Tuesday, August 6, 2024

You've Been Googled, Cloud Serf!

"Don't be evil"
"Do the right thing"


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
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The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

If being evil maximizes profits -- then isn't being evil the "right thing"? Could be why G00gle changed it's motto. You can take that as me "shilling" for our technofeudalist overlords at G00gle.

I'm sure Qtard will. But IT doesn't understand sarcasm. And thinks "your own words" means I'm advocating for it. Due to IT's cretinity.

Thersites said...

Monopoly...isn't that the Democrat's are trying to do with Government?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Democrats oppose the "unitary executive" you're so excited about. So much for agency independence under a hypothetical d0nald tЯump 2nd term. He will absolutely monopolize all power in the executive branch.

And you don't want Republicans to win the Senate and retain control in House? You'd be for Republicans not running a candidate for some Senate seats so Democrats retain control of the Senate? Especially if tяump is яeelected?

Thersites said...

At least with a unitary executive there'd be at least one Republican in the federal government if Trump won. :)

And I'd expect a few Democrats to win Senate seats. It when a party controls 60 Senate seats AND the House that numbers lead to not compromising policies.

Thersites said...

...which is what Democrats are apt to do regardless of numbers.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: At least with a unitary executive there'd be at least one Republican in the federal government if Trump won. :)


Joe Conservative said...

Trump, of course.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

d0nald tRump is a Never-tRump republican? Those are the real republicans. Is he a recent convert? Will he drop out now and give the top slot to Peter Thiel's Manchurian VP, JD "Vance"?

Joe Conservative said...

You must not have been paying attention when Trump took over the GOP/RNC and expunged the RINOs.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I was paying attention. tяump took over and expunged the real republicans.

Joe Conservative said...

The real Republicans are the voters. It's a "representative" democracy, remember? Of, you're a Democrat, why would you? Your cabal appoints its leaders.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Yeah, the voters you proudly proclaimed have been expunged. Now they have no republican candidate to vote for. They tried selecting Nikki Haley, but the RINOs outvoted them.

I'm don't belong to any "cabal" that appoints it's leaders. Well, where I live there is no party registration. If I vote in a primary there are two signs and you point to one of them, indicating what ballot you want. I point to "Democrat". But I'm not a registered member like Crooks was (of the Republican party).

fyi, the Democrats didn't appoint Harris, she was selected by the primary voters. Those people (I was not one of them) voted for the Biden/Harris ticket. But you'll keep spinning your "Democrats are against democracy" narrative. The thing is -- we don't care about your false narratives. Like J6 not being antidemocratic. Also not a coup. When that was a REAL one. Not an imaginary one like Joe Biden bowing out of the race.

Joe Conservative said...

Nikki Haley had no DEMOCRATIC path to the nomination once Trump secured it. THAT is democracy. Not a phone straw poll of a few hundred people 3 weeks before the Convention.