Friday, December 27, 2024

When is a Marriage NOT a Marriage?

 ...when liberals re-define marriage to suit their science & biology denying social agenda.

When is a Vaccine NOT a Vaccine?


What's YOUR permission structure?  Current Government 'Authorities' (lexicographers)?

...or Leftist blogs:
h/t - Woodsterman


Anonymous said...

As the Democratic Party looks around and finds itself in the political abyss, I'm starting to see some folks ask about who is going to lead them out of that abyss.
The demented LEFT are the leftover damaged subverted demoralized zombies from the damage done by Biden’s four Miserable Destructive years . And then the aftermath of the Kamala Harris few and VERY Miserable Destructive ymonths.
Personally, I think that if the person or people behind whom they rally keeps them on the same path that got them here, they're going to stay here. That means the new leader(s) of the party have to focus squarely on the Middle Class (if it isn't too late), and run directly away from the Identity Politics & Political Correctness that largely put them in this mess.
I put them all into one big Mess that they equally created and caused the woke, the anti-whiteism, the anti-nuclear family, the Transgender crap, Men in Women’s Sports Crap the Drag Queen Reading Crap, the Same Bathroom Crap, the and all the other SOCIABLE CRAP-OLA. along with the DESTABILIZING CRAP is/was a direct result of the sickness that the retarded Marxists caused here. ALL of which has ultimately FAILED!
"But we DO support the Middle Class!" they'll say. To which I would respond, "no, when you were screaming RACISM and HOMOPHOBIA and TOXIC MASCULINITY at people, when you were wrecking their careers and their businesses because they "offended" you, many of those people WERE the Middle Class. And who came running to defend them? The Republicans. MAKE UP YOUR MIND."
Democrats find themselves in a familiar position: unable to point to a clear party leader as a sitting president prepares to hand over the reins to Donald Trump.

They faced a similar quandary in January 2017, when Barack Obama was in his final days in office. Back then, some Democrats pointed to their powerful House leader and former speaker, Nancy Pelosi, as the rightful official at the head of their table.

But some eight years later, it is far from clear who will become the party’s new chief around noon on Jan. 20, when Trump is slated to be sworn in and Joe Biden relinquishes his hold on the presidency.
So, Democrats, which direction should the party take, and who do you see as your new possible leaders?
Personally, I think that if the person or people behind whom they rally keeps them on the same path that got them here, they're going to stay here. That means the new leader(s) of the party have to focus squarely on the Middle Class (if it isn't too late), and run directly away from the Identity Politics & Political Correctness that largely put them in this mess.

"But we DO support the Middle Class!" they'll say. To which I would respond, "no, when you were screaming RACISM and HOMOPHOBIA and TOXIC MASCULINITY at people, when you were wrecking their careers and their businesses because they "offended" you, many of those people WERE the Middle Class. And who came running to defend them? The Republicans. MAKE UP YOUR MIND."

So, Democrats, which direction should the party take, and who do you see as your new possible leaders?

Democrats are again ‘in between leaders’ as Biden prepares to leave office - And Kamala is in a dither not knowing what she will do next to completely SCREW-UP whatever part of the Party she didn’t screw up yet!
Democrats are once again without a head honcho as Joe Biden prepares to leave office and hand the reins to Donald Trump.
When will they see tat the 10 million no-skilled illegal aliens has driven the rents up, lowered the caliber of public education in working class neighborhoods, and decreased the value of their already modest ranch houses in the areas where they settle Go Down even Further?.

Richard said...

As the Democratic Party looks around and finds itself in the political abyss, I'm starting to see some folks ask about who is going to lead them out of that abyss.
The demented LEFT are the leftover damaged subverted demoralized zombies from the damage done by Biden’s four Miserable Destructive years . And then the aftermath of the Kamala Harris few and VERY Miserable Destructive ymonths.
Personally, I think that if the person or people behind whom they rally keeps them on the same path that got them here, they're going to stay here. That means the new leader(s) of the party have to focus squarely on the Middle Class (if it isn't too late), and run directly away from the Identity Politics & Political Correctness that largely put them in this mess.
I put them all into one big Mess that they equally created and caused the woke, the anti-whiteism, the anti-nuclear family, the Transgender crap, Men in Women’s Sports Crap the Drag Queen Reading Crap, the Same Bathroom Crap, the and all the other SOCIABLE CRAP-OLA. along with the DESTABILIZING CRAP is/was a direct result of the sickness that the retarded Marxists caused here. ALL of which has ultimately FAILED!
"But we DO support the Middle Class!" they'll say. To which I would respond, "no, when you were screaming RACISM and HOMOPHOBIA and TOXIC MASCULINITY at people, when you were wrecking their careers and their businesses because they "offended" you, many of those people WERE the Middle Class. And who came running to defend them? The Republicans. MAKE UP YOUR MIND."
Democrats find themselves in a familiar position: unable to point to a clear party leader as a sitting president prepares to hand over the reins to Donald Trump.

They faced a similar quandary in January 2017, when Barack Obama was in his final days in office. Back then, some Democrats pointed to their powerful House leader and former speaker, Nancy Pelosi, as the rightful official at the head of their table.

But some eight years later, it is far from clear who will become the party’s new chief around noon on Jan. 20, when Trump is slated to be sworn in and Joe Biden relinquishes his hold on the presidency.
So, Democrats, which direction should the party take, and who do you see as your new possible leaders?
Personally, I think that if the person or people behind whom they rally keeps them on the same path that got them here, they're going to stay here. That means the new leader(s) of the party have to focus squarely on the Middle Class (if it isn't too late), and run directly away from the Identity Politics & Political Correctness that largely put them in this mess.

"But we DO support the Middle Class!" they'll say. To which I would respond, "no, when you were screaming RACISM and HOMOPHOBIA and TOXIC MASCULINITY at people, when you were wrecking their careers and their businesses because they "offended" you, many of those people WERE the Middle Class. And who came running to defend them? The Republicans. MAKE UP YOUR MIND."

So, Democrats, which direction should the party take, and who do you see as your new possible leaders?

Democrats are again ‘in between leaders’ as Biden prepares to leave office - And Kamala is in a dither not knowing what she will do next to completely SCREW-UP whatever part of the Party she didn’t screw up yet!
Democrats are once again without a head honcho as Joe Biden prepares to leave office and hand the reins to Donald Trump.
When will they see tat the 10 million no-skilled illegal aliens has driven the rents up, lowered the caliber of public education in working class neighborhoods, and decreased the value of their already modest ranch houses in the areas where they settle Go Down even Further?.

Porky Da Badd Ass said...

HEY PLAYER! WHERE ART THOU? Art thou at thine gay brothel with thine gay concubines, Dervish? Art thou with thine pet mongrels Schweinhund, Buttstink and Jigaboo? Thou callest that marriage, player?

Richard said...

Is there really any difference between some of these murders that Biden has Commuted? . I'm personally thinking about the ones which are so calculated, cold blooded and showing zero mercy and actually these perps getting off on killing their victims... thats a person who cannot be rehabilitated, and will never have anything to offer to society. They should also cease to cost society anything like food or housing expenses.
When it comes to Trump or a CEO of a health care insurance company or the INNOCENT UNBORN, CHILD the LEFT loves the Death Penalty

They just have a problem putting to Death Hardened Murderers That \Comes Here to Kill. And to Rape our Children!
What about that poor woman in the video who lost her life from being set on Fire in the New York Subway by a Sick Freaken Illegal Who should not even had been here in the first place ?
Biden Demonstrates What a Bunch of Hypocritical Windbags the Left Wingers Are, It's Okay to Kill Innocent People in War, It’s Ok to attack the Jewish Man in the street on his way to pray in a Synagogue It's Okay to Kill Unborn Babies, but Killing People Convicted of the Most Heinous Crimes Is Barbaric, It's Pathetic.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Get your stash of popcorn out. The next scene of the liberal clown show is about to open up.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

JoeJoe Bidet is a tool of Satan.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

d0n0ld tRump is a tool of Satan.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"JoeJoe Bidet" doesn't exist. He is a product of Mystere's mentally ill delusions.

Rattrapper said...

Dervy's been snorting Sloppy Seconds again. His hallucinations of seeing Mystere and an imaginary character d0n0ld tRump are getting much worse now.

Rattrapper said...

Your queer pills are having drug induced delusions and strange interactions, Assface Dervish.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I've never taken one of these "queer pills" that Mystere is very familiar with. I have no need whatsoever to take them.

d0n0ld tRump aka Donald John Trump isn't imaginary, Mystere. He does seem like a cartoon villain, but unfortunately he is real.

btw, that water is racist is an absurd perversion of the actual position of Leftists. It makes a joke out of it, which is the whole point. Leftists are concerned about the very real racism of rightturds. As is the SPLC -- why rightturds hate it.

Rattrapper said...

Your delusional hallucination keeps getting worse, Dervy. Your swamp water has serious pollutants in it.

Joe Conservative said...

Leftists are obsessed with race. This is merely an example of taking their arguments to their logical polemical limits.

Joe Conservative said...

In other words, ignoring the meden agan of common sense as Leftists are prone to do when it comes to topics like "authoritarianism" or "fascism".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You're the one experiencing delusions, Mystere. Delusions that involve many people having delusions. Imaginary people called "Ichabod", "Assface Dervish", "Dervish bin Satan Sanders", and many many others. So many people that only exist in your mentally ill delusions. fyi, I don't drink swamp water.

btw, it's rightturds that are obsessed with race. Proven by d0n0ld running and "winning" on White Identity politics. You've completely ignored meden agan and common sense to go all in on White Supremacy. There WILL be a backlash. Though you're hoping that the d0n0ld fascist administration will be able to successfully FORCE people to submit.

Joe Conservative said...

Cuz the Right fakes 'hate crimes'... lol!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The right commits hate crimes.

Joe Conservative said...

All hate crimes ARE imaginary. It was a crime 'invented' by Democrats afflicted with racial guilt-pride in the 60s/70s. It NEVER existed as a crime category before then.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: All hate crimes ARE imaginary.

Spoken like a true White Supremacist.

Joe Conservative said...

Spoken like a true Virtue-Signaling self-important Moralist.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You don't want anyone in the government keeping track of hate crimes because such stats run counter to your false narrative that "White supremacy is imaginary".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

No. It's because all thoughts of hate are imaginary by definition and cannot be proven by another. There's no such thing as a "hate detector". When you invent a reliable one, then you can start prosecuting "hate" (thought) crimes.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

ps - White supremacy is a thought. In practice, however, real incidents are rarer than hen's teeth, and faked incidents are more prevalent than the presence of coal lumps in Newcastle.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Why do so many Democrats feel the need to fake hate crimes if white supremacy is such a real and imminent problem?

A- because they NEED it to be a problem.

Joe Conservative said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

To establish bias motivation, prosecutors may rely on various types of evidence, including...

Defendant's Statements: Verbal or written statements made by the defendant that indicate bias or prejudice, such as slurs or derogatory comments.

Witness Testimonies: Accounts from witnesses who heard or saw the defendant expressing biased sentiments before, during, or after the crime.

Social Media Posts: Online posts, comments, or messages that reflect discriminatory attitudes or intentions.

Symbols or Graffiti: Hate symbols or biased graffiti found at the crime scene can be indicative of the motive.

Past Behavior: Evidence of the defendant's prior biased actions or statements can help establish a pattern of discriminatory behavior.

Personal Journals or Diaries: Written records by the defendant that express bias or hostility toward a particular group.

Is this all "imaginary" evidence?

Minus: Why do so many Democrats feel the need to fake hate crimes if white supremacy is such a real and imminent problem?

Democrats don't fake hate crimes.

Minus: because they NEED it to be a problem.

"They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats" isn't something a Democrat said. Democrats don't "need" republicans to spread hate. We would like you to stop.

Joe Conservative said...

Hate against people who eat pets? Sounds "well deserved".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Hate against people who eat pets? Sounds "well deserved".

It's not deserved at all. Because the hate is directed at people who didn't do that.

I'll tell you what group of people is deserving of hate -- that would be people who voted for fascism. Hate against those Turds is definitely well deserved. And based on actual actions, as opposed to delusions. aka the lie of the year.

Are you eagerly anticipating d0n0ld violating the human rights of Haitians here under TPS by sending them back to a country where they could be killed? Will imaginary pet eating be (at least in part) the justification?

Joe Conservative said...

The lie of the year was, "I'm Joe Biden and I am running for President".

I won't weep for ANY of the Tren de Aragua members send back to Caracas.

Joe Conservative said...

...and BBQ can't wait for all those Haitians to return. He'll probably throw them a BBQ! I wonder who's pets they'll eat...

Rattrapper said...

Those Haitians at Dervy's Gay Brothel in Paris are getting deported? Hmmm... not good for the fate of Derpy's pet mongrels. ,Derpwood's pet mutts Schweinhund Buttstink and Jigaboos might be BBQ's next victims when the Haitians butcher Derpwood's flea ridden mutts and take them to Haiti.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I don't give a crap what happens to Schweinhund, Buttstink, or Jigaboos. Because they are imaginary. They only exist in Mystere's delusions.

FYI, changing your mind isn't a "lie".

mystere's moonbat slayer club said...

OH MY! Derpy throwing his infantile hissyfits again?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No, you are making moronic and infantile comments again. As always.