No Glenn Greenturd "fact check" of the RNC? What a surprise this sellout cuck won't call d0n-OLD on one single lie. Even though d0n-OLD is the biggliest liar ever.
The topic you chose is "fact checking" by Glenn Greenturd. Where is his fact check of the RNC?
Glenn realizes his preferred candidate needs "help" -- so is spinning some lies about Kamala Harris to help out d0n-OLD. The 99 percent verba/non acta candidate.
Pardon Julian Assange while in office: NO. Pardon the J6 insurrectionists while in office: NO. Aggressively engage in trust busting: NO (just used it to go after his enemies and reward his friends). Build the wall: NO. Record Deport Illegal Aliens: NO (Obama deported more). Brought back manufacturing to the US: NO. Brought back coal jobs as promised: NO. Repealed the ACA and replaced it with something cheaper that covered everyone: NO. Protected SS: NO (sent budgets to Congress cutting it). End the war in Afghanistan: NO (left it to Joe Biden to do -- and take the blame). Pay off the national debt: NO (ran it up bigly). Said he'd have no time to play golf as predisent: LIE (set a record for playing golf). Said he'd cut taxes for ordinary Americans: LIE (taxes were cut for the rich and many ordinary Americans saw tax increases). Said he would hire the "best people" (many of them left the administration. He called many of them losers). Said he would "drain the swamp": NO (added to the swamp). Said he would lock up Hillary Clinton: NO. Promised to end the opioid crisis: NO. Said he would cut corporate taxes to spur growth: No economic growth was spurred. Said he was going to sue the women who said he sexually harassed him: NO.
Minus: You demand of others actions that you yourself refuse to perform.
Glenn Greenturd says he is gives "Independent, unencumbered analysis and investigative reporting, captive to no dogma or faction".
I only call for him to live up to his own description of his reporting. That isn't hypocritical in the least. I describe myself as a Lefty Democrat. I've never claimed that my opinions aren't partial to any "dogma or faction".
Glenn Greenturd is a phony. If he was honest about his biases (he hates the Democratic Party and wants tRump to be predisent again) that would be a different story. I ONLY demand actions from him that he himself has promised. HE says he is "independent" and his "reporting" is "captive to no dogma or faction". That's a lie.
He's another (among several) fake Lefties that are working to get d0n-OLD back in office. Like Jimmy Dore, Aaron Maté, Matt Taibbi and maybe a few other sellout cucks I'm forgetting.
Why the f*ck would I praise the awful Turd d0n-OLD tRump? I could probably come up with some criticisms of Kamala Harris if I put my mind to it. But right now my concern is her winning. Not helping her lose by tearing her down.
Glenn Greenturd's concern is getting tRump elected. Though he is dishonest about it. While I am honest about my desire to see Kamala Harris elected.
No Glenn Greenturd "fact check" of the RNC? What a surprise this sellout cuck won't call d0n-OLD on one single lie. Even though d0n-OLD is the biggliest liar ever.
Thee MSM needs help calling Donald out? They're investigating and calling out someone else? Who knew?
The topic you chose is "fact checking" by Glenn Greenturd. Where is his fact check of the RNC?
Glenn realizes his preferred candidate needs "help" -- so is spinning some lies about Kamala Harris to help out d0n-OLD. The 99 percent verba/non acta candidate.
Pardon Julian Assange while in office: NO.
Pardon the J6 insurrectionists while in office: NO.
Aggressively engage in trust busting: NO (just used it to go after his enemies and reward his friends).
Build the wall: NO.
Record Deport Illegal Aliens: NO (Obama deported more).
Brought back manufacturing to the US: NO.
Brought back coal jobs as promised: NO.
Repealed the ACA and replaced it with something cheaper that covered everyone: NO.
Protected SS: NO (sent budgets to Congress cutting it).
End the war in Afghanistan: NO (left it to Joe Biden to do -- and take the blame).
Pay off the national debt: NO (ran it up bigly).
Said he'd have no time to play golf as predisent: LIE (set a record for playing golf).
Said he'd cut taxes for ordinary Americans: LIE (taxes were cut for the rich and many ordinary Americans saw tax increases).
Said he would hire the "best people" (many of them left the administration. He called many of them losers).
Said he would "drain the swamp": NO (added to the swamp).
Said he would lock up Hillary Clinton: NO.
Promised to end the opioid crisis: NO.
Said he would cut corporate taxes to spur growth: No economic growth was spurred.
Said he was going to sue the women who said he sexually harassed him: NO.
d0tard d0n-OLD the liar-in-chief = promises made, promises broken. The verba non acta predisent.
Glenn Greenturd = f*ck off.
So where are your praises of DJT in the above, hypocrite?
Where are your criticisms of Kamalaladingdong?
You demand of others actions that you yourself refuse to perform.
Minus: You demand of others actions that you yourself refuse to perform.
Glenn Greenturd says he is gives "Independent, unencumbered analysis and investigative reporting, captive to no dogma or faction".
I only call for him to live up to his own description of his reporting. That isn't hypocritical in the least. I describe myself as a Lefty Democrat. I've never claimed that my opinions aren't partial to any "dogma or faction".
Glenn Greenturd is a phony. If he was honest about his biases (he hates the Democratic Party and wants tRump to be predisent again) that would be a different story. I ONLY demand actions from him that he himself has promised. HE says he is "independent" and his "reporting" is "captive to no dogma or faction". That's a lie.
He's another (among several) fake Lefties that are working to get d0n-OLD back in office. Like Jimmy Dore, Aaron Maté, Matt Taibbi and maybe a few other sellout cucks I'm forgetting.
Why the f*ck would I praise the awful Turd d0n-OLD tRump? I could probably come up with some criticisms of Kamala Harris if I put my mind to it. But right now my concern is her winning. Not helping her lose by tearing her down.
Glenn Greenturd's concern is getting tRump elected. Though he is dishonest about it. While I am honest about my desire to see Kamala Harris elected.
Dervish is fixated on green colored turds?
Dervy's fixated on ANY reporters who aren't fixated on Kamala getting elected.
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