Tuesday, August 6, 2024

H/T - Woodsterman


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Does this upset you?"

Naah. What is that, an AI pic? Or just some idiots who happen to be Black?

Well, people are free to vote however they want. Even against their own self interest. Many people do. But maybe this is a family of extremely wealthy and selfish African Americans?

"...I can't understand it for you".

Right. You can't. But you've been trying to understand for me that I'm center-right instead of how I identify, which is progressive-Left. You posted that meme as your way of admitting you're full of shit?

Joe Conservative said...

Maybe you should report the meme to your misinformation overlords, Derv! I would hate to see you hoodwinked by some Russian disinformation troll farm operators.

Joe Conservative said...

Think they might be black Russians????

Rattrapper said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

White dudes are supporting Kamala Harris for president. Does THIS offend you, Minus?

Rattrapper said...

White dudes = shemales in Dervishspeak. That's why Mamala chose Tampon Tim Walz.

Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club said...

Shemales make me so horny!