Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Hail to the Chief...


Rattrapper said...

Those who abused the powers of the independent agencies brought judgement upon themselves. What we're seeing is the result of past abuses catching up to the greedy. Trump has grabbed a whip and has started driving out the thieves in the DEN OF CROOKS.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Is d0n0ld going to drive himself out, Mystere? He's the biggest thief of all.

Joe Conservative said...

You missed the king, now you'll pay the consequences... :)

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You should be disturbed by this instead of happy. But clearly you hate America so much that you yearn for it's destruction at the hands of a narcistic megalomaniacal moron. There is something deeply wrong with you. Aside from your adherence to White Supremacy.

Joe Conservative said...

How is being happy at the end of American Imperialistic ambitions megalomaniacal? You're projecting again, Derv, especially vis "white supremacy".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

king d0n0ld on Greenland: One way or the other, we will have it.

king d0n0ld on Canada: ...the only thing that makes sense is for Canada to become our cherished Fifty First State.

King d0n0ld on the Panama Canal: My administration will be reclaiming the Panama Canal, and we’ve already started doing it.

THIS is the "end" of Imperialistic ambitions? Sounds like the beginning of Imperialistic ambitions to me.

btw, me calling out your love for White Supremacy is definitely not projection. I strongly oppose White Supremacy.

also, it looks like you are agreeing that d0n0ld is a narcissist and a moron. Given that you only disagreed with him being a megalomaniac.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Sounds more like the anti-imperialism of the Monroe Doctrine.