Thursday, August 1, 2024

Farage Addresses the REAL Problem Facing Britain...

...Government Incompetence and National Incoherence?  Or the Over-Commodification of Labour???

The British People are waking up to the fact that they had fallen victim to an oligarchically appointed surplus salaried managerial elite that had been working all along to simply to lower labour costs by importing unskilled labour.

For Labour to be properly over-commodified, it needs to be stripped of its' residual cultural components, doesn't it?

Imprison/ Deport MORE Right-Wing Soccer Hooligans!
So Says the Managerial-Elite PM!


Rattrapper said...

Nigel Farage has a big mess to clean up.

Joe Conservative said...

He's got less support than Trump... :(

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

rightturds don't clean up messes, they make them.

Richard Head said...

We'll need to wait patiently and see what unfolds in a few months. It's going to be ugly and shocking to many Brits.

Anonymous said...

Heh... and here's Russian Version ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

I'm so glad that Kamala swapped Joe Biden for those now-freed Russian prisoners!

Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club said...

LOL, that is so hilarious Joe. You are awesome! Also very cool.

Joe Conservative said...

esad Derv.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You disagree with Mystere's praise?

Rattrapper said...

That's your praise Dervy.