Sunday, July 21, 2024

Circumventing Democracy

I LOVE watching how good Democrats have gotten at circumventing Democracy.  First the Democratic Party oligarchs rigged the Primary process to favour Joe Biden's nomination, moving primaries around to favour the sitting President's selection. Nobody complained.  Then the corporate news oligarchy deliberately hid Joe Biden's obviously deteriorated mental condition throughout the ENTIRE nearly year long Democratic Primary process, only to have it "embarrassingly exposed" at the Presidential debate weeks after the official delegate selection process was over.  The oligarchy controlled corporate-owned media then told everyone to shut up, or the Orange Man could win.  Then, after a failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump filled with "embarrassing" Secret Service protection missteps, Joe Biden FINALLY decides that's "it's time to go" and anoints a plausible successor, stalking horse duties complete.  Back to the basement, AT LAST!  Phew, those last few weeks sure were rough!  And NOW the Campaign begins to scream via their oligarchy-owned and directed Mainstream Media mouthpieces: 

"Hurry Up and Make Kamala Official, Democrats!  The DNC did THEIR part by making sure that $100m was dependent upon her anointment!  And it's only three weeks to the Convention.  Hurry, up and anoint Kamala, Democrats!  We don't want a Messy '68 style Convention again, do we?  Democracy is too messy, we won't be able to win if its' messy!  Democracy is for chumps!  Besides, we've already harvested most of your ballots.  All we need to do is fill in Kamala's name for you!  You don't even have to go to the polls in November!"

Yeah, hurry up and STOP your b*tchin'.  Why let voters decide, when you can simply have the press sprinkle Holy Water upon a preferred Democratic elite oligarchy-approved political successor?  And why go through all the trouble of voting, anyways?  To SAVE DEMOCRACY from the loyal opposition!  That's all way too much trouble.  

One wonders how much the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)'s National Democratic Institute (NDI)  had  to do with ensuring that this novel Democratic candidate anointment/ appointment process got blessed?  If it had happened in a 3rd world country, Iran, Russia, Venezuela or North Korea, both the NDI and IRI would be screaming that the election had been rigged!  But nope, if we faithful and always good hearted Democrats (but not the evil Republicans at IRI) do it, it's perfectly okay!

Слава Україні!
You're being Played, America!


Rattrapper said...

A funny thing happened last year. Dervish Sanders prophecied Joe Biden would win the November 5th 2024 Election and serve a Second Term. He claims right now to be >"The Prophet Dervish Z. Sanders." Mamala is now their "Krusty The Clown" candidate?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 D'OH! D'OH! D'OH! D'OH!

Anonymous said...

Yeah... Democracy can go to Hell... for the sake of Democracy!

Democracy AKA Rule of DEMN-OK-rats.


Les Carpenter said...

Talk about entertainment bullshit.

The hypocrites of the great ole poop party are full of shit up to their eyeballs.

As is the ruse rallying cry MAGA.

The conservative theatre has become the cess pool of American politics.


Anonymous said...

Yeah... and that is NOT Bi-den who even DID NOT came up with update to the nation and just gave a piece of paper.

Or... you DEMN-cretin will go "OM-M-M!" on this fact, to start ignoring it outrightly? ;-P

What a loser.

Anonymous said...

You are cretin, Lessy.

To come to try to rise your self-esteem with badmouthing "trampists".

In time when you'd need to shuddup and crawl back into your hole.


Cretin, because know NO decency.

Joe Conservative said...

You're right, Les. The Republican's are only "better" in the fact that they still adhere to Constitutional "process" and don't declare themselves "above" it, like the Democrats. I guess the "party rules" are only for suckers and chumps, and can be modified at the drop of a hat to get whatever outcome that the "bill paying oligarchs" desire.

Anonymous said...


You still not learned that Bolshevik's motto "politically needed solution". ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

...and you haven't learned our Constitutional one, LIMITED government. Does the idea of "negative liberty" offend a positivist in our current "Positivity Age" of "Yes you Can!"?

Joe Conservative said...

DJT is "negativity" personified!

Joe Conservative said...

It's "why" he is so hated.

Anonymous said...

\\ ...and you haven't learned our Constitutional one, LIMITED government.

Soviet one have had Democratic Centralism in it. Yawn.

So what?

Joe Conservative said...

You'll have to wait and see... :)

Rattrapper said...

Upset much, Leslie Elden Carpenter III of Belcherville Massachusetts? How 'bout Dem Shrooms and Dem weed you're smoking and growing at your trailer park? That not chilling you out? Maybe your Buddha god will perhaps wake up from his dirt nap and show you the path to chilling?

Rattrapper said...

Good one, Q!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere: A funny thing happened last year. Dervish Sanders prophecied Joe Biden would win the November 5th 2024 Election and serve a Second Term. He claims right now to be >"The Prophet Dervish Z. Sanders." Mamala is now their "Krusty The Clown" candidate?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 D'OH! D'OH! D'OH! D'OH!

A funny thing happened in 2018. Mystere prohesized that donald tЯump would be "President until 2025". Well, it's going to be 2025 in 5 months, Mystere. I really hope your prediction comes true and tЯump isn't president any longer in 2025 and that he is only president UNTIL 2025.

Mystere. monday, september 10, 2018.
Mystere: We will see President Trump serving as President until 2025...

btw, I never "prophecied" Joe Biden would win and serve a second term. I also did not prophesize Joe Biden would win and serve a second term. I predicted he would win in November of 2024 and I stand by that prediction. If Joe Biden had not been forced out, he would have won. Though I don't know if he would have made it to the end of a second term. Maybe he would have stepped down. The best time to do that would be 2 years into his second term. That way Kamala Harris could have been president for 10 years.

Mystere also touts the fake prophet Mark Taylor. Mark Taylor prophesized that donald tЯump would win in 2020. donald tЯump didn't win in 2020 Mystere. The election was NOT stolen. Regardless (stolen or not) donald tЯump did was not serving as president in February of 2021.

Talk about being wrong. Mystere cites fake prophets who wrongly predicted donald tЯump would be president through 2025. Mystere was completely convinced that donald tЯump would serve two CONSECUTIVE terms and CONCLUDE his presidency in 2025. Are you standing by your prediction, Mystere? At least in regards to when tЯump's presidency will END, which (according to your post on your blog) is 2025. 2025 is when donald tЯump will STOP being president?

Now, will Mystere answer or will he run away from HIS OWN PREDICTION? Or will he dodge by deploying his "I don't see Mystere here" lie?

Anonymous said...

\\You'll have to wait and see... :)

New American Revolution? Yawn.

Where'd Workers and Peasants will come to overthrown Temporary Government to instill Rule by Law?


Anonymous said...

Or... when Third World War started. And you all turned into wearing uniform drones. Chanting that you ALWAYS WANTED exact that??? ;-P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Yeah... Democracy can go to Hell... for the sake of Democracy!

The same thing would have happened if the "assassination" attempt on d0nald tЯump had been successful. There wouldn't have been a rerun of the primaries. But Qtard is convinced that republicans wouldn't have said "democracy can go to Hell"? They'd have called off their convention and NOT used their convention to select a different candidate? BS.

Qtard: Democracy AKA Rule of DEMN-OK-rats.

Democracy isn't the rule of any imaginary "DEMN-OK-rats".

Mystere: Good one, Q!

Translation: Please like me!

btw, that wasn't a "good one". Because it was BS. As per Wikipedia "The United States Constitution has never specified this [primary] process; political parties have developed their own procedures over time". Prior to 1912 there was no national primary process. "The party leaders instead called for a national meeting of supporters to set the party's candidate".

Means -- for the majority of the existence of the United States (1796 until 1972) democracy was told to "go to Hell" -- aka presidential candidates were not selected by a national primary process. Source.

fyi, BOTH parties have contingency plans if something happens to their candidate selected in the primaries. Say (for example) tЯump had not been bit by a mosquito -- but actually shot and killed -- a new candidate would have been selected at the republican convention.

btw, Minus FJ SUPPORTS telling democracy to go to Hell. He does not like that Senators are directly elected by the voters. He wants the 17th amendment repealed. And (as he revealed here) he wants democracy to go to Hell and for d0nald tЯump to be "president for life".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Dervy doesn't want the States to have any way of enforcing their Rights under the original Constitution and the 9th and 10th Amendments. Isn't that why Democrats originally began the US Civil War??? Oh, the irony....

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Yeah? What "rights" would those be? The "right" of republican controlled legislatures to give their electoral college votes to a candidate other than the one that won the popular vote in their state? Yes, I am opposed to that.

FYI, Democrats did not begin the Civil War.

Wikipedia: In the South party politics ended in the Confederacy. The political leadership, mindful of the fierce divisions in antebellum American politics and with a pressing need for unity, rejected organized political parties as inimical to good governance and as being especially unwise in wartime. Consequently, the Democratic Party halted all operations during the life of the Confederacy (1861–1865). link

There were no Democrats in the Confederacy.

Anonymous said...

\\Qtard: Democracy AKA Rule of DEMN-OK-rats.

\\Democracy isn't the rule of any imaginary "DEMN-OK-rats".

That turn "imaginary" just that moment they became losers? ;-P


\\There were no Democrats in the Confederacy.

Let me guess... because they became... "imaginary"? ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

The party re-branded from 1861-1865...

So how many of the Confederates weren't originally Democrats, Derv?

Anonymous said...

Obviously... Democratic Party -- as organization. COULD NOT be representative as ALL UNION political organization...

but that's too hard for cretin to grasp.

Well... it'll not be cretin, if it could pull such trick... so, nothing surprising. ;-P

mystere's moonbat slayer club said...

Donald Trump's in presidential exile right now. It's a parallel to the time King Saul's thugs put King David into exile. But King David was the anointed one by God, and God Almighty brought him back. Donald Trump's a type of leader like King David and Cyrus the Emperor. Trump went into exile after the Brood of Vipers in the Den Of Crooks usurped the office. God doesn't allow thieves to stay in control. Biden is ancient history. And when he and Harris are taken out in a way shown in prophetic words by some known and not so well known Prophets, that will be a warning shot. Your boy Biden dared God to take him out when he spoke with G.S. on The ABC morning show GMA. His cocky retort got events rolling to the point he stepped out of the race. But he still has a severe punishment coming his way very soon. And Kamala Harris has a punishment coming her way too for aiding and abetting him and 0bama for 4 years. It's not looking good for them.

Oh Boy I'm Screwed said...

"Cretin" is throwing an infantile hissyfit, Q. It's funny watching him throw Bigly Temper Tantrums.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Obviously... Democratic Party -- as organization. COULD NOT be representative as ALL UNION political organization... but that's too hard for cretin to grasp.

It isn't at all hard for me to grasp. That was my f*cking point, asshole.