Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The Difference Between Guilt (feeling bad About Yourself (AY)), Pride (feeling good AY) and Performative Guilt-Pride (performative feeling good about feeling bad AY for OTHERS)...?

There is no such thing as collective guilt or collective innocence; guilt and innocence make sense only if applied to individuals.
–Hannah Ardent, "Personal Responsibility Under Dictatorship"


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The difference is the first two are real and the third is imaginary. Though it seems you agree, by way of posting that quote. Apparently you came to your senses are changed your mind? Did you start taking your doctor prescribed Seroquel?

Joe Conservative said...

The third is acting upon Shakespeare world stage. And the actors take great PRIDE in their performances as "the guilty", which you said is real, despite my 'quote'.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I say no. People can be concerned about past wrongs and seek to right them. That does not mean they are "performing" as "the guilty". That's your White Supremacist interpretation. Because you can't fathom why White people should be concerned in the least about past (or ongoing) wrongs perpetrated (and continuing to be perpetrated) by those of your ilk.

Minus: which you said is real, despite my 'quote'.

I didn't.

Joe Conservative said...

lol! Contradict yourself much? You said you believed my quote:

“There is no such thing as collective guilt or collective innocence; guilt and innocence make sense only if applied to individuals.”

My ancestors fought for the Union Army. And THAT is what my "ilk" continue to do.

–Hannah Ardent, "Personal Responsibility Under Dictatorship"

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"You said you believed my quote" contradicts with what? Thus far you've failed to explain what you believe this alleged "contradiction" to be. I'll have to wait until you do -- to then explain why you're wrong. Because currently IDK where you are seeing a "contradiction".

Joe Conservative said...

Why would ANYONE feel guilty if my quote is true?

People can be concerned about past wrongs and seek to right them.

That would be very stupid of them, wouldn't it? To "Right wrongs" they never committed and were never responsible for? To pledge to pursue "anti-racism" against people who were never racist or responsible to begin with, and to "affirm" the abhorrent and racist Cracker culture that people who were never slaves and were only victims of pre-65 Jim Crow by the VERY so-called anti-racists who are proud of having stopped doing so AFTER THEY STOPPED BEING RACIST 100 years after those they NOW accuse? You Democrats take the "stupid" cake.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"That would be very stupid of them, wouldn't it? To "Right wrongs" they never committed and were never responsible for?".

No. Not at all.

"100 years after those they NOW accuse?"

That's 100 percent false. The calling out is directed at people continuing to be racist in the present. Not anyone who's ancestors stopped being racist. Though idk how someone's ancestors stopping being racist would stop them from being racist.

Joe Conservative said...

Your 1965 acquired guilt-pride is shining through, Derv! Praise Malcolm!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I did not exist in 1965. And I have zero "guilt-pride". I am not proud of anything I have done that has resulted in feelings of guilt to manifest. That is the fundamental nature of guilt -- that it causes shame, not pride. But you clearly do not understand this. I postulate the reason is that you are incapable of feeling shame. As a narcissist (like d0n0ld). You lack an understanding of how human emotions function. That explains why you (absurdly) believe someone could be proud of feeling guilty.

Joe Conservative said...

Worse. That makes you a Post-Pan(demic). An ideological foot soldier that's part of the "UnderSea" awaiting Rescue Mission (Station Eleven). "Save me Dr. Eleven!"

Joe Conservative said...

Stations of the Cross: Station 11 - Jesus is Nailed to the Cross