Saturday, July 27, 2024

Elon Musk's America PAC & On Making America Greater

Meden Agan!


Rattrapper said...

Autism has been good for Elon, in his case. He sees good and evil in black and white.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

So, he acknowledges that he's evil?

Joe Conservative said...

...just that he see's you, Derv...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

He doesn't see -- and that is the problem. As his own child confirms. Instead of blaming himself for being an absent father (like tяump) he blames an imaginary "woke mind virus".

Joe Conservative said..., he blames a bunch of quack doctors that administered puberty blockers to his son. You know, the ones that you believe our country needs more of...

It's called the "banality of evil" that Musk now battles.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Baloney. He isn't battling himself. He is aligning with and enabling evil.

Vivian Wilson (formerly Xavier Musk) doesn't regret her decision to take puberty blockers. And they were given with the consent of her father, Elon Musk. Doctors providing medical care requested by patients isn't quackery.

And he did blame the imaginary "woke mind virus" in the video you posted. You didn't watch it? He also blames the doctors, who he says should be in jail. Because he feels they "tricked" him. Though Vivian Wilson says he was NOT tricked.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Re: "Doctors providing medical care requested by patients isn't quackery".

Unless it is (for example) Ivermectin for covid. Then the doctor should tell the patient that ivermectin is an ineffective COVID 19 treatment.

The difference is that puberty blockers are effective in blocking puberty. While ivermectin is ineffective in treating covid. If a person wants to block puberty -- puberty blockers will work. While, if a person wishes to prevent or treat covid, Invermectin won't work.

Anyway, parental consent is required -- and Elon gave it. He's changed his mind now, but it's too late. In any case, Vivian Wison is 20 years old. She can legally make her own medical decisions now. Though I don't know what effect the puberty blockers had, as she was 16 at the time, while puberty is between the ages of "9 and 14 for boys".

Joe Conservative said...

Quack doctors sterilized Elon's son. The misinformed him, then permanently sterilized his son.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

AI Overview: Puberty blockers, also known as gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRH analogues), do not cause infertility and are reversible. They are used to delay puberty in transgender youth to give them time to decide if transitioning is right for them. When a trans adolescent stops taking puberty blockers, their reproductive function should resume as puberty continues naturally.

On one hand you criticized Hunter Biden for not keeping his d*ck in his pants and fathering 5 children. On the other hand you praise Musk and tRump for not keeping their d*cks in their pants and fathering 7 and 5 children respectively. Say this makes them "alpha males".

Which is it?

You know Vivian Wilson would have made a different decision if she was told she could definitely never father children if she took the puberty blockers? Who says she wants children? Are you for forcing people to have children? Yes, I know that if a woman gets pregnant you're for forcing them to give birth. But guys too? You're for forcing them to impregnate women? Celebrate women should be forced to have children?

On one hand rightturds criticize Black men and women for having too many children. On the other hand you criticize Planned Parenthood for providing abortion medical services to poor Black (and White) women who already have children and can't afford to have more. Or just don't want more children.

Where is your intellectual consistency? Because there doesn't appear to be any.

As for Musk, he has 6 other children to carry on his family name. If that is what he is concerned about. Vivian Wilson doesn't want anything to do with him. He isn't helping that situation with what he is doing now. If he ever desires reconciliation he isn't moving in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... Commies do not want traditional families with father and mother.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard thinks Elon Musk and d0nald tЯump are Commies?

Anonymous said...

Your alter-ego? ;-p