Monday, August 19, 2024

Why Bernie the Cuck Blew Joe Biden

Partial transcript:
Bernie: As you know, I ran in '16. I ran against Hillary Clinton. I ran again in '20.

Theo: Yeah, I remember and I felt like you I felt like you didn't get treated fairly to be Honest.

Bernie: No I didn't. I was to take on the establishment. So what happened is, we won the first three primaries and then The Establishment got very very nervous, and they had got a whole lot of candidates in the Democratic primary. And they said, "hey, it'd be a good idea if you all dropped out, that Joe Biden be the one candidate. People rallied around them.

Theo: And do they call is there a call that you get and it's like "you're not going to move forward." Is it just like news articles? How does it happen?

Bernie: What happens is: I won the popular vote in Iowa. I won the New Hampshire primary. I won the Nevada Primary. Those were the first three, and then: front pages of New York Times "Democratic establishment very nervous. Bernie Sanders could win the whole thing." We were doing very well in the polls and, you know, I think behind the scenes they got us. People saw, you know, there were like 15 different candidates and they were splitting up the vote. And that's how I was, I was not necessarily getting over 50%, I was getting more than other people. So I was on the way to Victory. And they said, "look Bernie shouldn't be the candidate. For variety of reasons, we don't want him to be the candidate so drop out." And then on one day a lot of people one or two days a lot of people dropped out.

Dore: Except for Elizabeth Warren, which he leaves that part out of the story because he doesn't want to be called a sexist again. But that's exactly what happened, everybody else dropped out except Elizabeth Warren, to split the progressive vote and then they all rallied behind Joe Biden. And he's still a cuck cuz he won't tell you the truth about what happened. (blackmail shouts). They have way worse stuff on me than that, and what did he do? He went on. And did he make those people who cheated him in 2016, in 2020, did he make them pay a price? Did he even make them pay? Did he even extract any concessions from them for his endorsement? No he didn't make them pay. He didn't call them out. He just endorsed them. That's what Bernie Sanders did, and that's why the country is in the place it is. Because those who know better say, "don't say anything". And they fall in line like good little boys." That guy was filling stadiums. He could have told people to get in the streets. He could have told those people to shut down, like the truckers did in Canada. He could have said, "Let's make a ruckus on the Democratic party. Let's make them get rid of corporate money. Let's make them get rid of super delegates. Let's make them get rid of all this, or I ain't endorsing them." And he didn't do it.

[...back to tape]

Bernie: And Joe had a lot of support and all these people came
behind them and...

Theo: Do you think that our election process is still Democratic? Do you think it's still...

Bernie: Yes and no. Yes and no. Yes, if you know you want to run for office you can. You can get a certain number of signatures. But if you're going to win, and I have 10 times more money than you do, I will beat you 95% of the times. I mean that's a fact right? You'll Maybe beat me if you're a really an exceptional candidate and I'm a real idiot.You will beat me once in a while. But by and large, money people will win. So if you're asking me, "are we a democracy?" In one sense we are all right. You can run for office. You can raise your issues. On the other hand, in terms of who has the real power, all money people do. And I use the term oligarchy. And oligarchy is a society where small numbers of very wealthy people control the economic and political life of the country. I think we are moving rapidly in that direction.

Dore: I like how he says we are "moving" right? We've been there for the last 40 goddamn years. Not only do they own the country, but they own you!

Other person: Well, that this is what's really disgusting about Sanders. He proved a lot of his critics right. I'm sure a lot of people in this room were Sanders people at one time. And if you remember, The Hill Bots would always come at you, and they would always say, "you know what he's pretending to be a revolutionary everyone who knows him in Washington says he's just another politician, he's just like anybody else. All this "revolution" stuff is branding." And he made us all look like Schmucks because that's exactly who he turned out to be. If you want to just run on Progressive issues fine. Don't say you're running a revolution if you're not running a revolution, cuz you have people out there in the snow in New Hampshire giving money they did not have. Our friend Nick Cruz at RBN quit his job, he quit his job to go campaign for Bernie. You don't play with people's lives like that if you don't mean it. If you don't mean that, you don't say "Revolution" or you're a scumbag. This guy is a scumbag. I have no patience for him.

Dore: So watch what Theo vaugh says back that.

Theo: Yeah, I feel like it's to me, it feels like a almost privatized communism in a way.

Bernie: Right that's a very good point. It's a very good... that's an interesting way of looking at it.

Dore: so he agrees with Theo, that it's privatized communism, meaning a handful of people running the whole goddamn country for their own interest and they don't care about the citizenry. And he says, "that's absolutely right." And what does he do about it? Nothing. He endorses the private communism, and he says you got to vote for Joe Biden. And you got to vote for the Democrats. Why? Because Donald Trump a real estate game show host might become president, so we got to vote for privatized communism. That's what he's actually saying.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Jimmy d0re is a lying cuck. "Did he even extract any concessions from them for his endorsement?" the answer is YES.

Biden and Sanders also announced plans to form joint working groups, consisting of staff from both of their campaigns, to shape the Democratic Party’s approach to six issues: climate change, criminal justice, the economy, education, health care, and immigration.

“It’s no great secret out there, Joe, that you and I have our differences, and we’re not going to paper them over,” Sanders said. “That’s real. But I hope that these task forces will come together utilizing the best minds and people in your campaign and in my campaign to work out real solutions to these very, very important problems.” ...

It’s never clear, in advance, what a task force — or six of them — will amount to. But this is a lot more than winning candidates typically offer their competitors. link

Joe Conservative said...

Bernie loves watching you get f*cked by the Democratic Party, derv. He probably jerks off every night imagining you bent over the sofa.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


Rattrapper said...

Bernie Sanders, eh Dervish?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

BULLSHIT. Your favorite meal, Mystere.

Joe Conservative said...

Your right. I'm sure he doesn't think of you ever at all, Derv. He simply enjoys he's new found wealth.

Rattrapper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rattrapper said...

I'm Rattrapper, Dervish, not Mystere. And no, you're not my meal.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You ARE Mystere, Mystere. You're just using your "Rattrapper" account. How can I be bullshit, Mystere? Didn't you strongly argue that is bodily waste (in this case, the bodily waste of a bull)? Now you say a person CAN be bullshit? Well, we were talking about Turds. And you said the guy who calls himself "Catturd" doesn't exist. Even though you keep posting links to the non-existing Catturd's podcasts on your Wordpress blog.

btw, Bernie Sanders made bank with sales of a book he wrote. While d0n-OLD inherited (and stole) his wealth. One you admire, the other you look down on. The inheriting and stealing is the WAY to go in your book. As opposed to someone using their skills to earn money.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere and Minus both silently agreed with everything I wrote.