Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Enter the Deleuzian-Schizoid Phase of Late Capitalist Politics...

As the Schizophrenic Left promotes Accelerationism as a tool leading to the ultimate fall of Capitalism

JA Frascino, "’Idiocracy’ is upon us"
For decades America functioned as a meritocracy, the land of opportunity with freedom of speech and limited government. With the recent ascent of the radical left as a political force, these values have undergone erosion by DEI, identity politics, cancel culture, “newspeak”, and government bureaucratic intrusion. The radical left challenges patriotism, religion, traditional family structure as our raison d’être, our identity. The resulting divisiveness drives us into ideologic rabbit holes. Tribalism pervades the culture. We identify now as liberal or conservative with ideologic chips on our shoulders. We have evolved into a partisan ideocracy.

And now, with the presumptive Democrat ticket in the offing, we are on the brink of evolving into an idiocracy.

In the 2006 movie, “Idiocracy”, Joe Bauer is projected into an America as it exists in 2505 due to a flawed hibernation experiment. Of average intelligence, he finds himself the smartest person in the country whose collective IQ has fallen to idiot levels. The president is an ex-porn star pro wrestler. In essence, the intellects of preceding centuries had established a society in which it was no longer necessary to innovate or think, and voluntary childlessness by the educated had decimated their ranks, leaving the less gifted to flourish. Health measures focused on hair loss and erectile dysfunction. Joe is initially arrested for not having a barcode tattoo, but is later elected president and praised for demonstrating that crops do better if irrigated with water instead of electrolyte laden sport drinks.

The roots of our own idiocracy are already in place. AI is poised to replace project management orchestrated by human innovation. Cars drive themselves. Public school proficiency outcomes are in decline. [“Yes, You Can Opt Your Kids Out of Homework” (Parents 11/23/22).] College academics migrate to social justice over STEM. DEI compliance is the pathway to mediocrity. Nearly half of UCLA medical students fail basic tests of medical competency. The emerging workforce in its complacency focuses on work/life balance. Regulations, protocols, and guidelines stifle individualism. Media “experts” on every imaginable topic relieve us from the burden of having to think for ourselves. [“Thinking Too Much Really Can Make You Tired, Scientists Say” (Bloomberg, 8/11/22).]

We now have a vacuous presidential candidate foisted upon us, without due process in disregard of voter input, to replace her senile predecessor. She cackles for approval of her word salad ramblings. Her political achievements have been noteworthy only for their negative outcomes. Her teleprompter created public address platitudes to avoid the addressing of substantive issues. She is a puppet of the increasingly dominant left wing of the Democrat party whose goal is centrist social engineering of a compliant populace. Her only allure to the independent voters is that she is neither Biden nor Trump.

The movie never achieved universal acclaim. We can only hope that our current trajectory meets the same fate.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
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The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I see. The president in Idiocracy was a Black guy. QUALIFIED minorities getting a shot under DEI is Idiocracy to rightturds. To avoid Idiocracy the US president MUST be White. Also a man. If a Black woman were to be US president that would be "double Idiocracy" to racist rightturd White Supremacists.

btw, "American Thinker" (the rightturd blog where this White Supremacist moronity was published) said (in regards to articles published on their blog saying the 2020 election that stolen) that their claims were "completely false and have no basis in fact [and] it was wrong for us to publish these false statements".

Idiocracy has already arrived. Though we beat it back. It will return if d0n-OLD tRump and his Thiel handler "Vance" make it to the White House. They have a plan for Idiocracy called "Project 2025".

Anonymous said...

That's it! That's all because you do not want to develop NEW tech(s)

Joe Conservative said...

DAMN... I need to see that movie!

Joe Conservative said...

@ Dervy, have you registered under FARA as an Iranian agent yet? Better be quick!

Joe Conservative said...

Muh! Russia.... Iran-n-n-n-n-n-n! ;p

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Kamala Harris gelmiş geçmiş en iyi başkan olacak!

Anonymous said...

Don't like it? At least -- style? ;-)

Anonymous said...


Joe Conservative said...

Democrats for Democrazy!