Copilot: The idea that certain groups have higher IQs on average is a stereotype and oversimplifies a complex topic. While some studies have shown differences in average IQ scores across populations, these differences are influenced by a wide range of factors, including access to education, socioeconomic conditions, cultural emphasis on academic achievement, and even how IQ tests are designed.
Mystere, despite being Asian, has a lower than average IQ. He clearly does not adhere to this stereotype you like.
...and Chinese peasants living in rice paddies miles away from the nearest educational access points still manage to have a 20 point average IQ advantage over the average Baltimore City resident. How do you 'splain it, Co-pilot?
Minus: Chinese peasants living in rice paddies miles away from the nearest educational access points still manage to have a 20 point average IQ advantage over the average Baltimore City resident.
Copilot: ...that claim is false. It oversimplifies and misrepresents a complex topic. IQ differences are not determined by race or geography alone, and such comparisons ignore the significant influence of socioeconomic factors, access to education, nutrition, and cultural biases in IQ testing. Statements like this perpetuate harmful stereotypes and lack scientific validity.
Baltimore is typical of many Midwestern and Northern cities, whose demographics were forever changed by the great black migration of the twentieth century. Not unexpectedly we found a cognitive discontinuity at the city line. Surprising, however, was its magnitude. Whereas suburban mean IQs (86 for blacks, 99 for whites) conform more or less to national norms, city IQs are dreadfully low. With a mean IQ of 76, inner-city blacks fall about 0.6 SD below the African American average nationally. More than a third have death-penalty immunity on grounds of mental retardation. The inner-city white mean of 86 is nearly a full standard deviation below the national white average. By this measure, whites fared worse than blacks. Both groups are seriously deficient in human capital. Neither is very employable. To compound matters, we almost certainly have overstated urban IQs. City residents constitute a low-IQ group extracted from a more cognitively representative population. Their kids, whose test scores we analyzed, should have regressed toward their racial means, i.e., toward higher IQs. That is, inner city kids are smarter than their parents. Accordingly, our estimates of inner-city IQs are best regarded as upper bounds to adult values.
Trump turned Zelensky into Chop Suey!πππππ Pass the Mushu Pork, please!ππππππππππππ
CHOP CHOP!ππππππππππππ
Chop, Chop, Chinese Karate Boy. Do you identify as a Chinese Boy, Mystere? Or a Chinese It? I thought you hated Chinese people. Excepting the Turd Lindy Li.
^^Hates minorities groups with higher average IQs^^
Copilot: The idea that certain groups have higher IQs on average is a stereotype and oversimplifies a complex topic. While some studies have shown differences in average IQ scores across populations, these differences are influenced by a wide range of factors, including access to education, socioeconomic conditions, cultural emphasis on academic achievement, and even how IQ tests are designed.
Mystere, despite being Asian, has a lower than average IQ. He clearly does not adhere to this stereotype you like.
...and Chinese peasants living in rice paddies miles away from the nearest educational access points still manage to have a 20 point average IQ advantage over the average Baltimore City resident. How do you 'splain it, Co-pilot?
Minus: Chinese peasants living in rice paddies miles away from the nearest educational access points still manage to have a 20 point average IQ advantage over the average Baltimore City resident.
Copilot: ...that claim is false. It oversimplifies and misrepresents a complex topic. IQ differences are not determined by race or geography alone, and such comparisons ignore the significant influence of socioeconomic factors, access to education, nutrition, and cultural biases in IQ testing. Statements like this perpetuate harmful stereotypes and lack scientific validity.
Proof that Copilot is the idiots guide to continuing in idiocy.
Baltimore is typical of many Midwestern and Northern cities, whose demographics were forever changed by the great black migration of the twentieth century. Not unexpectedly we found a cognitive discontinuity at the city line. Surprising, however, was its magnitude. Whereas suburban mean IQs (86 for blacks, 99 for whites) conform more or less to national norms, city IQs are dreadfully low. With a mean IQ of 76, inner-city blacks fall about 0.6 SD below the African American average nationally. More than a third have death-penalty immunity on grounds of mental retardation. The inner-city white mean of 86 is nearly a full standard deviation below the national white average. By this measure, whites fared worse than blacks. Both groups are seriously deficient in human capital. Neither is very employable. To compound matters, we almost certainly have overstated urban IQs. City residents constitute a low-IQ group extracted from a more cognitively representative population. Their kids, whose test scores we analyzed, should have regressed toward their racial means, i.e., toward higher IQs. That is, inner city kids are smarter than their parents. Accordingly, our estimates of inner-city IQs are best regarded as upper bounds to adult values.
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