Friday, July 19, 2024

Warming, Warming, How Much Are We Warming?

They've got NO F*cking Clue...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Don't worry about it. Maybe future generations will be screwed, but we're not them. It will be their problem, not ours. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Motto of DEMN-cretins?

Joe Conservative said...

I agree with the statement totally. The planet will be much more agriculturally productive with more carbon in the air. Who wants to stabilize an ice age?

Joe Conservative said...

Dervy's mistake...

Joe Conservative said...

"How many degree's C were we supposed to have warmed by now????"

Anonymous said...

Yeah... on radioactive dumps...


Joe Conservative said...

...hows Cheyrnoble doing? Any 3 headed goats yet?

Anonymous said...

Chernobil was just a little puff of steam just under boiling hot pot.


What? You already forgot and do not fear Big Mama Bomb(s)?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Motto of DEMN-cretins?

Motto of rightturd cretins like you.

Joe Conservative said...

What? You already forgot and do not fear Big Mama Bomb(s)?

I still know how to set condition Zebra and rig the fire hoses.

Anonymous said...

\\Motto of rightturd cretins like you.


Cretinic DEMN NewSpeak of yours.


Anonymous said...

\\I still know how to set condition Zebra and rig the fire hoses.

Knowing it and doing it -- two totally different things... as they say, in Odessa. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

I can cloze hatches with "Zs" marked on them. What's hard about DOing that?

btw - I once re-designed the firefighting systems on a T-AK vessel. I know a little bit about fire hose-rigging.

Joe Conservative said...


btw- know what a CPS is? "Citadel Protection System"? I do. ;p

Anonymous said...

Like it'll help when millions of chinese drones will come.


Joe Conservative said...

It will if they're armed with biologics.

Anonymous said...


Joe Conservative said...

Why not? We paid for Wuhan, didn't we?

Anonymous said...

And for Japanese 731 squad? ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

...and Mengele!

Anonymous said...


U.S.A. ALWAYS was PRO capable immigrants. ;-P