Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What Gyges Cloak Looks Like...

Deconstructing Trump - The Media's Cynical Distantiation from the Obvious Truth.

Distantiation is a noun that means to keep or put something at an intellectual or emotional distance. It can also be used as a synonym for aesthetic distance or the Brechtian alienation effect. In sociology, it is a concept that has both spatial and emotional dimensions, and refers to the decreasing connection between physical distance and psychological closeness in modern society


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Video is just an ad for this "ground news". Watched 7 minutes. That was enough of whoever this idiot is.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe Conservative said...

Yes, that's his "sponsor"... I too found the seamless commercial annoying. The real point was the Zizek video that explains distantiation so you can understand why the media psychologically has such a hard time dealing with Trump.

Joe Conservative said...

Why YOU have such a hard time dealing with Trump. You're always distancing yourself from him, REGARDLESS of the "facts".

Anonymous said...

Oh, please... you again trying to find some complicated psychological theories there... where obvious cretinity is most suiting explanation. ;-P

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

If the Theory Of Evolution were true, then Dervish the Cretin would be the artifact of it.

But since it's not true, Dervish the Cretin is proof positive that Satan exists and manipulates cretins to doing his dirty deeds.

Anonymous said...

Evolution -- it's just FACT -- that there is parents, and they have children.

But in your world kids delivered by cranes? ;-P

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆good one! I'm an intelligent design guy. God set forth a design, and it follows the pattern set for it.

Now Satan wrecks the design, and you end up with a Cretin.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere: Now Satan wrecks the design, and you end up with a Cretin.

Mystere is describing how he came to be.

Mystere probably does think babies are delivered by storks.

"Mystere the Cretin is proof positive that Satan exists and manipulates cretins to doing his dirty deeds".

Fixed your comment for you, Mystere.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: The real point was the Zizek video...

Not watched. I can't stand his voice.

Rattrapper said...

Derpwood got hatched from a rotten stork egg?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 Why that explains why he's a Bigly bird brain! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Anonymous said...

\\God set forth a design, and it follows the pattern set for it.


Do your Gawd do it inside womb? Or that is your ma and pa, conceived you, after doing boink-boink?

Joe Conservative said...

Not watched. I can't stand his voice.

Yes, the voice of reason can be difficult to listen to.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Anyone who supports tRump is devoid of reason.

Anonymous said...

Said NewSpeaking liar.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No, those were my words, not your words.

Joe Conservative said...

...the "voice of reason" devoid of xenia.

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

\\ No, those were my words, not your words.


YOUR lying words. ;-P

How observant you are today. :-)))))))))))))))))))0

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You said the words were written by a "NewSpeaking liar" -- that's YOU. You referred to my words but claimed you wrote them. Or did one of your alter egos do that?

If you don't agree with what *I* wrote, where is your EXPLANATION for why I'm wrong? Do you even know who this person is? Given that you frequently ask "whoz zat?" when a name comes up, I'm thinking you have no clue who he is -- just saying I "lied" because that is just what you do. You don't even care if what I wrote is a "lie".

You obviously dunno even know what a lie is. Think someone disagreeing with you or saying something you don't like means they're "lying".

Anonymous said...

\\You said the words were written by a "NewSpeaking liar" -- that's YOU.

And you can provide ANY facts and logical explanation why that should be true????


You can't. And you NEVER do.

And that is FACTUAL reason -- why I call you NewSpeaking LIAR.


But... you'll NEVER get it.

'Cause -- cretin.

But... continue-continue, cretin. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

Anonymous said...

\\ just saying I "lied" because that is just what you do.

Yeah... NewSpeaking lie. This is.

\\You don't even care if what I wrote is a "lie".

Yeah... because you lie nearly EVER time.

In some rediculous moments EVEN in consequent sentences -- means, about your own words JUST SAID.

So??? Why I should seek for some deeper meaning? Try to see a golden nuts in a pile of smelly slimy pile of feces... of your lies?????

What for???? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

What good could give me -- treating your lies apologetically???? (oh, but you cretin DUNNO what this LONG word mean ;-P)

Anonymous said...

\\You obviously dunno even know what a lie is. Think someone disagreeing with you or saying something you don't like means they're "lying".

Yeah... Self-Revealing lie of NewSpeaking cretin. This is. ;-P

Anonymous said...

And... no response. ;-P


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

That's my primary job now -- replying to your lying comments? How much does this job pay?

But you're the one who gave no response. Concerning the dude who Minus ridiculously labeled "the voice of reason", I asked if you know who this person is -- the person you allege I'm lying about. And you did not reply.

Just your usual "self revealing" BS. When you're accusing me of what YOU do. As always. I owe no reply to such a BS non reply.

Anonymous said...

\\That's my primary job now -- replying to your lying comments? How much does this job pay?

What a cretinic godge. ;-P

But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\But you're the one who gave no response. Concerning the dude who Minus ridiculously labeled "the voice of reason", I asked if you know who this person is -- the person you allege I'm lying about. And you did not reply.

Because... you already answered in my stead. And pretty correctly -- that I, would not care less. ;-P

\\Just your usual "self revealing" BS. When you're accusing me of what YOU do. As always. I owe no reply to such a BS non reply.

Oh, yes???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

And you can give FACTUAL quotes... of what *I* "do"????


But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...


Back to the main question

What good could give me -- treating your lies apologetically???? (oh, but you cretin DUNNO what this LONG word mean ;-P)

Or... you'll trying to PRETEND not seeing it? AGAIN???! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Even though it would reveal your cretinity. ;-P