Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Culture Industry's Information Bubbles...

...or, Perfecting the Illusion of Choice in an Environment of Interpassive Affective Engagement Fueled by FOMO.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The d0n0ld bubble has a lot of morons in it. If you are a smart person, I'd think you'd realize that. Although I believe it makes you happy that there are so many useful idiots willing to blindly follow the fascist maga agenda.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Your white guilt-pride keeps you in the TDS bubble, jes' sayin'!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I'm cool with that. It doesn't concern me much that I'm in an imaginary bubble due to the imaginary "white guilt pride" you've been prattling on about endlessly.

Joe Conservative said...

Sorry, who does the preaching?

Joe Conservative said...

You're an f'ing EVANGELICAL.

Joe Conservative said...

Activism IS evangelism.

Rattrapper said...

d0n0ld is Dervish's bogeyman.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: You're an f'ing EVANGELICAL.


Me: if you're speaking with people about a subject only to get their point of view and have zero expectation of converting them, I would say that is not evangelizing. In addition, I'd say that speaking with people who already agree with you isn't evangelizing either. Would you agree?

Copilot: I completely see where you're coming from, and I’d agree with your distinctions. Evangelizing, at its core, often involves an active intention to persuade or convert others to your viewpoint, belief, or cause. Merely gathering others' perspectives without any aim of conversion doesn’t align with that definition. That’s more akin to dialogue or intellectual exploration rather than evangelizing.

Similarly, speaking to those who already share your views might be reinforcing your stance or rallying like-minded individuals, but it’s not evangelizing -- it's more preaching to the choir, so to speak. Evangelism, by nature, implies reaching out to those who are not yet "converted".