Saturday, August 24, 2024

On Gelding Swamp Creatures...

...and restoring 'Representative' Government

The template - Milei-nomics:
Time to Restore the Court Eunuch Policy?


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Indeed. You do want to take the power away from "We The People" and place it in the hands of a rightturd emperor.

Joe Conservative said...

Nope, just "bust-up" the biggest trust of all, and restore power to "we the people".

Joe Conservative said...

...and then maybe offer to take you on a free helicopter ride, since you love free things so much.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Breaking up the "We The People" trust will enable all the other trusts to run rampant, trampling our rights and stealing more of our money. Why you want it diminished.

It won't restore rights to "We The People", it will get rid of them bigly.

"We The People" = "We the rich people" (in your NewSpeak).

But that won't help even the rich. Only the very rich -- the people you worship. Hero worshiping and bowing down to the wealthy -- that's your religion.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

LOL! How is taking back my god-given natural rights and powers in ANY way a relinquishment of them? I no longer have "representative" men governing me. I have "foolish elites" doing so. And do you know what living in another man's dream utopia is for other inhabitants? Nightmare.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

How can an individual person stand up to corporate power? Either you're NewSpeaking -- or delusional.