Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland

Wednesday, July 31, 2024
What Democracy Looks Like in 2024....

Street Justice for Tommy & Co.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
America is Choking on Gas... Emitted by the MSM
We have been gaslighted so badly, so many times in past few years, it’s almost impossible to believe. But none has been as absurd as what’s happening right now with the fake news stories and fake polls about Kamala Harris.Only a couple weeks ago, Democrat leaders were discussing how to dump Kamala from the ticket.She was that big of an albatross. The most unpopular, unlikeable Vice President in modern history was an anchor on the Democrat Party and yes, even “the Biden brand.”Only a couple of weeks ago, a crowd of Democrat consultants and donors was debating who the candidate should be. A top Democrat fundraiser actually said to the crowd, Kamala as the presidential candidate would be “more threatening” to swing voters than a dead or comatose Joe Biden. See:
Kadia Goba (7/3/24), "On private call, Democrats weigh ‘comatose or dead’ Biden and alternatives"
Only a week ago, the New York Times looked at the pros and cons of every possible Biden replacement and called Kamala Harris “the most unelectable” of any possible Democrat candidate.Top Democratic consultants debated Wednesday, before an audience of large Democratic donors, whether they could push Joe Biden from the race for president — and whether Vice President Kamala Harris would be worse than a “comatose” or “dead” Biden.
“Seventy-two percent of people want something different. Why not give it to them?” asked the former Bill Clinton aide James Carville on a conference call for dozens of donors to the Democratic SuperPAC American Bridge, a major source of opposition research and paid campaigns against Donald Trump. “They’re just asking for a different choice.”
Carville advised donors who want Biden out of the race to cut off money to politicians who won’t take their side.
“What I would say is, if we don’t do something about this, I’m going to put you on call block on my cell phone,” he said on the call, a recording of which was shared with Semafor by a donor.
The hour-long call Tuesday offered a glimpse at the panic inside the ranks of Democratic donors, as a parade of wealthy Democrats — some dialing in from vacation, and one taking jokes about skiing in the southern hemispheres — took turns asking Carville, Paul Begala, and Reid Hoffman adviser Dmitri Mehlhorn how they could push Biden out.
“What can we as donors do to encourage the change in the ticket?” one donor asked, capturing the sentiment on the call. “Continuing to have President Biden at the top of this ticket is giving people an excuse to vote for Donald Trump,” said another. “If you wake Joe Biden at three-o-clock in the morning and ask him who’s president, does he get it right?” fretted a third.
While Carville offered them advice on pushing Biden out and Begala stayed neutral on the question, Biden had one advocate. Mehlhorn, whose key patron LinkedIn founder Hoffman has been a staunch advocate for sticking with the president, argued that Biden should stay in the race — if in the darkest possible terms.
Swing voters, he said, already believed Biden is feeble — but they like Vice President Kamala Harris even less.
“Kamala Harris is more threatening to those swing voters than a dead Joe Biden or a comatose Joe Biden,” he said. “So if Joe has to go, it’s gonna be Kamala and if it’s Kamala, it’s gonna be harder.”
Mehlhorn tried to clean up the comments in an email to allies on Wednesday, arguing they had been taken out of context. Mehlhorn said he was trying to “reach the doubters by assuming for argument’s sake the extreme case of Biden being actually comatose” and that he was not trying to suggest Biden was actually comatose or that Harris would not be a viable alternative.
“Vice President Harris is a badass. A ticket with her at the top, combined with someone who balances her brand weaknesses (examples range from Mark Kelly to Andy Beshear to Roy Cooper to Josh Shapiro and many others), would absolutely be competitive with the criminally insane convicted felon the other side is committed to nominating,” Mehlhorn wrote in the note viewed by Semafor. “We would lose Joe’s superpower brand, but we would gain other benefits and would still be competitive.”
And a quick reminder- for the past four years, virtually every poll showed Kamala was the only politician on earth more unpopular than her boss, Joe Biden (the lowest rated president in a century).
Everyone at the top levels of Washington DC agreed Kamala was thoroughly unlikeable, completely incompetent, and dim-witted. That’s a very bad combination.
Keep in mind Kamala was universally hated by even her own staff- 92% of the people working for her as Vice President quit over the past 3 ½ years. Staffers publicly called her “a toxic, soul-destroying bully.” See:https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13673913/kamala-harris-soul-destroying-bully.htmlIf Kamala had a TV show it would be called, “Everyone Hates Kamala.”
But Democrats had no other choice, but to replace Biden with Kamala…and then like magic, poof, the Deep State hit the switch…and their barking seals in the media obeyed instantly…and they all read from the same script…
Suddenly, overnight, out of the blue, they’re all telling us Kamala is popular, well-regarded, and get this- skyrocketing in approval rating, skyrocketing in polls, and in some polls actually leading or tied with Trump? How is this possible?
The answer is, it’s not.
Once again, we’re being gaslighted. Except this time it’s so fantastical, only a complete moron, fool, or delusional patsy would accept what we’re hearing.
If you believe this bullsh—t, I have a bridge to sell you in Las Vegas. Please make your $100,000,000 check out to “Wayne Allyn Root.”
Here’s the proof the polls you’re currently seeing in the mainstream media are total fraud. For years, the most accurate poll in the country has been The Democracy Institute, run by Patrick Basham.
Democracy only polls “likely voters,” as opposed to other biased pollsters (friendly to Democrats) who choose to poll any registered voter who picks up the phone. Up to one third of registered voters are not going to vote. And they skew dramatically Democrat.
These other polls also oversample Democrats. That’s how they have come up with such absurd numbers for Kamala Harris. Of course, if you poll mostly Democrats, you’ll come up with ridiculous fake numbers in favor of the Democrat candidate.
Here are the exact numbers used by Democracy versus other pollsters. Democracy used Democrats +2 for this latest poll. Meaning pollster Basham gives Democrat voters a +2 point edge- the exact number for the 2020 presidential election. Patrick believes the true number today is Democrats +1. But he is always cautious, so he stuck with +2.
But the polls you’re seeing now in the media claiming Kamala is suddenly popular and gaining on Trump, or beating Trump, are using Democrats +6, Democrats +8, and in some cases a ridiculous Democrats +10. This absurd, ridiculous, biased fantasy produces a “Kamala Miracle.” Voila- suddenly, she is popular.
So, what is the truth? What is the real snapshot of this election?
In the latest 100% honest, ethical, accurate Democracy Institute poll, with the electorate at +2 edge for Democrats, Trump is winning by a landslide of 8 points.
I use the word “landslide” because no Republican has won any presidential election by this big a margin since Ronald Reagan- almost half a century ago.
And of course, only the Electoral results matter. If Trump even loses the popular vote by 1 point, he’d almost certainly win the election with a large electoral victory.
In Basham’s Democracy Institute poll, Trump wins by 8 points because he is winning by a gigantic landslide with white voters, male voters, independents, and seniors.
Kamala is barely leading among young voters. Trump wins with Hispanics 51% to 48%, suburban voters 49% to 47%, and takes 22% of black votes.
The largest voting group in the entire electorate is working class whites. Trump wins 75% of their vote.
Trump wins by a whopping 35 points among men, while Kamala wins with women by only a razor-thin 3 points.
It’s also important to note, 62% of all voters believe Kamala Harris lied about Biden’s health.
Basham tells me the most important takeaway is that Trump historically ALWAYS outperforms polls- as many of his voters understandably don’t like to tell a stranger on the phone who they support. So, in reality, Trump almost certainly leads by 10 points or more. Which would be the biggest landslide since Reagan.
Want a little more “backup.” I’ve always found Rasmussen the other most accurate pollster. In their latest poll, Trump is up by 7.
So, there’s the truth. Reality. Trump is winning. BIG.
No amount of gaslighting can change that.
Monday, July 29, 2024
Kamala for, You Know, The Thing!
By February of this year, Joe Biden was already so cognitively impaired that nearly four-in-five Americans had revealed to pollsters that he was just too old to run for president again. Biden was already beginning to drown in polls against his opponent on nearly every issue that is important to Americans by double digits, including a massive 35% deficit on the vital issue of border security and controlling illegal immigration.
For many of us, it was obvious that Biden wouldn’t make it to November. It can’t be Biden on the top of the ticket in 2024, I argued back then.
And yet somehow, the prediction that he wouldn’t be around in November to headline the ticket was considered a longshot prediction by all of the mainstream media and the supposedly smart set of political wonks. There just wasn’t enough time to replace Biden in the primary process if they didn’t replace him by March, we were told. If they were going to do it, they’d have to do it quickly, as Thomas Gift suggested.
But, as I also observed in February, it made far more sense for Democrats to wait to pull the plug on Biden in the summertime rather than the early spring, because waiting until summer would eliminate the pesky primary process and the party’s voters altogether. Having an honest and open primary introduces the risk that voters may choose a different candidate than the Democrat politburo’s preference, after all, just as they nearly did in the primary process of 2016 and 2020 when the party was forced to rig the primaries against Bernie Sanders. That went largely unreported by the left-wing media, but it managed to raise more than a few eyebrows on both sides of the political aisle.
Waiting until after the primaries to replace Biden was a longshot prediction among the supposedly smart set, too. But, lo and behold, the mainstream media, the Hollywood elite, and the Democrat establishment operated in unison to prop up a rapidly diminishing Joe Biden in the spring, only to send him as a lamb to slaughter in an unprecedentedly early debate in late June. Afterward, they orchestrated a finely tuned, yet unconvincingly veiled, slow-motion coup to oust Joe Biden in late July, with roughly one month until convention.
What’s interesting is that while these predictions may have once been considered longshot predictions, there was never anything illogical about them. In fact, it would have been far more illogical to imagine that Biden would continue campaigning into the fall as a viable candidate on the Democrat ticket, just as it would have been illogical to presume that Democrats would oust him in February to open a frenzied primary season, over which they’d have limited control to direct the outcome.
It's been a pretty good year for logical longshot predictions, and I see no reason to stop making them now. And something just doesn’t feel right in all this new focus about this being a sprint to November between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.
Now, I maintain that the Biden camp’s nearly immediate endorsement of Kamala Harris was a big middle finger to those conspiring in a coup against him. New information this week only serves as further evidence of that. As it turns out, Barack Obama reportedly threatened Biden with the 25th Amendment, telling him that Harris was on board to invoke it. Equally unsurprising is that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Hakeem Jeffries were all in coordination.
When Biden’s announcement came with a surprise endorsement of Kamala Harris, none of these conspirators were quick to endorse Harris. What followed was a series of stringing endorsements by the establishment honchos, culminating with Obama’s endorsement nearly a week later.
If a show of unity is the goal, that goal would have been better served with a coordinated endorsement. But that didn’t happen, which suggests confusion on the part of the Democrat party elite.
And they would be right to have been confused. For lack of a better way of putting it, Kamala Harris simply doesn’t fit in a winnable Democrat presidential campaign strategy.
She is incredibly unlikeable, even in her own party. This is evident by the fact that she failed to get oxygen in a crowded field of Democrats in 2019. Despite holding a voting record that is to the left of avowed socialist Bernie Sanders (a fact that media apparatchiks are hilariously failing to expunge convincingly), she failed to gain any traction among the socialist bloc of Democrats and failed to make an impression in the moderate lane over which Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Bloomberg were contesting.
It feels crazy to even have to type this sentence, but if Kamala Harris couldn’t make it to the first state primary vote in a contested Democrat primary, it seems strange to imagine that Democrats are betting the farm that she’ll win over moderate votes in the swing states.
And what would be even crazier is imagining that Democrats could do this after her stint as vice president, where all logic points to Joe Biden having purposefully set her up to fail in the early task of addressing the longstanding and problematic issues with illegal immigration.
From that point forward, her approval rating plummeted and remained lower than even Joe Biden, who was so unpopular that Democrats had to orchestrate a coup to be rid of him.
None of this makes any sense. Not only because she is one of the most unproven and unlikeable candidates in the Democrats’ stable, but because she is a radical leftist from San Francisco whose voting record and rhetoric makes her a liability on the party’s ticket in swing states.
The internet is forever, and there’s no equivocation about her position on some matters that are of crucial importance to millions of Americans, and particularly in those precious swing states.
She has said that she supports the abolition of private insurance and a nationalized healthcare system. She supports taxpayers funding “free college,” an end to fracking and fossil fuels, defunding the police, open borders, and free healthcare for illegal aliens. Kamala Harris notably encouraged rioters in the leadup to the 2020 election and helped in fundraising for violent criminals’ and arsonists’ bail. And most importantly, she believes that it is the government’s job to achieve the equality of all Americans’ outcome.
In the words of the late, great Norm McDonald, that’s all “some commie gobbledygook.” And Americans don’t like that commie stuff. Some Democrats do, sure, but the ones they’ve liked are named Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. And they haven’t been the candidates that the Democrat establishment has been promoting.
Somehow, not only has the radical progressive standard finally become acceptable to the Democrat party, but they’ve calculatedly decided that Kamala Harris will be the standard bearer in a national election?
I’m not buying it.
Here’s what we know. Selecting the VP to replace Biden was the easiest path. There are many reasons for this, and the selection of Hubert Humphrey at the 1968 Democrat convention serves as precedent. Just as in 2024, other Democrat candidates earned pledged delegates, but those Democrats were cast aside when the party elites decided who they wanted to anoint, absent any voter consent. The VP of the previous administration has implied voter consent, in a way.
But what happens when it becomes just as apparent that Kamala can’t win against Donald Trump as it had become that Joe Biden couldn’t?
It isn’t just me noticing this problem.
“And for whatever reason,” Bill Maher told his audience Friday night, “Harris has never been popular. You can count how many delegates she won in the 2020 primary on one hand – as long as that hand has no fingers.” He points out that she’s been “quieter than an electric car” in three years as vice president, but that “it’s not fair that she’s not popular,” he said. “She’s intelligent, and accomplished, and in fact, was put in charge of the border and look at… O.K., bad example. [laughter]”
If Democrats are smart, they’ll space out the potential polling bumps available to them all the way to November, and they will wait a week or so to announce a VP for the Harris ticket. If those bumps aren’t promising enough before convention, I would expect a replacement for Harris in an open convention. I have no reason to believe she can’t be bought off, and a simple statement with sagging polls about her not being the best candidate to secure victory in the Electoral College against the greatest existential threat to democracy that America has ever known, or some such, would suffice.
The way I see it, Democrats have a binary choice. Either they replace Kamala Harris in the coming weeks and vie for the presidency in November, or they keep Kamala on the ticket expecting a loss and regrouping for 2028.
Or, they’re hoping for a miracle in the form of some miraculous vote-counting in key cities and districts in crucial states, if you get my meaning.
Sunday, July 28, 2024
The Era of Neo-Liberal Totalitarianism Begins... FREE Tommy! End Lawfare! The Terror Threat isn't Populism!
Post on far-right activist’s X account on day after central London demonstration says he has been detained by police
Tommy Robinson has been arrested a day after organising a major demonstration in central London, according to his X account.
Thousands of people marched in the city on Saturday as part of an event organised by Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, while many others took part in a counterprotest.
A post on Robinson’s X account on Sunday said: “We can confirm that Tommy Robinson has been detained by police using powers afforded to them under the Terrorism Act 2000.”
The Metropolitan police appeared to confirm the arrest, saying in a tweet on Sunday that another force was involved and they hoped further information would be released soon. They said they were not aware of any links with the demonstration in London.
The anti-extremism campaign group Hope Not Hate had said that Robinson “could face jail” after allegedly screening a documentary against high court orders at the demonstration.
The film, Silenced, repeats false claims he made about a Syrian refugee that led to him losing a libel case in 2021. Robinson is due to appear at a high court hearing on Monday accused of contempt of court for making the documentary.
While the circumstances of any arrest remained unclear, supporters of the far-right activist gathered outside Downing Street on Sunday after an impromptu protest was called for 4pm.
The Met said it was aware of posts encouraging people to protest in London and that any such activity must be lawful. “We will deploy officers as required to prevent serious disruption or disorder and to deal with any incidents,” it added.
The Reform UK party MP Rupert Lowe, responding to the reported arrest, tweeted: “Is this action proportionate and in line with how the streets of London have recently been policed? More details are urgently required.”
Before the release of further details by the authorities, others including the X owner, Elon Musk, tweeted questions on social media.
The Met had said in advance of Saturday’s protests that about 1,000 officers were being deployed across the capital to “keep the peace” and ensure the two groups of protesters were kept apart.
At least eight people were arrested and several emergency workers were assaulted, according to the force.
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Is it Intermission Yet? Biden FORCED OUT!
As The Gateway Pundit’s Kristinn Taylor reported, Biden suffered an “undisclosed medical emergency” while in Las Vegas on July 17 that was never disclosed to the public.
Now, according to a report from a respected longtime investigative journalist, an equally explosive incident followed just a few days later.
On Saturday, Seymour Hersh wrote on his substack that sources told him that Barack Obama had called Biden three days after the disturbing incident. Obama reportedly told Biden on July 20 that he had Kamala Harris’s approval to use the 25th Amendment to kick him out of office.
You read that right. Harris was reportedly on board with declaring Old Joe incapacitated and kicking him to the curb.
From Hersh:“I went over (reports) this week with a senior official in Washington who helped me fashion an account of a White House in complete disarray,” Hersh said.Since Hersh’s post is only for paid subscribers, here is the relevant snippet.
“Obama called Biden after breakfast (on July 20) and said, ‘Here’s the deal. We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment,'” he continued.
Hersh also confirmed that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Hakeem Jeffries were also directly involved. This correlates with TGP’s extensive reporting of the palace coup.
He went on to write that Obama did not plan on immediately endorsing Kamala, but it was clear that she would “get the nod.”
The Gateway Pundit previously reported Obama initially wanted Mark Kelly at the top of the ticket, but Biden beat him to the punch with Harris.
“He (Obama) had an agenda, and he wanted to seek it through to the end, and he wanted to have control over who would be elected,” Hersh wrote.
Excerpts from the Obama-Harris endorsement from The Daily Beast:
In a written extract of the full call shared by the campaign, Obama also warns that the Democrats face a rocky road to victory. “We’re gonna be underdogs, you know,” he says. “and you are gonna have to continue, as you said, to, to earn, not just the nomination but earn the trust of, of folks all across this country.”
...Other insiders told The New York Times shortly after that Obama was holding back his support to avoid the perception that he was puppet-mastering her anointment. Another explained to NBC that he was trying not to “overshadow” President Joe Biden, who on Wednesday night addressed the nation for the first time since announcing on Sunday he was dropping out of the presidential race.
...NBC’s sources said that both of the Obamas privately backed Harris, and that Barack had been “in regular contact” with the vice president, acting as a sounding board for her. Another source told USA Today that the couple was looking for the right moment to endorse Harris.
Yeah, Kamala's "sounding board" told her to invoke the 25th Amendment if Joe didn't drop out, and that the Deep State was fully behind her. So is Mark Kelley of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and the Obama favorite for President going IN to the Convention going to be her VP? The Magic 8-Ball says, "It is Certain!
Friday, July 26, 2024
Thursday, July 25, 2024
I wonder if NOT Sniping Constitutes "Election Interference"? An Illegal Campaign Contribution?
The Deep State Doesn't Interfere in AMERICAN Elections, Right?
Nessun Dorma!
The president's Oval Office address was a patriotic rallying cry. But it would have been more impactful had he voluntarily decided not to seek re-election sooner.
This is the speech President Joe Biden should have given a year ago.
In a barely 10-minute address to the nation from behind the Resolute Desk on Wednesday night, Biden put a bow on his decision to abandon his cratering re-election campaign.
Biden, still recovering from Covid, spoke haltingly and at times seemed to slur his words — sometimes repeating sentences with the words rearranged a bit. Even when he was boasting of his administration’s accomplishments, there was a mournful tenor in his voice. He looked exposed.
But his appeals for unity amid ongoing attacks on our democracy didn’t ring hollow. He came off like a patriotic American who saw his predecessor unforgivably botch the early days of a pandemic and then try to overturn the results of a free and fair election. Biden, for all his baggage, understands the dangers on the horizon.
Yes, he’s a career politician who ran for president three times. He’s always wanted this job and never wanted to give it up. But sitting in the Oval Office, surrounded by family and staff members, Biden didn’t look like a man defeated by an uprising within his own party. He looked like a man who finally accepted reality and who needs some rest.
This is the correct outcome. And yet, when he recalled his promise to the American people to “always level with you … to tell the truth,” I couldn’t help but feel a bit gaslighted.
After what would prove to be a career-ending debate performance in June, it seemed that only Biden’s inner circle failed to understand there was no going back. There was no way to convincingly argue that Biden hadn’t lost a step — or many steps — and that he’d be just fine if he served another four years.
Biden was never supposed to be an eight-year president. He was always supposed to be a “bridge” to the next generation. Though he never pledged to do it, during the 2020 election there were breadcrumbs of reporting in The New York Times and Politico that indicated Biden and top advisers were at least open to the idea of his serving just one term, then riding off into the sunset as the hero who dislodged Trump from the White House and leaving it to someone else to take the helm in four years.
If Biden had given this speech a year ago — telling members of his own party to vote for someone else and thanking Americans for their faith in him — he’d have done far less damage to his administration’s credibility, and he would have enabled a competitive primary process.
He didn’t, so instead we’ve got a just-over-100-day presidential election the likes of which we’ve never seen before.
It’d be a stretch to use President Gerald Ford’s famous post-Watergate line, “Our long national nightmare is over,” but the specter of an ailing, unpopular 81-year-old president trying to persuade the country — again — to vote for him instead of Trump was kind of a nightmare for a lot of Americans. And now it is in fact over.
We’re at that bridge to the future now. Look at the other ticket, featuring a 78-year-old former president and a 39-year-old senator with less than two years of experience in office. Trump’s decision to pick Sen. JD Vance is MAGA’s passing of the torch. And if they win on Election Day, this country could be forever changed in a terrible way.
We can’t know yet what will happen in November. But a few weeks ago, Biden seemed almost certainly on a path to a crushing defeat. Instead, his early exit means there is now a much better chance that his work can and will be continued — and his legacy not destroyed.
So what does Barack Obama (Turandot) think of Kamala? As a Bridge to Michelle!?!
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Jamaican me Crazy!
Da Mamala Be Shamala!
What did Kamala know about Biden's dementia, and when did she know it?
Madeline Coggins, "Major Biden donor shares concerns over Kamala Harris run, slams Democrats for 'squandering' big opportunity"John Morgan will not endorse the Kamala Harris campaign
Many lawmakers and donors have come out in support of Vice President Kamala Harris following President Biden's exit from the 2024 race.
However, one Biden megadonor is not "enthusiastic" about the president's endorsement and is cutting his fundraising efforts.
"You have to be enthusiastic or hoping for a political appointment to be asking friends for money. I am neither," attorney John Morgan wrote on X Sunday. "It's others turn now. The donors holding the 90 million can release those funds in the morning. It's all yours. You can keep my million. And good luck."
Morgan further explained why he won't support the Harris campaign on "Cavuto: Coast to Coast" Tuesday.
"To go out and have a fundraiser raise 3, 4 or $5 million. It sounds easy, but it's not easy," he stressed. "It's very difficult to do that. You have to have motivation. You have to really believe, or you have to really want something. There has to be a driving force inside of you."On Sunday, Biden announced he was dropping out of the 2024 presidential election despite affirming his intentions to stay in the race following his concerning debate performance.Major Biden donor John Morgan tells @ABC News he won't fundraise for Harris if she's the nominee
— Will Steakin (@wsteaks) July 22, 2024
"If Trump World could pick anybody to run against, I think they pick her."
The 46th president endorsed Harris, who quickly garnered support from top Democratic voices, including the Clintons and actor George Clooney.
The "Morgan and Morgan" attorney argued, however, that Democrats are "squandering" an "unbelievable" opportunity.
"Every year people gather to play fantasy basketball or fantasy football or whatever, and you get to pick the best players on the team," he told host Neil Cavuto. "The Democratic Party has that type of opportunity, but they seem to be squandering it by taking a lesser pick."
According to the results of a new Quinnipiac University poll released Monday, former President Trump has the support of 49% of voters compared to 47% who prefer Harris.
In five post-debate national polls, the vice president ties Trump with support from 47% of registered voters."The Democratic Party has that type of opportunity, but they seem to be squandering it by taking a lesser pick."- John MorganAnother March poll from USA TODAY and Suffolk University found that approximately 52% of registered voters disapprove of Harris' performance as vice president. This compares to only 36% of respondents that believe she is handling the office well. Significantly, 10% of respondents remain undecided about their feelings towards her performance.
Morgan explained his primary reason for pulling back fundraising for Harris is that she is not the best the party has to offer Americans.
"Harris brings a lot of great things to the table. Women, she'd be the best speaker on abortion, her heritage... Very good things. But is she the best messenger or is she the best person? [Are] her ways the best ways to go forward? And for me, I don't think so."
"The president has backed out, and we have the opportunity to get the best candidate who has the best chance of winning. It's an unbelievable opportunity… I think the deal is done. I don't think there's anything more that can be done," he concluded.
Democrats will formally select their 2024 pick at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next month.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Lowry and McWhorter on How Social Media put the 'fake' into Fake News!
Oy! The 2024 Blowout!
And as George Soros stated in his "Alchemy of Finance": "Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it's interested in operational success." The method he said that they used to do the Alchemy of Finance was reflexivity. The idea is that you start jinning up an idea and make the idea become true because everybody starts talking about it and believing it in a particular way. So "the current thing" takes place in a reflexive environment (often Social Media).
from Axios today:
By the numbers: Trump leads Harris by 1.5 percentage points in an average of 11 national polls conducted since Biden's debate disaster on June 27, per the Washington Post. The same average showed Biden trailing Trump by 1.9 percentage points.
...thinking (or polling) in a certain way... like it's a 2 way race where Kamala is only behind by 1.5% and not a 3 way race where she's really behind by 5%... gotcha!
Monday, July 22, 2024
It's NOT Going to Be Kamala, Democrats... it Never Was Going to Be!
Democratic leadership on Capitol Hill is currently not weighing in on whether Vice President Kamala Harris should be the party’s presidential nominee to avoid the appearance that they are forcing her candidacy onto the voters too quickly, according to two sources familiar with their thinking.
In the hours since President Joe Biden announced he would not seek reelection and endorsed Harris to succeed him, dozens of Democratic lawmakers have publicly stated their support for Harris to become the nominee.
But key party leaders have not yet done the same, and some Democratic lawmakers have called for an open process to determine the next Democratic presidential nominee. Democratic Party leaders now face a delicate balancing act as they hope to see their party unify behind a new nominee without alienating any factions after Biden’s historic decision upended the presidential race.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries both praised Biden in statements following the president’s announcement but did not explicitly mention Harris.
“Joe Biden has not only been a great president and a great legislative leader, but he is a truly amazing human being,” Schumer said in a statement. “His decision of course was not easy, but he once again put his country, his party, and our future first.”
Jeffries, in a statement, called Biden “one of the most accomplished and consequential leaders in American history,” and said, “America is a better place today because President Joe Biden has led us with intellect, grace and dignity. We are forever grateful.”
Former President Barack Obama similarly lauded Biden but did not mention Harris.
“We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges,” Obama said in a statement.
Many prominent Democrats, however, have been quick to voice their support for Harris.
Washington state Democratic Sen. Patty Murray, who is president pro tempore of the Senate, said she respects Biden’s “willingness to pass the torch” and went on to endorse Harris for president.
“We must beat Donald Trump — and I know Kamala Harris can win. I am behind Vice President Harris one-hundred percent — she is exactly the woman we need to prosecute the case against Donald Trump, save American democracy, lead the fight to restore abortion rights, and build an economy that puts working people — not billionaires — first. I will do everything I can to help elect Kamala Harris as our next President,” she said in a statement.
Rep. Ted Lieu, vice chair of the House Democratic Caucus, also endorsed Harris on Sunday.
“Four years ago, I was the first Member of Congress to endorse Kamala Harris for President,” he wrote in a statement. “So honored to endorse @KamalaHarris again for President.”
Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina also endorsed Harris for president.
Referring to Biden, he said, “I echo the good judgement he demonstrated in selecting Vice President Harris to lead this nation alongside him, and I am proud to follow his lead in support of her candidacy to succeed him as the Democratic Party’s 2024 nominee for President.”
Congressional Progressive Caucus Chairwoman Pramila Jayapal endorsed Harris. And in a statement by Reps. Gregory Meeks of New York and Steven Horsford of Nevada, the Congressional Black Caucus PAC endorsed Harris as the next Democratic nominee for president.
“She has been instrumental in delivering the accomplishments of the last 3.5 years and has led on lowering maternal mortality rates, protecting reproductive freedoms, and ensuring economic opportunities for all,” they wrote in a statement. “She will do an excellent job as President of the United States.”
At the same time, some congressional Democrats are calling for an open process to select a new nominee.
Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas, who was the first Democrat in Congress to call on Biden to step aside, said in a statement, “I continue to urge a fair, open, and democratic process to select the nominee best able to convince battleground voters to reject Trump’s dark, retribution-fueled plans.”
“While, with President Biden’s endorsement, Vice President Harris is clearly the leading candidate, we should be open to all talented individuals who wish to be considered.”
Catfishing Democratic voters with "Kamala" until the Convention, when the Bait and Switch for a "more electable" candidate will be implemented.... and donors fleeced AGAIN! Good thinking, Barack!
"...to avoid the appearance that they are forcing her candidacy onto the voters too quickly, according to two sources familiar with their thinking.".
Naaah! To fleece gullible Democratic donors, and then hit them up for the REAL nominee AGAIN during/post Convention! It's been Barack's Plan A since he pick Joe and won in 2020. Why else "hide" Biden's deterioration THROUGHOUT the Primaries and rig them for a Stalking Horse???
You're Being HUNTED, Democrats! You're Prey!
If Joe REALLY wanted Kamala to be the Next President, all he would have to do is resign NOW. But he won't because then Jill wouldn't get her promised Senate seat, and the Biden crime family would be out of the influence peddling business. What would brother James and Hunter DO for a living then?
Kennedy's SotU Address
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Circumventing Democracy
"Hurry Up and Make Kamala Official, Democrats! The DNC did THEIR part by making sure that $100m was dependent upon her anointment! And it's only three weeks to the Convention. Hurry, up and anoint Kamala, Democrats! We don't want a Messy '68 style Convention again, do we? Democracy is too messy, we won't be able to win if its' messy! Democracy is for chumps! Besides, we've already harvested most of your ballots. All we need to do is fill in Kamala's name for you! You don't even have to go to the polls in November!"
Yeah, hurry up and STOP your b*tchin'. Why let voters decide, when you can simply have the press sprinkle Holy Water upon a preferred Democratic elite oligarchy-approved political successor? And why go through all the trouble of voting, anyways? To SAVE DEMOCRACY from the loyal opposition! That's all way too much trouble.
One wonders how much the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)'s National Democratic Institute (NDI) had to do with ensuring that this novel Democratic candidate anointment/ appointment process got blessed? If it had happened in a 3rd world country, Iran, Russia, Venezuela or North Korea, both the NDI and IRI would be screaming that the election had been rigged! But nope, if we faithful and always good hearted Democrats (but not the evil Republicans at IRI) do it, it's perfectly okay!
The MSM Changes the Subject from the Trump Shooting and RNC Convention to Woman Power!
A Black Woman DNC Presidential Candidate is Now a Certainty!...: Herstory has been Achieved, Opaque Glass Ceilings Shattered!!
Bleeding African-American voters to Trump, the DNC has decided to go "all in" on a DEI Presidential Candidate. Will it be Kamala? Or someone more "electable"? Enquiring minds wish to know!
Hurray, another victory for "Intersectionality" in Identity politics? But has Trump already out maneuvered the Democrats with a return to the politics of Class by assembling a new coalition of mostly working class voters? We'll soon see if the Republican Modernists can flip the tables on Democrat's Post-Modern racial identity politics! Can the politics of Substance (Blogger) prevail over the politics of Appearances (Tik-Tok)? We ALL be so Meta now!
But Will Democrats Dare Attempt an Intersectional Trifecta? Or will they be too Transphobic, like the French and play it safe? How Many Democratic Convention Delegates Dare Pull the "Vote of Conscience" Emergency Rip Cord after Reviewing the Trump v. Harris Polling Data?