Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Who's Running Ukraine Now?

 The Rise of the Azov Brigade

Yuliya Talmazan, "Coup attempt thwarted in Ukraine, Security Service says, as Hungary's Orbán arrives in Kyiv for talks"
The Security Service of Ukraine said the group plotted to seize the country's parliament.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s security service said Monday that it foiled a coup that would have “played into Russia’s hands” as his Ukrainian forces battled their Russian counterparts in the east of the country.

News of the plot emerged ahead of the visit of one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s only European allies, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, to Kyiv on Tuesday for talks with Zelenskyy.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) said in a Telegram post Monday that a group of people were preparing “a series of provocations” in capital Kyiv.

It added that the group was led by a co-founder of a public organization known for its “anti-Ukrainian actions” since 2015, although it did not name either the individual or the group.

After calling for a public gathering in central Kyiv on Sunday, the suspects were planning to announce the removal of the country’s military and political leadership from power, the SBU said. Then they plotted to seize the building of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, the statement added.

The perpetrators “hoped to stir up the social and political situation within our country, which would work in Russia’s favor,” the Security Service said, although it did not explicitly say whether the Kremlin was behind the group or its plans.

The SBU did not identify the suspects or say how many people were detained. But it said they are facing charges of calling for and trying to overthrow the constitutional order and seize power. If convicted, they could face up to 10 years in prison, the SBU said.

In a separate statement, Ukraine’s Office of the Prosecutor General said Monday that the head of the group sought out members of the military and private security guards to help them carry out the plan.

It added that the leader rented a hall in Kyiv that could accommodate 2,000 people, although it did not specify what the hall was to be used for. It also said that four people had been detained.

NBC News could not independently verify the details of the alleged coup, one of several purported attempts to topple the Ukrainian leadership since Putin launched his invasion in February 2022.

Ukrainian investigators said in May that they foiled a Russian plot to assassinate Zelenskyy and other top military and political figures. Two colonels in the State Guard of Ukraine, which protects top officials, were detained on suspicion of enacting the plan.

And ahead of the Russian invasion, Zelenskyy claimed to have intelligence and recordings of a coup plot involving Russians and a Ukrainian billionaire oligarch.

News of the latest plot emerged two days before Orbán, Hungary’s prime minister, arrived in Kyiv for talks with Zelenskyy.

Orbán, a self-described “illiberal” leader, is known to have a close personal relationship with Putin, and while he and his government have condemned the invasion of Ukraine, they have refused to criticize the Russian leader.

He has also routinely blocked, delayed or watered down European Union efforts to extend assistance to Ukraine and to sanction Russia over the war.

He has also accused Ukraine of infringing on the rights of an ethnic Hungarian minority in the country’s western region of Zakarpattia for years, complicating relations between the two neighbors.

Orbán’s visit comes the day after Hungary took over the six-month rotating presidency of the European Union, a position that has little real power but can be used to set the tone of the 27-nation bloc’s agenda.

Referencing the presidency in a news conference after meeting with Zelenskyy, Orbán said he chose Kyiv for his first visit “because peace is an important question” and the war was affecting European security, according to the translation of his comments posted to the Ukrainian president's official Telegram account.

“I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order, and speed up peace talks with making a ceasefire first,” Orban said. “A cease-fire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks. I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation.”

Zelenskyy did not respond to those comments. Instead he mooted the possibility of a broad bilateral cooperation agreement between Ukraine and Hungary.

Separately his chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, said that an "important conversation" about the future of Europe, security, international law and the Peace Formula, Zelenskyy’s 10-point plan for ending the war, had taken place.

Elsewhere, in eastern Ukraine, fierce battles between the country's forces and their Russian rivals continued. However, Moscow’s counteroffensive in the northeastern Kharkiv region appeared to stall as newly committed U.S. military supplies have started to trickle in.

On the quiet lifting of the US weapons ban on arms to Azov. 

Denys Prokopenko (Azov Commander)

Kabuki Theatre Debuts in America...

... in the form of the 2024 Presidential Election!

...brought to you by Barrack Obama, James Clyburn, John Brennan, and a host of players.

So Sit Back Now, and ENJOY THE SHOW!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

We Need to Have a Family Meeting....

Pending DNC Sponsored and Endorsed Kabuki Power Transitions

Step 1 - Joe Biden withdraws his candidacy for the sake of the Nation.  He then happily retires to his beach house and Corvette in Rehoboth Beach, DE.

Step 2 - Kamala Harris inherits the nomination, but steps down for the sake of the Party.  In return, she becomes Michelle Obama's Attorney General (AG).

Step 3 - Michelle Obama, the ONLY candidate agreeable to James Clyburn and Barack Obama, agrees to run in Kamala's place, once again for the sake of the nation (preventing Trump from trouncing Kamala in the general)

Step 4 - Jill Biden, consigliere and now chief protector of the Biden Crime family, is appointed by John Carney (Governor of Delaware) to the US Senate to take Tom Carper's empty seat, who steps down to become Michelle Obama's Secretary of Defense.


The formula of the Party-State, as the defining feature of twentieth-century Communism, thus needs to be complicated: there is always a gap between Party and State, corresponding to the gap between the Ego-Ideal (symbolic Law) and the Superego, for the Party remains the half-hidden obscene shadow which redoubles the State structure. There is here no distance, its organization embodying a fundamental distrust of the State organs and mechanisms, as if they need to be continually kept in check. A true twentieth-century-style Communist never fully accepts the State: there always has to be a vigilant agency outside of State control, with the power to intervene in the State's business.
- Slavoj Zizek, "Living in the End Times"

Poor Leadership in Action: "Fake It 'til You Make It".. Is Joe Running for President, or Internet Influencer in Chief?

Mike Allen & Jim VandeHei, "Behind the Curtain: Biden's salvation plan"
A massive political, PR and personal campaign is underway to reject calls for President Biden to drop his re-election race — and rally Democrats to move on from public debate about age and his future, top officials tell us.

Why it matters: Biden has zero interest in stepping aside — and First Lady Jill Biden and key family members and friends agree, according to people who talk regularly with them.

The intrigue: Biden, who has ducked tough interviews and avoided no-holds-barred press conferences, is now considering both. Look for a town hall or big one-on-one interview this month.

The latest: During a family gathering at Camp David on Sunday, Biden family members, including Hunter, went through with a long-scheduled session with celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz. The Bidens insisted the president stay in the race, we're told by people close to them.
"They're all-in, and want him to stay in," a Biden source told us, adding that the campaign is "charging ahead."
Behind the scenes: Some Biden friends and family blamed longtime aides who had prepped Biden. They complained about everything from data-heavy answers to his makeup to his briefing on camera angles.
But the president smoothed it over: He called former chief of staff Ron Klain, who led the team, and one of the things they talked about was that neither he nor the family blames the prep.
Campaign spokesman Kevin Munoz told us: "The aides who prepped the president have been with him for years, often decades, seeing him through victories and challenges. He maintains strong confidence in them."

Klain, who is expected to lead Biden's prep for the second debate — on ABC on Sept. 10 — told us: "In 38 years of working with Joe Biden, we've had many successes and some failures. I'm always happy to share in the good results and assume my share of the responsibility for the times we've come up short."
State of play: Biden's inner circle argues that one bad night of a scratchy voice and a few mangled answers doesn't warrant ending it all. So they're unleashing the full power of the White House and top Democrats to resist the loud calls for him to give up the race.
The biggest argument will be that Biden won the Democratic primaries overwhelmingly, and that result is final.
"You guys don't get to decide," a source close to Biden said, referring to high-profile Democrats now second-guessing Biden as nominee. "That's not how this works. We don't have smoke-filled rooms."
"They just have to cool down," the source added. "We live in a democracy, at least for now."
Based on our weekend conversations with top officials and advisers, here's the Biden survival strategy:
Dismiss "bedwetting." The official White House and campaign line is this is much ado about nothing — that Biden works so hard it drains his young staff. This attitude is driving elected officials and donors — basically any top Democrat not on the Biden payroll — nuts. They feel it's delusional. Nonetheless, Biden allies are cranking out data and pushing out surrogates to insist he had one bad night, mostly because of a scratchy voice and over-preparation.

Squeeze polls for juice. Biden allies are circulating polls and focus group results showing the debate did little to change the dynamics of the race. They're ignoring contrarian results — like a CBS/YouGov poll out Sunday that shows a surge in voters who think Biden is not up for the job. If you're to believe the polls: Voters thought Biden lost the debate and seemed too old. But there's little evidence they're moving fast to Trump. Both seem true.

Warn of chaos. Biden allies are making plain in private conversations the perils of an open convention — and the risk of picking a Democrat even more unpopular than Biden, namely Vice President Kamala Harris. They know Biden just needs to make it to the Democratic convention in Chicago, which opens eight weeks from today. After that, unity is the only choice.

Limit dissent. Biden allies helped orchestrate the supportive tweets by former Presidents Clinton and Obama. Those happened after furious back-channeling by allies. Truth is, that was the easy part.

Keep elected leaders close. The White House knows Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries are deeply concerned that an unpopular Biden could cost them seats on Election Day. Their members in tough races are scared, and several plan to run away from Biden. Former Sen. Tom Harkin, who served with Biden in the Senate for 20+ years, said in an email to supporters that the debate was "a disaster from which Biden cannot recover."

Get the donor class to chill. Jeffery Katzenberg and other top Biden backers are working the phones to reassure the deep pockets, while the campaign and DNC keep turning out fundraising appeals and highlighting successes. Some donors are blaming the staff — not the man on stage. John Morgan, a Florida personal-injury-law magnate who's a top Democratic donor, tweeted Sunday that Biden's debate-prep team is guilty of political malpractice: "Format was a disaster for him and a plus for Trump. He over practiced and was drained."

Prove vitality. Words can't capture how elated top officials were that Biden was as vigorous as he was at a rally in North Carolina the day after the debate. They're looking for as many opportunities as possible to show that he's still on his game and not too old for the gig. They know words are useless — they need vitality in action.

Ignore/engage the media. On the one hand, Biden allies want everyone to ignore the prominent columnists who loved Biden and are now calling for his resignation. On the other, the campaign and White House are deeply engaged with reporters (like us) writing about presidential fitness.

What's next: Biden's kitchen cabinet sees a recipe for a narrow victory that includes a grand-slam speech at the Democratic convention in Chicago + a strong showing in the next second debate + positive economic news in the fall (maybe a Fed rate cut).

The bottom line: Biden's camp believes voters will give more weight to Biden's judgment and record than to his grandpa gait or fading debate dexterity. It's one of the greatest gambles in the history of politics. Once again, Biden's team is telling Democratic voters:
You just have to believe.

Whereas Good Leaders eschew such "belief systems" by De-MONSTRATING leadership through empirical ACTA NON VERBA! means:
"Step Up and Take Charge"

"Take Responsibility"

"The Buck Stops Here"

"Take the Bull by the Horns"

Directly and Immediately "Address ALL Issues and Concerns"
...while good leader wannabe's hide in their basements and wait for their followers to forget the issues... while they re-direct responsibility for failures onto opposition Orange Men and lower tier subordinates (scapegoats of last resort)

Ye Shall Know your leaders by their demonstrated instincts
"Now where's that Can I'm supposed to Kick down the Road...?"

Monday, July 1, 2024

Examples of Poster Children for POOR Leadership...

Framing the current problems of society as one of having "too many USELESS people" and NOT framing it as one of "certain people having excessive capital who are replacing people with 'ownable' computers and machines, as the 'modern' means of capital (Re)-Production"  

The same hold's true of the Government's typical classification of workers as either "Essential" or "Non-Essential".  It trivializes human "worth", especially under Capitalism where commodities typically mediate "social relations".  "Useless people" connotate "valueless (non-essential) people" unworthy of interacting with and conducting amicable social relations with.  They (Non-essential workers) are given the appearance (branded with a label) of something (or some people) that one (an essential worker) should avoid or eliminate contact with in a functioning 'Society'...

American Pathologies to Breakdown and Collapse

When Owners of an Achievement Society Preclude all Paths to Future Successful Achievement and Regress to Attempting to Impose "Disciplinary Society" solutions through "legal/ law enforcement means" and not through grants of further "access" to "REAL opportunities" for true Achievement.  There's a limit to Democratic Party patronage (DEI/ Affirmative Action)... and we've crossed it.

So why are so many immigrant "Achiever" wannabes dying to join the Achievement Society?  Answer: unlike the Nativist drop-outs and burn-outs, they simply haven't been here long enough to recognize the ever-higher Successful Achievement Ceiling that's receding before them like in a gallery inside Disneyland's Haunted Mansion... all they've heard of are the opportunities America promised for past immigrants.
...whilst the Nativists currently with 2-3 Side-Hustles in the Gig Economy... they KNOW!  Depression and despair are NOT mental health issues owned by individuals that more healthcare can solve.  They're the result of a societal problem imposed upon individuals by their leaders.  It is a Psycho-Political problem resulting from bad governance.

America needs Small Business OWNERSHIP opportunities, NOT MINIMUM WAGE JOBS!  Higher Floors won't fix Receding Ceilings!
Kamala cynically "selling patronage dreams" to gullible immigrants...

"Knowing What Can Be
Unburdened by What Has Been"