Thursday, March 20, 2025

Feminism: The Masculinization of the Female...

...and Utter Rejection of Socialism's Blessings of Fathers Normally Given to Daughters under Patriarchy by these Now "Butcher" Daughters of Eve...
...Seizing the "Means of Production" under Secular Capitalism...
...and so now ever Striving to fill their Own Purse with Water with an Unreliable and Leaky Government Siphon that travels from Each's Own Purse into Another's.


Rattrapper said...

Some of these social changes bother me deeply. One of them is when I hear about women dying in military combat as a result of the changes we went through. One that struck me hard was hearing about an only daughter of an Army veteran getting killed during the Persian Gulf War in 1991. There was a young woman who was an only child of an Army veteran who enlisted and went into a combat zone in the Persian Gulf War back in 1991. Her home base was Match Air Force Base in Riverside County California. She was serving in the front line, and was about to go home to Riverside California to be with her parents and friends. She had just written to her dad, and sent out the letter, hours before her base got bombed by the Taliban. Hearing about that made me sick. I felt for that retired military officer and military dad who lost his only daughter and child. I also got sickened over that Sloppy Sleepy Joe Biden bungled military departure from Afghanistan where Joe Biden needlessly caused several female soldiers to get needlessly slaughtered by ISIS wackos amongst the 13 who died and a countless number to be left behind as POWs to Muslim Terrorists.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Both Minus and Mystere express sentiments that are deeply misogynistic and frame their misogyny as concern for women, while expressing unconcern for men. Men dying in combat is just fine and not a tragedy at all. It is only a tragedy for women to die in combat.

btw, I am sickened by the fact that d0n0ld bungled the military departure from Afghanistan, basically surrendering to the Taliban and setting up Joe Biden for failure, no matter what he did. d0n0ld is fully responsible for the deaths of American servicepeople as well as innocent Afghanis.

Though it is actually far worse than "bungling", given that he did it on purpose. d0n0ld drew down our forces and arranged for 5 thousand Taliban fighter to be released from Afghan prison.

d0n0ld is a traitor with a track record of assisting America's enemies. Why he likes Tulsi. This Turd is truly and undeniably an evil scumbag. Mystere holds Joe Biden accountable for what d0n0ld did because Mystere loves evil. But he realizes that good and decent would find the things d0n0ld does reprehensible if they only paid attention and did not succumb to propaganda. Therefore blame must be shifted elsewhere.

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who make darkness light, and light darkness; who make bitter sweet, and sweet bitter!" Isaiah 5:20.

Woe be to you, Mystere.

Joe Conservative said...

Ecclesiastes 1:2

Joe Conservative said...

btw - Have you ever been a hunter, Derv? Do you know what a "Doe Tag" is and why they exist (exceptions that preuve a rule)?

Joe Conservative said...

...somebody has to repopulate the country AFTER the war.

Joe Conservative said...

...or you'll end up like Sparta....

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I know what the purpose of a doe tag is. Though I have not hunted. To you (as a misogynist and believer in patriarchy) the primary role for a woman to fulfill is to breed. In order to "repopulate" after war. But there is no need whatsoever to consider this in the United States. Our population isn't going to be decimated and in dire need of "breeding females" to "repopulate".

In regards to Sparta, wasn't their society organized in a manner you would agree with? I know the reason for the decline in their population wasn't due to Spartan women being allowed to fight alongside Spartan men.

Joe Conservative said...

My perspective on reproduction and repopulation after a catastrophe are biologically, not socially, constructed.

And no, the problem wasn't that Spartan women weren't being allowed to fight alongside Spartan women, it was that Spartan men were doing so much fighting "abroad", that they had no viable opportunities to mate with Spartan women. Their sexuality was limited to the pederasty of erastes with their eronemos abroad. Were their women fighting alongside them, their population collapse would have occurred much sooner.

Men need reasons to become Cincinnati. Banning homosexuality AND prohibiting women from combat are the two best I can think of.

Joe Conservative said...

Besides, there are plenty of "hookers" (General Hooker) around every foreign and domestic battlefield. You just need to support your local sex worker.

Rattrapper said...

Assface Derpish condones and encourages violence towards women, apparently. He calls standing up for protecting women misogynistic. But then again, his hoochie mama was a dumb ape who gave birth to him when she pooped him out of her joebidenhole during birth.

Dervish Sanders' Death Angel said...

Dervish identifies as a shemale.

Rattrapper said...

Derpish Sanders needs a D'OH tag because he's a dumbass with an IQ lower than 20.

Rattrapper said...

Oh Dervish, look in the mirror when you accuse people of calling evil good. You're the jackass who calls evil good and good evil. And this isn't coming from me. The God of Justice has sent you this warning through me. You keep poking God in His Eyes. And that's going to end badly for you, eternally.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere: Assface Derpish condones and encourages violence towards women...

Maybe "Assface Derpish" does. I have no idea what this delusion of yours condones or encourages. I'll take your word for it, given that you are referring to YOUR delusions. As for me, I'm strongly opposed to violence directed at anyone.

Mystere: ...apparently.


Mystere: He calls standing up for protecting women misogynistic.

Minus speaks against Black people being infantilized. Yet he (and you) are 100 percent in support of infantilizing women. That is misogynistic. Which you are, Mystere. As d0n0ld (the raper and sexual assaulter) said "I'm going to do it whether the women like it or not. I'm going to protect them".

To rightturd misogynists like Minus and Mystere, women have no agency. They are vessels to reproduce, care for the children, and please men exclusively. Why they should not be allowed to decide for themselves if they want a career in the military. Or one that could put them in harm's way, at least. They need to be "protected".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: My perspective on reproduction and repopulation after a catastrophe are biologically, not socially, constructed.

You tell yourself this in order to deny your misogyny. To others and to yourself. Same as with your adherence to White Supremacy. You also constantly deny this, despite it being obvious to others.

Copilot: The blog commenter’s argument about reproduction and repopulation after a catastrophe is an interesting one, but it leans heavily on a biological determinism that simplifies the complexities of gender roles and capabilities. While reproduction is undeniably a biological process, the assumption that women should be excluded from combat positions based on this is a social construct, not a biological inevitability. It ignores the fact that many women have excelled in combat roles and that modern military strategies often prioritize skill, training, and teamwork over physical strength alone.

Pete Hegseth’s stance, and those who agree with him, often reflect a traditionalist view of gender roles. While some may argue their perspective is rooted in practicality or biology, it’s important to question whether these arguments are truly about capability or if they’re influenced by cultural biases. [end]

Rattrapper said...

Derpish lies again as usual. And no one said women should not be able to choose what they want to do. But of course you want women to be drafted against their own free will to be forced to fight in the front lines of the military and get blown to bits by the enemies. I don't like seeing women getting killed or maimed because of things they didn't choose to do on their own free will.

Joe Conservative said...

You're drowning in denial of Biology and Math 101, Derv. Women are physically weaker, and men can produce hundreds of children simultaneously.

Joe Conservative said...

But hey, you love to watch "trans" men box women and beat them to a pulp. Find a better hobby.