Conservative said...

Naaah, it wasn't the $80k/ month from Burisma. It was Beau... @@

Joe Conservative said...

btw - How's Hunter's stripper-mom kid doing? I'm sure that it was his "tragic life" that caused him to never keep his d*ck in his pants...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: How's Hunter's stripper-mom kid doing? I'm sure that it was his "tragic life" that caused him to never keep his d*ck in his pants...

People Magazine: In an unearthed interview from 1997, Donald Trump claimed he was a "brave soldier" for avoiding STDs during his single years in the late '90s.

"It's amazing, I can't even believe it. I've been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It's like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider", Trump said in the interview when Howard Stern asked how he handled making sure he wasn't contracting STDs from the women he was sleeping with.

The business-mogul-turned-politician elaborated on the fact in the interview, calling women's vaginas "potential landmines" and saying "there's some real danger there".

Privileged a-hole = d0nald tЯump. It's why he thinks he can grab women's privates, sexually assault and rape.

Hunter Biden was never in the Biden administration. Unlike the orange turd's horrible spawn. He is a non issue now. Maybe President Harris will pardon him. That's if his conviction isn't thrown out -- given that the special counsel that persecuted him was appointed "unconstitutionally".

Where does the republican Party get its' funding? How much money is Elon pumping into his "America PAC" to defeat the imaginary "woke mind virus"?

Democrats have no desire to destroy capitalism. Didn't you whine about Jeff Bezos banning anti-Kamala books? Jeff Bezos hates capitalism? Bill Gates hates capitalism?

republiturds are trying to destroy democracy and replace it with a fascist White Supremacist christianist theocracy. That is the opposite of "Meden agan".

Anonymous said...

\\No. They are crushed daily by the wealthy elites. BUT you support this crushing. That's what Ayn Rand supported -- and you've identified as a fan, haven't you? Well, all rightturds support the crushing of the poor. The middle class too.

Blah-blah-blah... DEMN/Commie BS.

That's how I hear it.

Because it one-to-one what Soviet Propaganda BS was about.

\\Qtard: Or... their lives and struggles DOESN'T COUNTS... as they are "white supremacists".

\\Many are White Supremacists.

Thank you for confirmation.


\\And they have themselves to blame for being crushed. Given how many poor Whites there are -- they could greatly improve their lives if only they'd vote in their own interests.


To Vote For the Commies.

That just in one step. Would rob em off last shirt. And send to Siberia, to build up GULAG.


\\Because republicans say they will crush the people poor white supremacists hate MORE than they crush them.

Crushing Commies???

I... even though foreigner... are completely PRO.

Especially if it'll include commies All Around The World.

\\While Democrats are for lifting up ALL people and not crushing anyone.

Like they are PRO "lifting up" Ukrainians and Israelites?

With not providing weapon to protect themself (even though all treaties).

And instead calling em "nazis" and "genocider"???

DEMN/Commie NewSpeak I hear... in that words.

As USSR commies was calling "freeing" and "helping" when they have sent their troops to thwart governments and oppress people of foreign independent states.


\\And, to that, poor White Supremacists say "no way". They accept being crushed if the people they hate are crushed more.

Because they know/feel it all a lie? A NewSpeak? A hypocritical BS babbling? ;-P

\\No. DEI is the Left's way of moving toward greater equality.


Commie GULAG.

People there... was VERY equal.

Just your bed and cloth on you. And right to eat once or twice per day, but... only if you worked diligently and cut enough trees, dug enough rock, made enough NEW barracks for more and more fresh new inhabitants of that Paradise of Equality.


Anonymous said...

\\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

\\ Qtard: Butler Syndrome... yawn.

It's "Burnside–Butler syndrome". Also, not everyone who has it has an intellectual disability. As per Wikipedia 98.7% of people with the syndrome don't. You're one of the less than 2% who do. You are speaking from personal experience, right?

Trump to hold rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where he ...
CNBC › 2024/07/26 › trump-to-hold-ra...
2 days ago — Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Butler Farm Show in Butler, ...

But... you decided to show off with your deep knowledge of all kinds of mental deviation? ;-P

Reveal some MORE portions about your brain squirrels? ;-P

Anonymous said...

\\Hunter Biden was never in the Biden administration. Unlike the orange turd's horrible spawn. He is a non issue now. Maybe President Harris will pardon him.

Oh, Yes! %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

"Everything for a Family. Law for a foes" ;-P

\\republiturds are trying to destroy democracy and replace it with a fascist White Supremacist christianist theocracy. That is the opposite of "Meden agan".

"Secret republiturds" in WH? ;-p

\\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

\\ "inflated" self-worth ie- value of your own opinion? ;p


I rarely provide my opinion. Prefer bare stone cold facts.

That's why I loathed so much, called "troll" and forced to lurk around as miserly anonimous. ;-P


\\You should have read our conversation at GeeeZ yesterday about "harrassment"... and Demns...

My post NOT disclosed there too.

Might be "too much like troll's"... too much providing bare stone cold unrepellable with any verbal veiling... again.


Joe Conservative said...

\\ "inflated" self-worth ie- value of your own opinion? ;p
I rarely provide my opinion. Prefer bare stone cold facts.

Then why value them at 2 dimes? ;P

Joe Conservative said...

...and not $.02?

Joe Conservative said...

Unfamiliarity with the idiom?

Joe Conservative said...

Charon would be disappointed. No one want's to buy a one-way ticket.

Anonymous said...

You have doubts me saying FACTUAL truth? ;-P


The Burgundy Briefing › Briefings
Mar 29, 2019 — Jean-Baptiste firmly believed that ploughing enabled the roots to reach different levels in the soil making the resulting wine more complex.


Deep plowing
Wikipedia › wiki › Deep_plowing
Deep plowing is a plowing to a depth greater than 50 cm (20 in) as compared to ordinary plowing which rarely exceeds 20 cm (8 in). The purpose of deep ...

Anonymous said...

"My two cents" ("my 2¢") and its longer version "put my two cents in" is an American and Australian idiomatic expression,[1] taken from the original English idiom "to put in my two-penny worth" or "put my tuppence in".


Joe Conservative said...

I never questioned your facts... only their "value".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: I rarely provide my opinion. Prefer bare stone cold facts.

"Rarely" being always and "stone cold facts" meaning lies -- in your NewSpeak.

Anonymous said...


It's not surprising that you'll try to twist with your NewSpeaking.


But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I am not disturbed by it in a slightest. Only entertained. By such an Open and Obvious Cretinity. Please, do it more-MORE-MOAAAAR!!!!!!! ;-P

So... continue-continue your hard labor, cretin. Of digging even DEEPER hole for ITself. ;-p

Anonymous said...

Well... value of facts -- is relative thing.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Yeah. It's not surprising that you'll try to twist with your NewSpeaking.

I don't use NewSpeak. I was referring to your use of NewSpeak.

Qtard: So... continue-continue your hard labor, cretin. Of digging even DEEPER hole for ITself. ;-p

Self encouragement.

Qtard: Well... value of facts -- is relative thing.

Yeah. You obviously don't value facts at all. You spit on them. Try to NewSpeak lies into "facts" that you like better. Like the Earth not rotating to face the Sun. Maybe because it's flat? Or the Sun being in the sky. Instead of 94 million miles away in space.

Scientific American: Flat Earthers... What They Believe and Why ...instead of the sun being millions and millions of miles away, it's actually quite nearby and much smaller. And that's how they account for time differences across across the world. How you account for seasons, it's just that you're further away from the sun at that point. Others believe that the world is a disk, but it's under a dome. link

Sounds like what you're telling me. You think that the Earth is flat is a "stone cold fact" that is "obvious to all"??

Anonymous said...

\\I don't use NewSpeak. I was referring to your use of NewSpeak.

Yeah, yeah, NewSpeaking liar.

All is EXACTLY as you saying... in NewSpeak here. ;-P

\\Qtard: So... continue-continue your hard labor, cretin. Of digging even DEEPER hole for ITself. ;-p

\\Self encouragement.


But... continue-continue, NewSpealing cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Yeah. You obviously don't value facts at all. You spit on them.

Like you? When you say that Sun rising in the morning -- do not happen? ;-P

\\Sounds like what you're telling me. You think that the Earth is flat is a "stone cold fact" that is "obvious to all"??


An you can provide QUOTES? ;-P

Of that "you're telling me"? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

FACTUAL and PRECISE. And CONFIRMING with LOGIC this your cretinic claims?


Cause you are cretin.

And NOW you'd be cretinicly screaming that FACTUAL QUOTES -- not needed. That they are "not facts".

Yes, cretin? ;-P
