Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Lowry and McWhorter on How Social Media put the 'fake' into Fake News!

The Social Media Echo Chamber Amplifier of 1st World Wealthy Elite Opinion...

...and How that Blossomed into Active Woke Social Engineering Operations by the 1st World Neo-liberal Left in that New REFLEXIVE Environment


mystere's moonbat slayer club said...

The guy smelled a rotting carcass when he saw 0's clown show in 2007-08. I knew that 0 was and still is beyond rotten to the core. And his partner in crime, Poopy Pants is just as rotten as he is. Mamala Hairballz is 0's next stinky sock puppet. However, the stench from the sock puppet won't fly with many of us.

Joe Conservative said...

If it's Kamala, it's over. Hello Trump'47!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
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The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Hard NO. But I definitely can see why you like these guys. I didn't agree with anything they said. Though the guy on the right seemed a little more reasonable.

Anonymous said...

Only Now!

Only Today!

We'll make you ogle over celebs!

And follow those who are in power!


Joe Conservative said...

You don't want to be part of the wealthy elite, Q? You aren't NVS? You must be a philosopher at heart... ;)

Joe Conservative said...

@Derv, You would like McWhorter better, He's more of a WEB Dubois liberal. Lowry is more of a Frederick Douglas conservative.

Anonymous said...

\\You don't want to be part of the wealthy elite, Q?

Through ogling celebs and sucking to people with power/money? %^))))))

That's for the people of differ sex... well, gender too. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

No starlet banging or couch auditions?

Anonymous said...

For our sex/gender???

Tough lack. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

Cisgen is becoming rara avis...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

de gustibus non est disputandum