Monday, July 15, 2024

Antifa - You knew it would come down to this: The Shooter's Motive HOAX

Same Guy?  Or Hoax?

Parker Schnabel from Discovery's "Gold Rush"


"16001 Anti-Fascist"

Zip Code - 16001: Butler PA

It could be a hoax by this @Skvmlord idiot.  But looking at his page, he's just the sort of person that would hang out at "Demolition Ranch" with our idiot Trump "sniper" friend

Antifa - The DNC's favourite "Street Justice" crew.  Tommy was probably a John Brown Gun Club "unofficial" chapter member.

Looks like he finally made his HS Shooting Team.  For more Antifa parody c/o my old blog
I've Been Rick Rolled!

I think they call this "Pre-Bunking" in the PsyOps world.
Disappearing the Original Instagram TMC Account?  Brilliant!

"You think Antifa may have been involved?  Antifa involvement has been entirely De-bunked!"

Yep!  Totally Pre-Bunked, you mean!

There were plenty of real pictures of Crook on the Internet, so why post Schnabel's?  Only one reason, to get caught and proved a hoax!  This helps to confuse and cloak reality from discussion.  Masters of Reflexivity!
And as George Soros stated in his "Alchemy of Finance": "Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it's interested in operational success." The method he said that they used to do the Alchemy of Finance was reflexivity. The idea is that you start jinning up an idea and make the idea become true because everybody starts talking about it and believing it in a particular way. So "the current thing" takes place in a reflexive environment (often Social Media).


Z said...

responding to this at my place

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Indeed! It's a hoax.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Crooks is a registered republican. Who's Skvmlord? Another registered republican?

Joe Conservative said...

Maybe. He's the one pre-Bunking the Antifa angle.

Joe Conservative said...

A player seen as dirty and/or unfavourable in a game, most often playing outside community rules, or using items and weapons against community standards.

“What a scumlord, he’s camping in the opposite building” - A player complaining about a camper

So yeah, an Antifa scumbag trying to wreck the Republican primary in PA.

Joe Conservative said...

When Maryland closed the primaries in the 90's, I considered changing my registration from Independent to Democrat... but I never really liked voting in the primaries anyways. And with closed primaries, I don't have to.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

As a tRump transponder, you're going to start singing the Turd JD Vance's praises now?

No matter that Vance previously told the truth about tRump and was a declared NeverTrumper.

donald tRump admires people who can lie shamelessly. His selection of Vance is proof positive. There is zero doubt in my mind that donald tRump knows JD Vance didn't change his mind about tRump -- and that Vance only did a 180 for personal gain. But in donald tRump's view that is a POSITIVE attribute. He does it ALL the time. tRump isn't a Christian and he isn't opposed to abortion -- for example.

Still morons like Mystere will continue to claim that Joe Biden tells the huge whoppers. And he believes it. You -- I think you're like tRump -- you admire someone who has the ability to lie shamelessly. As long as that person is a rightturd.

Joe Conservative said...

Vance is one of Peter Thiel's "NATCon" protoge's. They're not Globalists like the NeoCons, but they are Big Business and USIC adjacent. And for those reasons, not to be trusted, IMO. Like Pence.

Joe Conservative said...

In other words, Trump seems intent upon implementing a 'coalition' government. MAGA + NATCons. The Never-Trump NeoCons will stay with the Democrats.

Joe Conservative said... PaleoCons will remain "benched".

Anonymous said...

\\Crooks is a registered republican.

As anyone who'd decide to go to Rep rally to kill Rep representative.


And why DEMN-cretins... are so cretinic.

Ah. Yes. Because they... cretins.


This One said...

Where is that pussy Mystere?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: \\Crooks is a registered republican\\ As anyone who'd decide to go to Rep rally to kill Rep representative. Yawn.

You're right. It is republicans who are largely responsible for and supportive of political violence in the United States.

Qtard: And why DEMN-cretins... are so cretinic. Ah. Yes. Because they... cretins.

G00gle: Research has found that lower intelligence is associated with a higher risk of violent and other antisocial behaviors. For example, a 2019 study of the UK general population found that the prevalence of violence decreased as IQ increased.

Meaning, it is rightturds who are the cretins. Like you -- supporting violence like on J6.

Joe Conservative said...

Political violence? Thy name is Antifa, the Democratic Party's new KKK.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Dervish is their Grand PooPoo Kleagle.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Political violence? Thy name is Antifa, the Democratic Party's new KKK.

Myth No. 3... Antifa is affiliated with the Democratic Party. [rightturd] columnists have argued that ... "antifa is the militant wing of the Democratic Party". ...there no evidence to support such allegations. ...there [isn't] any antifa love affair with the Democrats. The vast majority of antifa militants are radical anti-capitalists who oppose the Democratic Party.

Excerpted from the Washington Post article Five myths about antifa.

Mystere: Dervish is their Grand PooPoo Kleagle.

There is no such position in Antifa. But that fact is self evident. I do not know due to any affiliation with Antifa. I do not have one. I also have zero affiliation with the KKK. Unlike Mystere. I heard he tried to join, arguing that he is an "honorary Ayran". The KKK dude Mystere was talking to threatened to beat him up and Mystere ran away.

Joe Conservative said...

Ever see Antifa support a Republican cause, Derv? Didn't think so.

Rattrapper said...

🔺OH MY! Dervish's Pinocchio Nose grew another 24 inches with his bigly Whoppers. Dervish just described what háppened to him when he reported back to his Grand Drag Queen. The drag queen threatened to slap him around when Dervish soiled his KKK Burqa after he did a joebiden.