“There is no such thing as collective guilt or collective innocence; guilt and innocence make sense only if applied to individuals.”–Hannah Ardent, "Personal Responsibility Under Dictatorship"
Once the Party of White Superiority and Jim Crow (model for NAZI anti-Jewish Laws), the Democrats have Reinvented themselves and committed themselves to a new mission, atoning for their own historical bigotry. It's the Party of White Guilt-Pride. Guilty for its' Past History... yet Proud of it's new Mission of Redemption granted to them by their Patron Saint, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement that they once so arduously fought, succumbed to in '64, and then re-purposed through supporting, with over-swollen "white guilt-pride Spirit" in their new-found commitment to the virtue of nondiscrimination (aka- "not thinking/ not distinguishing and finding patterns in information") with the zeal of a born-again Christian convert, using "race" as the excuse to "not-see race" (as past sin atonement), rather than simply not seeing race as a very useful "category of thought" like normal people.
from a Slavoj Zizek talkMarx's vision of Communism remains all too much a vision of Capitalism without Capital, without Capitalism. Marx always speaks as if we have this incredible dynamic in Capitalism, but then at a certain stage of development, you drop the form of Capital, search for profit, and so on; and you will get uh self-propelled, even more crazy, wild expansion reproduction. I think precisely, and here I'm entering your topic of lack and access, I think that precisely, leaps as we are experiencing today, this will not happen.
The greatest Hegelian Insight that we get is that something that may appear to be an obstacle to full development of a field is its' condition of possibility. So you take away the obstacle, and you lose, at the same time, what this was an obstacle to.
Now we take an example, I apologize myself sincerely but I just don't have a better example, if it will sound slightly male chauvinist, no? It's an old story that I repeat again all the time. I was flirting, years ago with a lady. I will not tell you "where, who said, "The last lover who saw me naked told me that my body is perfect... just, it was "almost perfect", it would have been just better, if I were to lose just two pounds. And I told her immediately, "just don't do that." Because you need this imperfection to give birth to the fantasy, "My god, without that you would be perfect!" But if you take away the obstacle, she would just be bland, average, you lose it.
So, I will not lose time here, something along this, I think, happens with Marx, when he all the time says that "the form of Capital is the obstacle." Yes, but only in the form of this obstacle can the expanded self reproduction function.
The Democratic Party's vision of a perfect society is a society without any traces of discrimination. It's prime function is to eliminate ALL and EVERY vestige of discrimination, and make every citizen exactly the same... perfect "equity", not only in an "opportunity" sense, but in a "realized" one.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."-Nietzsche
But what would happen if that mission were to be realized, if this goal were to be accomplished? The Democratic Party's entire purpose and function would disappear, the Party would revert to being a bland, average, "Republican-style UniParty. Anti-discrimination is the Democratic Party's very political-market discriminator. Without the perception of rampant discrimination, and a villain perpetrating it to be vanquished (ala Hamlet's Claudius), the Democratic Party would disappear. And so it keeps its' imaginary politically-derived-divisions of villains: racists, homophobes, trans-phobes, alive. It see's them everywhere... even as "systemic" in nature. It must, because without them, they would serve no purpose.
To the monsters, we're the monsters
And as the Democratic Party get closer and closer to accomplishing this goal of complete and total "equity", it needs to not only invent new categories of discrimination, but it must keep the vanquished categories of villains and incidents alive as well, lest it lose its' +50% elected majority. It becomes a victim of its' own success, requiring ever new, petty, and ever miniscule "categories" of victims. And so it must manufacture hate crimes, and hold them up as examples of their party's continued relevancy. It must keep memories of the old, vanquished discriminating oppressors alive, lest they lose the votes of their formerly historically victimized and oppressed groups. They believe that their Party alone must be perceived as the Heroes and Saviours of the perpetually oppressed, and anyone who opposes them, one of the vile and perennially evil discriminating/ oppressor class.
Acta non Verba: Masculine Activism (Hamlet); NOT Ophelia in War Communism or Pallas Athena
The more perfect our society actually becomes, the more inventive of victims, the more "petty" the Democratic Party arguments justifying their intervention must become. Vanquishing 99.99999% of the racists is never enough. They need to relentlessly pursue and masculinely exterminate the remaining 0.00001% with NAZI-Like fascistic determination. And if they succeed, much as with Marx's vision of Communism, the Government will *poof* disappear... and along with it, the Democratic Party itself thereby proving the adage that "What begins in tragedy, ends in farce." The unseen problem being that not only will the need for Government disappear, but there will be nothing left of the Utopian society it envisioned either. For the apparent obstacle to full development of a field is also its' very condition of possibility, forming a "quantum entanglement" of ideological concepts that pop into and out of conscious existence.
What happened to the Democratic Party's Ophelia? The Peace Movement? It's ALL Hamlet's now. Even the women are "butch".
You're party, lacking discrimination, can't even define a "woman" anymore. You've lost the bubble within your bubble.
Your party isn't a woman wearing armour, it's a man in a silk robe.
aka "a confused Trans"
Earth to Derv - Nietzsche's UberMensch isn't "Trans"
All or Nothing isn't Meden Agan.
Didn't you figure that out with the UniSex Movement in the 60's? Or the Ambiguously Gay Duo in the 90s?
Columbia university is FINALLY going to feel the consequences to failing to protect its Jewish students under the civil rights act title xi. They deserve it.
The Jewish students, Jewish parents, Jewish professors, Jewish donors, Jewish community in general have been begging and warning Columbia to take action to help protect its Jewish students against the harassment and targeting they were facing from their peers and professors. Columbia CHOSE to do NOTHING.
Actually, the only action they took was to unfairly put an Israeli Jewish professor on leave who tried to hold the administration accountable, while allowing antisemitic terrorist supporter professors to teach lectures on Zionism.
Do not @ me about how this is unfair to the professors who had nothing to do with it…. *I DON'T CARE*. If you watch someone being bullied and do nothing to stop it then you are just as bad as the bully, if not worse. None of them came to defense of the Jewish professors/ student being harassed. IMAGINE if this was any other marginalized minority that was being targeted on college campuses as the Jews have been and if everyone sat around and watched it happen.
Or some Progressive Moronic Dude from Shaw's blog would rather sit around in his Mother's basement on her 25 year old computer writing about Jewish People being NAZIS because they pointed up to the Balcony but it was interpreted as Giving a Nazi Salute
The great thing about Kamala running is that Rick Grenell has said recently that if she runs, he’ll run. And I believe he could win. I think Rick Caruso would run, too, but the longtime Republican rich guy here in L.A. was stupid enough to run an add which I believe lost him the mayoral contest against the REALLY awful Karen Bass…The TV ad showed him walking around shaking hands, his voice over said “I used to be a Republican, but my values have changed.” WHAT? The race was close…I can’t but think that turned many Republicans like me right OFF. Obviously, it’d be hard for any Republican to win here and his people probably ran that add for that reason, but we don’t need someone like that in office, I don’t care how much good he’s done for L.A.
Harris really screwed up as VP…screwed up even worse as a candidate, and then we have Newsom who’s practically destroyed California for YEARS………..yet Democrats don’t care!
Minus: All or Nothing isn't Meden Agan.
You don't believe this. Same as you don't believe "acta non verba". Persecuting trans and gay people isn't "Menden Agan", it is all or nothing. As per you, ALL must live their lives as dictated by d0n0ld. If not? You get persecuted and erased.
All = Patriarchal White Supremacy.
You are demanding it.
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