Thursday, July 25, 2024

Nessun Dorma!

This Was No Accident!  It was the PLAN All Along!  
Wake Up, Democrats!  Liù (D) has Stabbed Hizself!

Anthony L. Fisher, "Biden should have given this speech a year ago"
The president's Oval Office address was a patriotic rallying cry. But it would have been more impactful had he voluntarily decided not to seek re-election sooner.

This is the speech President Joe Biden should have given a year ago.

In a barely 10-minute address to the nation from behind the Resolute Desk on Wednesday night, Biden put a bow on his decision to abandon his cratering re-election campaign.

Biden, still recovering from Covid, spoke haltingly and at times seemed to slur his words — sometimes repeating sentences with the words rearranged a bit. Even when he was boasting of his administration’s accomplishments, there was a mournful tenor in his voice. He looked exposed.

But his appeals for unity amid ongoing attacks on our democracy didn’t ring hollow. He came off like a patriotic American who saw his predecessor unforgivably botch the early days of a pandemic and then try to overturn the results of a free and fair election. Biden, for all his baggage, understands the dangers on the horizon.

Yes, he’s a career politician who ran for president three times. He’s always wanted this job and never wanted to give it up. But sitting in the Oval Office, surrounded by family and staff members, Biden didn’t look like a man defeated by an uprising within his own party. He looked like a man who finally accepted reality and who needs some rest.

This is the correct outcome. And yet, when he recalled his promise to the American people to “always level with you … to tell the truth,” I couldn’t help but feel a bit gaslighted.

After what would prove to be a career-ending debate performance in June, it seemed that only Biden’s inner circle failed to understand there was no going back. There was no way to convincingly argue that Biden hadn’t lost a step — or many steps — and that he’d be just fine if he served another four years.

Biden was never supposed to be an eight-year president. He was always supposed to be a “bridge” to the next generation. Though he never pledged to do it, during the 2020 election there were breadcrumbs of reporting in The New York Times and Politico that indicated Biden and top advisers were at least open to the idea of his serving just one term, then riding off into the sunset as the hero who dislodged Trump from the White House and leaving it to someone else to take the helm in four years.

If Biden had given this speech a year ago — telling members of his own party to vote for someone else and thanking Americans for their faith in him — he’d have done far less damage to his administration’s credibility, and he would have enabled a competitive primary process.

He didn’t, so instead we’ve got a just-over-100-day presidential election the likes of which we’ve never seen before.

It’d be a stretch to use President Gerald Ford’s famous post-Watergate line, “Our long national nightmare is over,” but the specter of an ailing, unpopular 81-year-old president trying to persuade the country — again — to vote for him instead of Trump was kind of a nightmare for a lot of Americans. And now it is in fact over.

We’re at that bridge to the future now. Look at the other ticket, featuring a 78-year-old former president and a 39-year-old senator with less than two years of experience in office. Trump’s decision to pick Sen. JD Vance is MAGA’s passing of the torch. And if they win on Election Day, this country could be forever changed in a terrible way.

We can’t know yet what will happen in November. But a few weeks ago, Biden seemed almost certainly on a path to a crushing defeat. Instead, his early exit means there is now a much better chance that his work can and will be continued — and his legacy not destroyed.

So what does Barack Obama (Turandot) think of Kamala?  As a Bridge to Michelle!?!

Skip to 1:20 if you want to know what the fireworks were all about!
Escape from Turan(D)ot Obama's Empire of Death!

Nessun Dorma! No One Shall Sleep!
The Plot Thickens... with ever stranger twists and turns!

The 3 Riddles of Calaf (DJT) is only 1 Riddle for Turan(D)ot!  
Will he, too, fall to Pu-Tin-Pao's finely honed blade?
..or are all Americans hopeless devotee's of Opera Buffa?


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

This Was No Accident! It was the PLAN All Along! = BS.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Not an opera fan, Derv? Did no one send you a Stagebill?

Joe Conservative said...

Explain Ohio and Biden not being on the ballot there... the conveniently requiring a digital "alternate convention" process be in place?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Ohio law requires that presidential candidates be certified – that is, the state must be notified that presidential candidates have been officially nominated – 90 days before the general election in order to get on the ballot. That is the earliest deadline of any state.

Angry Bidet Looks Like It's Going To Explode said...

Dervish farted.

Rattrapper said...

How's your cake pops and marshmallow wands, Dervish? Are they super sweet and tasty?

Dervish Sanders said...

I have never had either.

Anonymous said...

And you EVERY time lying... that you "NEVER do"... this or that. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

If the Democrats knew this, why'd they plan their convention for so late? To prevent a proper vetting of their hand-picked replacement candidate, maybe?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: And you EVERY time lying... that you "NEVER do"... this or that. ;-P

Every time telling the truth.

Minus: If the Democrats knew this, why'd they plan their convention for so late?

The DNC convention was at the end of August in 1864, 1956, 1964, 1968, 1996, 2008 and 2024. In 2012 it was in September. source

Joe Conservative said...

...and Ohio's 90 day law?

Joe Conservative said...

Why even hold a convention Derv? It has no meaning, now. It's no longer maintaining an illusion/ semblance of a Democratic process.

Joe Conservative said...

It's a sham and Shamala is the new queen of "democratic" Shambala.

Joe Conservative said...

The wise would call HER Turan(D)ot!

Anonymous said...

\\Every time telling the truth.


In NewSpeak. Where "Truth it's a Lie AND Lying it's Telling Truth".

I get it. I do.


Rattrapper said...

And you never had ice cream in your life either?

Rattrapper said...

It's usually Liar Liar Pants On Fire with "Cretin"

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: ...and Ohio's 90 day law?

When was it passed? I don't know. You tell me, it's your conspiracy theory.

Minus: Why even hold a convention Derv? It has no meaning, now. It's no longer maintaining an illusion/ semblance of a Democratic process.

trumper "Democratic process" = insurrection. It's "direct democracy" according to Qtard.

Qtard: Yap. In NewSpeak. Where "Truth it's a Lie AND Lying it's Telling Truth". I get it. I do.

YOU say "Lying it's Telling Truth". I don't use NewSpeak. Obviously you're talking about yourself and your NewSpeaking. *I* get it.

Mystere: And you never had ice cream in your life either?

I have had ice cream, moron. Those other two are specialty deserts. And, no, I've never had either. And why the Hell should I lie about eating ice cream? Because Joe Biden likes it? So I should be embarrassed for eating ice cream? Apparently you've got a weird problem with Joe Biden liking ice cream. Even though d0nald tRump has babbled about ice cream. He went on at length about the "beautiful chocolate cake" and two scoops of ice cream he had alongside when he met with his good friend Xi at Mar-a-lardo when he was predisent.

Mystere: It's usually Liar Liar Pants On Fire with "Cretin".

...says the cretin.

Anonymous said...

\\Qtard: Yap. In NewSpeak. Where "Truth it's a Lie AND Lying it's Telling Truth". I get it. I do.

\\YOU say "Lying it's Telling Truth". I don't use NewSpeak.

And you Certified Anti-Factual LIAR. Certified with ALL PREVIOUS lies spouted. (like when you have said that Sun rising in the morning -- not true ;-P)

So???? What anyone sane could discern from that two facts??? ;-P

About your claims like "I don't use NewSpeak". (and previously "I NEVER said" about what you just said)

ONLY logical conclusion -- that you ARE... crazy totalitarian NewSpeak-using liar.


But... continue-continue, crazy totalitarian NewSpeak-using liar. ;-P


\\Obviously you're talking about yourself and your NewSpeaking. *I* get it.

Whatever you say... Pinocchio. ;-P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: And you Certified Anti-Factual LIAR. Certified with ALL PREVIOUS lies spouted.

Of course you would conclude that zero lies previously told "confirms" I'm a liar. That's you NewSpeaking.

Qtard: like when you have said that Sun rising in the morning -- not true ;-P

Right. That isn't true.

Qtard: So???? What anyone sane could discern from that two facts??? ;-P

More NewSpeaking. Insane is "sane".

Qtard: About your claims like "I don't use NewSpeak".

I don't.

Qtard: and previously "I NEVER said" about what you just said...

Never done.

Qtard: ONLY logical conclusion...

More NewSpeaking. Illogical is "logical".

I get it. I really do.

Joe Conservative said...

The Ohio law was passed in 2010 and Demonrats created the shambolific process to shammy sham him onto the ballot.

Anonymous said...

\\Of course you would conclude that zero lies previously told "confirms" I'm a liar.

Zero lies????

How come???

Because SAMEBODY ELSE have said that "Ukrainians nazis"? "I *DO* deny..." em HAVING Human Rights? And even, that "Sun rising in the morning" is... NOT true??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Can I treat it as FACTUAL CONFIRMATION that this opponent of mine -- is bona fide crazy cretin... with split-personality disorder? ;-P

\\Qtard: like when you have said that Sun rising in the morning -- not true ;-P

\\Right. That isn't true.


And you just CONFIRMED.


That FACTUALLY correct CONTRADICTION to your initial statement... that you have "zero lies previously told"...


Ah. Oh? Yes.

That was WRITTEN lies. Not "told"? ;-P

So... with basing your claim on such discrepancy... you will try to proliferate with your cretinic lies further... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\More NewSpeaking. Insane is "sane".

In NewSpeakean?

Yes. It seems.

That's why you trying to oppose to when I call on the base of facts of your behavior -- that your behavior is just as crazy people do behave.

Because in your NewSpeakean -- "Insane is "sane"".

Thank you for CONFIRMING, crazy cretin. ;-P

\\Qtard: About your claims like "I don't use NewSpeak".

\\I don't.

Translation from NewSpeakean: "I do". ;-P

\\Qtard: and previously "I NEVER said" about what you just said...

\\Never done.

Translation from NewSpeakean: "ALWAYS do". ;-P

\\More NewSpeaking. Illogical is "logical".

Thank you for more excerpts from your NewSpeakean vocabulary.



\\I get it. I really do.

Cretinic retort. You just confirmed being cretin -- unable to get what that words mean, and where and when it gotta be used and for what. ;-p

But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Zero lies???? How come??? Because SAMEBODY ELSE have said that "Ukrainians nazis"? "I *DO* deny..." em HAVING Human Rights? And even, that "Sun rising in the morning" is... NOT true??? **cretinic laughter**

Yeah, that was someone else who said Ukrainians are Nazis. It was Minus FJ. I have consistently refuted the falsehood that Ukrainians are Nazis.

Qtard: "I do deny em having human rights" was said by YOU. I've never said any such thing. That is a FAKE quote constructed by YOU. Using a partial quote from me and adding words YOU wrote.

And, the FACT that the sun doesn't rise in the morning is not a "lie". Well, to you it is. Because you dunno what facts even are. You also said the Sun is in the SKY.

Qtard: Can I treat it as FACTUAL CONFIRMATION that this opponent of mine -- is bona fide crazy cretin... with split-personality disorder? ;-P

No. But you will (and have been) anyway. Due to your own crazy cretinity.

Qtard: like when you have said that Sun rising in the morning -- not true\\ Right. That isn't true\\ Right. And you just CONFIRMED. YET ONE TIME. That FACTUALLY correct CONTRADICTION to your initial statement... that you have "zero lies previously told"...

Sure. Because (to you) "truth, it's a lie". You, a cretin who CLAIMS to be smart. LOL.

"The Sun appears to rise above the horizon and circle the Earth, but it is actually the Earth that is rotating, with the Sun remaining fixed".

You disagree, think the earth doesn't rotate? Maybe you think the earth is flat?

Qtard: yawn. Ah. Oh? Yes. That was WRITTEN lies. Not "told"? So... with basing your claim on such discrepancy... you will try to proliferate with your cretinic lies further... **cretinic laughter**

No. All communication here is written. I have written zero lies. I only proliferate truths. Also opinions based on truths. No lies.

Qtard: \\More NewSpeaking. Insane is "sane"\\ In NewSpeakean?

Yes. YOUR NewSpeak.

Qtard: Yes. It seems.

It does. Absolutely.

Qtard: That's why you trying to oppose to when I call on the base of facts of your behavior -- that your behavior is just as crazy people do behave. Because in your NewSpeakean -- "Insane is "sane"".

I was referring to YOUR NewSpeak. I don't use NewSpeak.

Qtard: Thank you for CONFIRMING, crazy cretin. ;-P

Confirmed -- about YOU. You're welcome.

Qtard: About your claims like "I don't use NewSpeak"\\I don't\\ Translation from NewSpeakean: "I do". ;-P

You can't translate "from NewSpeak" something that wasn't written in NewSpeak. I wrote what I meant.

Qtard: and previously "I NEVER said" about what you just said...\\Never done\\ Translation from NewSpeakean: "ALWAYS do". ;-P

You can't translate "from NewSpeak" something that wasn't written in NewSpeak. I wrote what I meant. Unlike you, I strongly support human rights. I have never written that I deny any human having human rights. PROVEN by you partially quoting me, then grafting onto that partial quote words written BY YOU.

Qtard: \\More NewSpeaking. Illogical is "logical"\\Thank you for more excerpts from your NewSpeakean vocabulary.

YOUR NewSpeakean vocabulary.

Qtard: Cretinic retort. You just confirmed being cretin -- unable to get what that words mean, and where and when it gotta be used and for what. ;-p

You confirmed that about yourself. Many times. Like with your many times written that Chinese people are White and "suprime".

Qtard: But... continue-continue, cretin. **cretinic laughter**

Self encouragement again!

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

\\ Qtard: Zero lies???? How come??? Because SAMEBODY ELSE have said that "Ukrainians nazis"? "I *DO* deny..." em HAVING Human Rights? And even, that "Sun rising in the morning" is... NOT true??? **cretinic laughter**

\\ Yeah, that was someone else

And NOW... SELF-ADMITTED... CONFIRMATION having alter-egos. ;-P

\\I have consistently refuted the falsehood that Ukrainians are Nazis.


Because referring to "truthful CNN reporter" -- that was doing SAMEBODY else. ;-P

\\Qtard: "I do deny em having human rights" was said by YOU. I've never said any such thing.

Yep. That very recognizable words "I *DO* deny..." is NOT written by YOU.

But by some SAMEBODY ELSE cretin. ;-P

I get it. I do. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\That is a FAKE quote constructed by YOU.

FAKED???? ;-P

Even though you MANY-MANY time have recognized it. ADMITTED it was YOURS. And even EXPLAiNED... that that "I *DO* deny..." MUST be read "I *DO* deny em HAVING such rights"? ;-P

Which mean that you said... err, written it -- fully consciously and that is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT representation of your (cretinic and totalitarian, anti-democratic, human-hating and ANTI-humane) DEMN-propaganda incited views.

But yeah... that "YOU" you used here -- that is "I" disguised in NewSpeakean way. ;-P

I get it. I do. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Using a partial quote from me and adding words YOU wrote.

So what... you was not proclaimed fervently???

That "HAVING such rights"????

Or that again... "partial quote"? or "samebody else have written it"? or "I do not remember it and it all lies"? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

But of course -- that is all lies! Lies of eternal heinous totalitarian LIAR -- you.


But... continue-continue your lies, lying cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\And, the FACT that the sun doesn't rise in the morning is not a "lie". Well, to you it is. Because you dunno what facts even are. You also said the Sun is in the SKY.


And WHERE it is? If not in the sky? In your sore loser's ars??? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

But... continue-continue lying against OPEN and OBVIOUS, refs to REALITY -- FACTS. ;-P

\\Qtard: Can I treat it as FACTUAL CONFIRMATION that this opponent of mine -- is bona fide crazy cretin... with split-personality disorder? ;-P

\\No. But you will (and have been) anyway. Due to your own crazy cretinity.


Cause in your cretinic NewSpeakean -- knowing Logic and admitting Facts -- called "being crazy". ;-P

I get it. I do. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

And... thank you for confirmation. And explanation. ;-P

\\Qtard: like when you have said that Sun rising in the morning -- not true\\ Right. That isn't true\\ Right. And you just CONFIRMED. YET ONE TIME. That FACTUALLY correct CONTRADICTION to your initial statement... that you have "zero lies previously told"...

\\Sure. Because (to you) "truth, it's a lie". You, a cretin who CLAIMS to be smart. LOL.

"You" substs "I" here? ;-p

\\"The Sun appears to rise above the horizon and circle the Earth, but it is actually the Earth that is rotating, with the Sun remaining fixed".

\\You disagree, think the earth doesn't rotate? Maybe you think the earth is flat?

In respect to Sun?

Yes. Earth rotating.

And in respect to Earth -- that is Sun that rotating.


And as we are here, situated on Earth -- which way is more important to us, mere humans? ;-P


But... you in your cretinity trying to oppose to that. Why? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))

Because in your craziness you deem itself inhabitant of heavens??? One who inhabits Sun???? %^))))))))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

\\Qtard: yawn. Ah. Oh? Yes. That was WRITTEN lies. Not "told"? So... with basing your claim on such discrepancy... you will try to proliferate with your cretinic lies further... **cretinic laughter**

\\No. All communication here is written. I have written zero lies.I only proliferate truths. Also opinions based on truths. No lies.


Because in NewSpeakean "lie... it's truth". And vice versa.

I get it. I do. This your "truthful" self-admission. ;-P

\\Qtard: \\More NewSpeaking. Insane is "sane"\\ In NewSpeakean?

\\Yes. YOUR NewSpeak.


NewSpeakean substitution "my" with "your".


\\Qtard: Yes. It seems.

\\It does. Absolutely.

Swift confirmation.

With YOUR OWN words.



as you are lying cretin, you'll start screaming "I NEVER said it".


But... continue-continue, crazy cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Qtard: That's why you trying to oppose to when I call on the base of facts of your behavior -- that your behavior is just as crazy people do behave. Because in your NewSpeakean -- "Insane is "sane"".

\\I was referring to YOUR NewSpeak. I don't use NewSpeak.

And you CONSTANTLY produce NewSpeakean lies.


That stupid lies, where everything dully presented upside down. (like writing "you" instead of "me")


I say to it, only.

I get it. I do.

And adding that line.

But... continue-continue, your self-revealing lies, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Cretin that think CRETINICLY, that piling lies over lies... can somehow FIX that problem -- that you ALREADY admitted as drowning in piles of own shitty lies... cretin. %^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

But... you are cretin not for nothing.

But... continue-continue, cretin. ;-P

Anonymous said...

\\Qtard: Thank you for CONFIRMING, crazy cretin. ;-P

\\Confirmed -- about YOU. You're welcome.

"YOU" instead of "ME"? ;-p

*I* welcome you TOO.

With that same line -- continue-continue, cretin. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Qtard: About your claims like "I don't use NewSpeak"\\I don't\\ Translation from NewSpeakean: "I do". ;-P

\\You can't translate "from NewSpeak" something that wasn't written in NewSpeak. I wrote what I meant.

Why not?

You many times properly EXPLAINED to me -- how NewSpeakean works. ;-P

Like just in this thread. On examples.

Like "More NewSpeaking. Illogical is "logical""

For that. I very grateful. ;-P

\\You can't translate "from NewSpeak" something that wasn't written in NewSpeak. I wrote what I meant.

Translation: "I can't translate "from NewSpeak" something that wasn't written in NewSpeak. You wrote what you meant."


It's truth.

Obvious and logical. ;-P

\\Unlike you, I strongly support human rights.


With "I *DO* deny..." em "HAVING such rights".


Obviously NewSpeakean claim.

And totally totalitarianly cretinic.


\\I have never written that I deny any human having human rights.


Obvious lie.

Because you NOT only have said that. You even EXPLAINED -- why and how you think em "not HAVING such rights".

Even though -- such rights are UNSEVERABLE. Exist ipso facto.

\\PROVEN by you partially quoting me, then grafting onto that partial quote words written BY YOU.

Why I need to repeat big swatches of texts.

When that short reference -- which was discusssed here many-many times and are perfectly recognizable.

And THAT IS what REFERRING means.

What do you mean referring?
: to go, send, or guide to some person or place for treatment, help, advice, or information. refer them to a dictionary. refer a patient to a specialist. refer to the dictionary for the meaning of a word.4 days ago

Refer Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Merriam-Webster › dictionary › refer

And that "I *DO* deny..." is perfectly good and easy to find reference to all that times when you tried to DENY to the Humans HAVING Human Rights.

\\Qtard: \\More NewSpeaking. Illogical is "logical"\\Thank you for more excerpts from your NewSpeakean vocabulary.

\\YOUR NewSpeakean vocabulary.


As you habitually speak in NewSpeakean.

I need to translate it, nearly every time: "MY NewSpeakean vocabulary".

And well... I know -- that it is YOURS. ;-P

I get it. I really do. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

And NEVER tried to oppose to your such claims. ;-P

You want to tell cretinic lies -- your problem.

Anonymous said...

\\Like with your many times written that Chinese people are White and "suprime".

And you? ;-P

Cannot admit em having pale skin? And being superior in many endeavors?

Because you are racist. And believe that they are "yellow"?

Because "races DO exist"? Even though you ITself once admitted that "there is no scientific reasons to say that races do exist"?

Of course you do -- because you nazi-racistic totalitarian. And staunch cretin.

But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Cannot admit em having pale skin? And being superior in many endeavors?

I can definitely admit that.

Qtard: Because you are racist. And believe that they are "yellow"?

No. Chinese people do not have yellow skin. I've already told you that many times. But won't stop you from lyingly saying I do think that. Again and again, over and over.

Qtard: Because "races DO exist"? Even though you ITself once admitted that "there is no scientific reasons to say that races do exist"?

"Once admitted" = always admitted.

Also admitted that race as a social construct exists. That we are discussing it PROVES it. If it didn't there would be nothing to discuss. Except what kind of race. Such as a foot race, a horse race, a car race, etc.

But you will "continue-continue" encouraging yourself. Because your own cretinity entertains you so much.

Back to thinking "suprime" is the right word? When we're talking about "supreme"?? Due to being a staunch cretin??

btw, "nazi-racistic totalitarian"?? That means you think I'm an undead zombie? Or are you describing what kind of totalitarian YOU are? While also admitting there ARE living Nazis.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No cretinic retorts here? Obviously not. Only silent agreement.

Anonymous said...


\\Qtard: Cannot admit em having pale skin? And being superior in many endeavors?

\\I can definitely admit that.

What? That they are White Supremacists? ;-P

\\No. Chinese people do not have yellow skin. I've already told you that many times.

But still... you are racistic scum that CANNOT bear it -- to say it out and loud -- that theu are White... same White as you? ;-P

\\Qtard: Because "races DO exist"? Even though you ITself once admitted that "there is no scientific reasons to say that races do exist"?

\\"Once admitted" = always admitted.

Yeah... like you Only Once admitted bare stone cold and scientifical FACT -- that Sun rotating around Earth (from the standpoint of earthling).

And then started to push some crazy cretinity about Earth being flat and etc.


Because you are cretin? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Also admitted that race as a social construct exists. That we are discussing it PROVES it. If it didn't there would be nothing to discuss. Except what kind of race. Such as a foot race, a horse race, a car race, etc.


Historically thrown aside superstition.

SAME... like that that Earth are flat.

But... you are cretin. And you STILL trying to push that disproved and thrown into garbage ideas...

\\Back to thinking "suprime" is the right word? When we're talking about "supreme"?? Due to being a staunch cretin??

That is you talking about yourself (your SAMEBODY cretinic alter-ego)?

That you/IT tried to proclaim that was some Spanish word. ;-P

Because you/IT "being a staunch cretin"? %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\btw, "nazi-racistic totalitarian"?? That means you think I'm an undead zombie? Or are you describing what kind of totalitarian YOU are? While also admitting there ARE living Nazis.


So... there is NO "nazis"?

Because only true nazis are members of national-SOCIALISTIC party of Hitler's Reich?

Or maybe...

that is YET ONE "social construct" AKA historically thrown aside superstition...

that you cretin -- trying to push into reality? ;-P