Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Thought Police...

...and its' Progressive Lawfare Tactics for Inducing Double-Think

Totalitarians for a more Progressive Society
all Vote BLUE!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"...the United Kingdom does not have a First Amendment equivalent to the US Constitution, which prohibits laws that limit freedom of speech or the press".

UK citizens are free to think about violence all they want, they just can't incite it.

Joe Conservative said...

Limit free speech like with a shadow ban, censoring or labelling it? Cuz all 3 of those actions kinda sound like "systemic violence" against US citizens. In other words, not "incitement" of violence, but the actual "commission" of violence against their Constitutional Rights. In other words, it's not only a crime, but a civil rights violation as well.

Joe Conservative said...

...they should double charge the government censors like they did those cops that beat up Rodney King. Cuz some people, like Trump, are simply guilty until proven guilty!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Should Mystere be double charged for falsely reporting my blog and getting it censored? I wasn't shadow banned, my free speech was wiped out.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Does he support on-line social cancellation for wrong-think like you?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You seem fine with it if the cancelees are Republicans.

Anonymous said...

You still making long face on it?

While that is banal Traditional Society.

How wars in all times has started?

From shamans declaring "They are scum... and need to d.i.e."

Joe Conservative said...

Wrong think today triggers an FBI raid and illegal unConstitutional seizure of personal records

Anonymous said...

That's what WW are fer ya. ;-P

Rattrapper said...

Be very careful of who you falsely accuse about your blogs being reported for slandering people. Your hate sites will become state's evidence for inciting violence if you keep posting your hate, Dervish.

Rattrapper said...

Dervy's going to wet his pants when The Biden Crime Clan gets raided by patriotic uncorrupt Federal Agents who refused to bow down to 0bama's gang of terrorists. All the Bidens except the mother of Navy will likely end up in GITMO when the raids happen. And NO, I DON'T GLOAT WITH GLEE OVER THIS, DERVISH! The Biden Crime Clan has set their own demise in motion. God's Justice has its say and its way.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Does he support on-line social cancellation for wrong-think like you?

No, he supports it like you. You both support the (false) narrative that that's happening.

Minus: You seem fine with it if the cancelees are Republicans.

I'm not fine with your false narrative at all. Cancel culture isn't real, it's just republiturds whining about how they're victims.

Politico article: The Grand Old Party of Crybabies. How Republicans embraced the victimhood mythology they once denounced. ... While Donald Trump promised to lead the nation to recommit itself to the pursuit of greatness, what he delivered in the end was just another tale of grievance, a persecution complex that swallowed much of the Republican Party whole. link

That's from a 9/12/2022 by Vivek Ramaswamy. Like JD "Vance" (who called tRump "America's Hitler") Vivek previously told the truth about tRump. Before embracing tRump for political gain. Just like "Vance". I think they must have realized that you can NOT talk sense to tRump cult members. "If you can't beat them, join them".

There is a lot of money to be made telling trumpers lies they like. It's easy to do when you have very little integrity.

Mystere: ...The Biden Crime Clan gets raided by patriotic uncorrupt Federal Agents who refused to bow down to 0bama's gang of terrorists. All the Bidens except the mother of Navy will likely end up in GITMO when the raids happen.

And when this doesn't happen your delusions still won't be shattered. Like when the fal$e prophet Mark Taylor said God told him d0nald tRump would be elected to a 2nd term and be currently finishing his second term. STILL Mystere believes him.

While most (all?) tRump supporters suffer from delusional disorder, Mystere is an EXTREME case. Minus also suffers from it bigly. Delusional disorder is pretty common among rightturds. Qtard is another example.

Joe Conservative said...

False narratives like "Biden's our nominee?" LOL!

Joe Conservative said...

...or, "the Trump assassin was a Republican!"

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Does registering as a republican mean you're a Democrat? Maybe you think so. "Biden is our nominee" was no "false narrative". It was true when it was said. It wasn't the plan all along as you have claimed. You also claimed that no way/no how was Kamala Harris going to be the nominee. Well (even though the convention has not been held yet) the vote has. And Kamala is now officially the nominee. STILL think it's going to be Michelle Obama?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

btw, there was no "tRump assassin". A registered republican shot near tRump. d0n-OLD tRump is still alive. He wasn't assassinated. And d0n-OLD was only minorly wounded. I think this was a suicide-by-cop. Crooks wanted to die, not kill tRump. Proven by d0n-OLD not being killed. While Crooks was.

Rattrapper said...

How much is that Democrat Stink Tank in Henry County Tennessee paying you, Assface Dervish?

Joe Conservative said...

e. Well (even though the convention has not been held yet) the vote has

...and THAT very fact says it ALL. The Gaslight Party has gaslighted its' OWN Party.

Joe Conservative said...

Democrats have tripled down on Autocracy.

Anonymous said...

Hah... autooocracy means centering on the figure of a Leader.

But they not only DO NOT have one. They LOATH mere such possibility.

As true Cooommie-Totaalitarians.


Autoocracy -- Ultimate Personificaltion and Individualism.

Totalitaarian rule -- hive-mind.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: ...and THAT very fact says it ALL. The Gaslight Party has gaslighted its' OWN Party.

The vote that made d0n-OLD tRump the republican nominee was gaslighting too? I can believe it. Who'd vote for such an obviously seriously cognitively impaired man? He should be somewhere where he can receive the care he needs, not running for predisent.

Anonymous said...

Bi-den? ;-P

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Hmmm... Rattrapper is right. Dervish wet his pants.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Dervish continues to bend over and light his gas. Playing with matches will burn your behind, Dervish.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Wrong think today triggers an FBI raid and illegal unConstitutional seizure of personal records.

"Property records show the house belongs to former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter".

A judge had to be convinced to issue a warrant. If it is "unconstitutional" his lawyer can argue that in court.

DELMAR, N.Y. (NEWS10) – A FBI raid of former USMC Intelligence Officer and United Nations Weapons Inspector William Scott Ritter Jr.’s home took place in Delmar on Wednesday. According to Ritter, the FBI acted on a search warrant for his home for violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

According to the Foreign Agents Registrations Law, anytime Ritter had communication with a foreign national, he had to let the U.S. government know. “They need to report it and every six months they need to tell them of activities, how much money they are getting, what they are doing so and this becomes a public database for public review". link

Sure, the FBI is violating the Constitution all the time. So cases are thrown out. That makes sense. Not.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Bi-den? ;-P

No. Don't you know how to read? Well, obviously. You are replying here. But your comprehension stinks. I was very clearly referring to d0n-OLD tRump and not the imaginary "Bi-den".