Saturday, March 8, 2025

Trump Rips Off the Cloak of Gyges... a pus-and-dried-blood-encrusted Band-Aid!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Actually he put it on. Facilitated by lawsuits against news agencies that they settle instead of fight. They will be deferential going forward. News has been broken. Those cowed will be producing mostly pr0-d0n0ld propaganda going forward. You must be so happy.

Joe Conservative said...

Which side are you on, Dervy? The workers or the government scabbers?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I stand with the workers and against the "government scabbers" you support.

Depending on who you are referring to. I'm unsure and so is Copilot...

Copilot: It sounds like the commenter was framing the issue as a clear-cut conflict, but "government scabbers" seems to be an unusual or unclear term. Traditionally, a "scab" refers to someone who crosses a picket line to work during a strike, undermining the efforts of striking workers. In this context, the commenter might be using "government scabbers" metaphorically, perhaps accusing certain government officials or institutions of siding with corporations against workers’ rights. [end]

People are being fired. They aren't bringing in "scabbers" to fill in for them. Therefore you must be referring to "government officials or institutions of siding with corporations against workers’ rights".

I oppose this while you support it. As "fascism" is a good term in your vernacular, to be a "scabber" must also be a positive to you.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Video at the top of your post = maga delusions.

Joe Conservative said...

The Government is Unionized Scabbers... a "union" or "trust" of scabs who hate the workers and work against real workers rights (like Trust Busting).

Joe Conservative said...

Elon is "busting" their trusts! :)

Joe Conservative said...

...yeah, that why the Democrats are so popular now and are busy "choosing their fighters".... bWAH!

I wonder which is Pikachu....

Anonymous said...

In a recent NBC survey of registered voters in America that gaugedit clearly shows that Socialism in America is much greater that we had first thought.
For example, that a look at the “Socialist” Blogs right here in America. They may call the,selves Progressives, but reading them carefully you would see that deep down these LEFTY LUNATICS are clearly of the Socialist persuasion. The Hate for our President will tell you that right off the bat. Are these people NUTS? Clearly they are, and Clearly they don’t belong here