Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Jamaican me Crazy!

btw - Don Lemon is currently FULLY On-Board the Kamala Express!  He was probably all aboard a completely different train back in 2020 when he said all the above mean things about her.... funny what a two edged sword magical negroness and race card playing can be.  "Bless THIS Campaign, magical negro, and forego all other, for I am most deserving of your Lemon-ness."  - Kamala
The Mooch leads Kennedy... imagine!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

What is African American defined as? Description: Black or African American (new definition) - A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Black, non-Hispanic (old definition) - A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa (except those of Hispanic origin). Source: IPEDS.

USA Today fact check: ..."the federal government counts people of Jamaican ancestry as Black or African American".

Don Lemon is wrong.

Also as per the USA Today fact check.

Claim: Kamala Harris held Black prisoners past release dates.

Attorneys for Harris' office countered that allowing some offenders out of prison so quickly would hurt their labor programs -- specifically, one that allowed certain prisoners to fight wildfires. In a November 2014 interview with Buzzfeed News, Harris said she was "shocked" by the lawyers' argument. Spokesman Ian Sams told The Daily Beast that she "looked into it and directed the department's attorneys not to make that argument again".

The Daily Beast article does not indicate how many, if any, inmates may have been held longer in violation of the court order. But the issue was about whether they would be released early, not whether they would be held past the length of their original sentence.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Reuters Fact Check: Kamala Harris is descended from Slave Owners.

While it is true that Kamala Harris' father claimed to be a descendant of a slave owner, Harris and her family's relationship to Hamilton Brown remains unclear. Fact Checks by Snopes and Politifact have determined that while there is no clear evidence to prove Kamala Harris is a descendant of slave owners, it is likely that she is a descendant of both slaves and slave owners [because] the overwhelming majority of African Americans have white male ancestors, largely because of white male slave owners who raped Black female slaves. link

Regardless, people have no control over who they are descended from. This is a ridiculous slander of Kamala Harris, whether it is true or not. She is likely descended from slave owners, but also definitely descended from slaves. Barack Obama wasn't descended from slaves and Barack Obama has ancestors that owned slaves (on his mother's side).

The republiturd fake Lefty Jimmy "I love orange" D0re is still working hard to get d0nald tЯump back in office. Jimmy D0re is 100 percent lacking in any intellectual integrity.

FYI, as per Christopher Wray, "As I said, I think with respect to former President Trump, there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear".

d0nald tЯump was NOT shot.

Joe Conservative said...

Maybe you should ask Kamala's father again, Derv.

Joe Conservative said...

...a book just got banned because a journalist did.

Joe Conservative said...

I remember when Obama announced... and his Illinois Senate record got erased overnight. All the lurid limo-gay testimonials and aborted babies dying because the doctors refused to save their lives... crying for hours before succumbing to neglect.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a psychotic disorder. People who have it can't tell what's real from what is imagined. Delusions are the main symptom of delusional disorder. They're unshakable beliefs in something that isn't true or based on reality.

Angry Bidet Looks Like It's Going To Explode said...


The Prophet Of Satan Dervish Z Sanders said...

d0nald tЯump was NOT shot! d0nald tЯump was NOT shot! d0nald tЯump was NOT shot! d0nald tЯump was NOT shot! d0nald tЯump was NOT shot! d0nald tЯump was NOT shot!


Rattrapper said...

🔺That's what you have, Ichabod Derpwood Assface bin §atan~§ander$666.🔺

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You're the one imagining this "Ichabod".

Anonymous said...

Saying from OWN experience... AGAIN! %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

\\ Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a psychotic disorder. People who have it can't tell what's real from what is imagined.

Citing from your medical papers, cretin? ;-P

\\Delusions are the main symptom of delusional disorder. They're unshakable beliefs in something that isn't true or based on reality.

Yap. It seems.

Like when you see dRump in jail. Ukrainians being nazis. Or Sun... NOT rising over horizon in the morning. ;-P


Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: Saying from OWN experience... AGAIN!

I have never imagined any "Ichabod". Or are you talking to yourself again? You must be. Given that you're constantly babbling about imaginary people. Like the imaginary "Bi-den" or the imaginary "dRump".

Qtard: Like when you see dRump in jail.

I have never seen any "dRump" in jail.

Qtard: Ukrainians being nazis.

No. That is something I have never seen again.

Qtard: Or Sun... NOT rising over horizon in the morning.

I have seen the sun appearing to rise in the morning, but am smart enough to know it is an illusion. While you are not.

Anonymous said...

\\I have never imagined any "Ichabod". Or are you talking to yourself again? You must be.

*I*??? %^))))))))))))

And what FACTUAL evidences of it could be?

Maybe that is me who constantly forgetting OWN words?

Or maybe that is ME who calling real things and persons "imaginary"?


And what at all can be CREDIBILITY of such a TOTALLY CRETINIC LIAR words...

to believe that that "You must be" REALLY mean what it could mean if someone truthful would be saying it? ;-P

\\Given that you're constantly babbling about imaginary people. Like the imaginary "Bi-den" or the imaginary "dRump".


That is TO YOU... current POTUS and ex-POTUS... are "imaginary".

And what did I said... just above -- about cretin that call real persons "imaginary".

YOU, itself, just PROVIDED FACTUAL CONFIRMATION of my above stated claim. ;-P

But... continue-continue, cretin. %^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\I have never seen any "dRump" in jail.

Of course.

Cause that is FACT -- open and obvious -- that ex-POTUS dRump is NOT in jail... despite all lies and propaganda of DEMN-cretins. ;-P

\\Qtard: Ukrainians being nazis.

\\No. That is something I have never seen again.

Of course.

Because (unlike as with Russian Nazi Milchakov) that is FACT -- open and obvious -- that there is NO "Nazis"(whatever that word could mean) among Ukrainians.

That is always was and always will be just a Soviet Commies and current liliPut/DEMN-commies PROPAGANDA.


\\I have seen the sun appearing to rise in the morning, but am smart enough to know it is an illusion.



that call THE FACT of PHYSICAL REALITY... "an illusion".



But... continue-continue, crazy cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Maybe he was, Mystere. But it is looking more and more like he wasn't. fyi, I am not "Satan's prophet".

Anonymous said...

Crazy cretin talking with itself? ;-P

(more FACTS of crazy cretinity for me to refer to)


Joe Conservative said...

Not Satan's Prophet, but a Demonrat just the same... ;)