Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Oy! The 2024 Blowout!

They should rename Kamala 'Shamala'!
...and substituting in our 'Donor Mandated' model!

Thanks George Soros!  Your Reflexive Alchemy is Awesome!
And as George Soros stated in his "Alchemy of Finance": "Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it's interested in operational success." The method he said that they used to do the Alchemy of Finance was reflexivity. The idea is that you start jinning up an idea and make the idea become true because everybody starts talking about it and believing it in a particular way. So "the current thing" takes place in a reflexive environment (often Social Media).

from Axios today:

By the numbers: Trump leads Harris by 1.5 percentage points in an average of 11 national polls conducted since Biden's debate disaster on June 27, per the Washington Post. The same average showed Biden trailing Trump by 1.9 percentage points. 

...thinking (or polling) in a certain way... like it's a 2 way race where Kamala is only behind by 1.5% and not a 3 way race where she's really behind by 5%... gotcha!


Anonymous said...

First Time In Whole Universe!

Only Now!

Only On The Planet Earth!


politicians playing with polling numbers...

bleh... so anti-climaxic. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

The first time in history that that the framework articulating the deliberate policy of lying is articulated and admitted by the manipulator himself, yes.

Anonymous said...


Joe Conservative said...


Joe Conservative said...

How much money have the Soros' given to Kamala's campaign since Joe dropped?

Acta non Verba!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

All the "money" reported that Kamala is raising is going to PACs and SuperPac's... not directly into the Harris Campaign.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for information.

But again -- why should I care?

(again that regrettable reality -- that I am not USAian to care)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

If you don't care... silentium est aureum

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Are you an Arab?

"Speech is silver, silence is golden"

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Throwing in your $0.02?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Plato, "Phaedrus"

SOCRATES: But he who thinks that in the written word there is necessarily much which is not serious, and that neither poetry nor prose, spoken or written, is of any great value, if, like the compositions of the rhapsodes, they are only recited in order to be believed, and not with any view to criticism or instruction; and who thinks that even the best of writings are but a reminiscence of what we know, and that only in principles of justice and goodness and nobility taught and communicated orally for the sake of instruction and graven in the soul, which is the true way of writing, is there clearness and perfection and seriousness, and that such principles are a man's own and his legitimate offspring;—being, in the first place, the word which he finds in his own bosom; secondly, the brethren and descendants and relations of his idea which have been duly implanted by him in the souls of others;—and who cares for them and no others—this is the right sort of man; and you and I, Phaedrus, would pray that we may become like him.

PHAEDRUS: That is most assuredly my desire and prayer.

SOCRATES: And now the play is played out; and of rhetoric enough. Go and tell Lysias that to the fountain and school of the Nymphs we went down, and were bidden by them to convey a message to him and to other composers of speeches—to Homer and other writers of poems, whether set to music or not; and to Solon and others who have composed writings in the form of political discourses which they would term laws—to all of them we are to say that if their compositions are based on knowledge of the truth, and they can defend or prove them, when they are put to the test, by spoken arguments, which leave their writings poor in comparison of them, then they are to be called, not only poets, orators, legislators, but are worthy of a higher name, befitting the serious pursuit of their life.

PHAEDRUS: What name would you assign to them?

SOCRATES: Wise, I may not call them; for that is a great name which belongs to God alone,—lovers of wisdom or philosophers is their modest and befitting title.

PHAEDRUS: Very suitable.

SOCRATES: And he who cannot rise above his own compilations and compositions, which he has been long patching and piecing, adding some and taking away some, may be justly called poet or speech-maker or law-maker.

PHAEDRUS: Certainly.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...Your humble poet... -FJ

Joe Conservative said...

Catfishing Democratic voters with "Kamala" until the Convention, when the Bait and Switch for a "more electable" candidate will be implemented.... and donors fleeced AGAIN! Good thinking, Barack!

Joe Conservative said...

It's ALL about the Benjamins.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and the Brand is (D) and NOT "Kamala"... although they do (the MSM) want people thinking about the donation flood "in a certain way".

Anonymous said...

Did it not happened to you -- to listen to a distant thunder roar... even if you not synoptic? ;-P

Anonymous said...

\\SOCRATES: Wise, I may not call them; for that is a great name which belongs to God alone,—lovers of wisdom or philosophers is their modest and befitting title.

Do you think Socrates... if by strange a chance would appear in our age... would IGNORE all that discoveries of science and technologies? ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

In Aristophanes' "Clouds"?

...or "the cloud"?

They're not the same?

Joe Conservative said...

He (Socrates) didn't have any of that, yet he knew the world better than all the rest, combined.... and is more relevant today than all scientists and technologists today ever could be.

Anonymous said...

Personages of a books... are always more ideal then real persons.


Anonymous said...

A personage of a book about which was said only "he was ideal warrior" -- are ALLWAYS more ideal then Beowulf or Conan... about which was said HOW they was doing their "ideal" stuff. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

You think Aristophanes, Plato, and Xenophon were writing about a fictional personage called Socrates? Sounds like Jesus was fictional, too. Athens or Jerusalem... in which direction do YOU slouch?

Joe Conservative said...

They say that the playwright Euripides wrote all his plays to entertain an audience of 1. Socrates.

Joe Conservative said...

But then with his last play, Euripides ruined tragedy forever. He gave it a "happy ending". :(

Oh Boy I'm Screwed said...

Money laundering at its finest?

Cretin's Bigly Enemy said...

The Emperor has new clothes. The line has a name: BUTTBENEKKED

Joe Conservative said...

According to the WSJ Sleepy Joe can't transfer his $100m until AFTER he's the nominee. Let's wait and see how they launder it. I don't think "changing the name" on the accounts going to be enough. :)

Anonymous said...

\\ You think Aristophanes, Plato, and Xenophon were writing about a fictional personage called Socrates?

Is biographies and the people -- are one in the same? Ah???

Well... in your ideal world, maybe... shadows on the vace's wall -- is the Real Deal Things.


Anonymous said...

\\ You think Aristophanes, Plato, and Xenophon were writing about a fictional personage called Socrates?

Is biographies and the people -- are one AND the same? Ah???

Well... in your ideal world, maybe... shadows on the cave's wall -- is the Real Deal Things.


Joe Conservative said...

Yes, we are each different people in the mind's of other people. Who are you, today, Q... in mine? ;)

Anonymous said...

Why asking rhetorical questions? Got nothing better? Yawn.

Joe Conservative said...

You asked it...

Anonymous said...

Tsk-tsk-tsk... not asked. Answered.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Then the ridiculousness of your truism begged the question....

/Personages of a books... are always more ideal then real persons.

For even Objects such as books, when described in books, are more "ideal" than real objects. @@

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The question was made to point out the fact that if three books describe an object, say a chair, in the same way, there's a pretty good chance that the chair existed in "reality" and not just "description". Hence the Bible's 4 Gospels.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and even more countless "apocryphal" texts.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...but then again, I suppose warp drives are similar. More "idealized" than real. Never mind.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...but then again, there is often much truth in fiction. And usually, it can be discerned through the credibility of the received narrative.... how relatable the dialogue/ discourse.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and Xenophon's description of events is very similar to Plato's.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and it wasn't "vetted" like the Gospels.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Thank you for information. But again -- why should I care?

Nobody is saying you should. You could stop reading and commenting on this blog. Why do you subject yourself to things you aren't interested in? Well, I know you won't answer. I've asked before and all you do is babble about fining it super funny to observe cretins. But you could go elsewhere and observe yourself there.

Minus: According to the WSJ Sleepy Joe can't transfer his $100m until AFTER he's the nominee. Let's wait and see how they launder it. I don't think "changing the name" on the accounts going to be enough. :)

They already did. ...the Biden campaign account changed its name to "Harris for President" on Monday.

d0nald tRump filed a lawsuit, but "most campaign finance experts believe that Harris has rightful access to the funds, as she was on Biden's ticket as the vice presidential candidate".

The Hill: Republican FEC Chair Sean Cooksey, a Trump appointee, suggested Monday that he could be against allowing Harris to access the funds. ... Steve Roberts, former general counsel to Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, was ... skeptical of Cooksey’s comments. "This interpretation is likely wishful thinking", Roberts told The Hill. link

Joe Conservative said...

The Trump Campaign has filed with the FEC. She may have a big debt and fine to pay...

Joe Conservative said...

“Kamala Harris is seeking to perpetrate a $91.5 million dollar heist of Joe Biden’s leftover campaign cash — a brazen money grab that would constitute the single largest excessive contribution and biggest violation in the history of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971,” Trump campaign general counsel David Warrington wrote in a grievance to the FEC.

The complaint was filed against Harris, Biden, the 81-year-old president’s principal campaign committee – renamed Harris for President on Sunday – and the committee’s treasurer.

Joe Conservative said...

Perhap's its' the Hill reporters who are feeling optimistic, cuz Steve Roberts thinks the Trump campaign did the right thing filing the complaint.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Really? Someone appointed by d0nald tЯump agrees with d0nald tЯump? Like tЯump appointee Aileen Cannon agreed with the most corrupt scotus Turd ever, Clarence Thomas?

Money raised for Biden/Harris going to Harris is a "heist"? She's going to have to pay a fine? Of the 6 commissioners, 3 are Democrats. You think they agree?

Anonymous said...

\\The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders
Qtard: Thank you for information. But again -- why should I care?

\\Nobody is saying you should. You could stop reading and commenting on this blog. Why do you subject yourself to things you aren't interested in?

Did explained it. Like... ten times.

But you losing memory/having memory gaps/that was while some other alter-ego in charge? ;-P

\\But you could go elsewhere and observe yourself there.


So? This is the reason you come babbling here? ;-P

To observe OWN cretinism? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Joe Conservative said...

Please... would you argue with an NPC in a video game? Quote him back the opposite position from his own source and expect a different response? That'd be cra-zy!

Anonymous said...

Dunno your experience.

In talks with NPC -- you'd have not much choice (what DEMN-cretins would prefer -- for all people respond to em in a way of Caricature Trumper -- easy to backbite and laugh at)

Joe Conservative said...

No, they build those caricatures, like Shaw, for their own entertainment. For "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds"(Emerson).

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: No, they build those caricatures, like Shaw, for their own entertainment. For "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds"(Emerson).

"They" is you. You're going to be bigly referring back to the already constructed caricature of Kamala Harris a lot in the next 3 months. You've already started.

Anonymous said...

\\No, they build those caricatures, like Shaw...



Did I said something else?

\\"They" is you. You're going to be bigly referring back to the already constructed caricature of Kamala Harris a lot in the next 3 months. You've already started.

Well... even cretin unable to decipher your words...

Well... that is not surprising, yawn...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Well... even cretin unable to decipher your words...

You very often aren't able to do that.

Anonymous said...

Your cretinic mumbling? ;-p

Yeah, I do.

Because it is like random noise. And such things -- do not contain information. :-P

Joe Conservative said...

Shama-shama-shama-shama-shameleon... you come and go... you come and go...