Wednesday, August 21, 2024

How Democratic IS the Democratic Party Today?

Just ask the Candidates...
When You've lost the Kennedy's, what remains?
Spectacle... and the New Democratic Party Slogan:
"Lawfare 'r Us!"


Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Pass the popcorn, please!🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋🍿😋

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: When You've lost the Kennedy's...

The Kennedy's are voting for Kamala Harris. Except for the one.

LA Times: Jack Schlossberg, Kennedy’s grandson and a close relative of potential 2024 spoiler candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., told thousands of delegates gathering for their party’s national convention that his assassinated grandfather is his “hero.”

“The torch has been passed to a new generation, to a leader who shares my grandfather’s energy, vision and optimism for our future,” said Schlossberg, 31. “That leader is Vice President Kamala Harris. link

NBC: Kennedy family members endorse Biden over RFK Jr. More than a dozen members of the Kennedy family endorsed President Joe Biden for a second term Thursday, passing over family member Robert F. Kennedy Jr. "We want to make crystal clear our feeling that the best way forward for America is to re-elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to four more years", Kerry Kennedy said in remarks announcing the endorsement at a campaign event in Philadelphia. 4/18/2024

Which Kennedy's are supporting rfkjr. I think it was a video on this blog where I saw that rfkjr claimed that he did have family members who support him. But he didn't say who? Are those family members (if they exist) now going to support tRump?

Kamala Harris Superfan said...

Mystere is going to pop his butt plug when Kamala Harris is elected President.

As of Friday [8/16/2024], William Hill [a U.K.-based betting company] was offering odds of 4/6 (60 percent) on Harris winning Georgia, 4/5 (55.6 percent) on her winning Arizona and 8/13 (61.9 percent) on the Democrat achieving victory in Wisconsin. For Pennsylvania, William Hill had odds of 4/6 (60 percent) on a Harris win, along with 1/2 (66.7 percent) on her winning Michigan, 4/9 (69.2 percent) for North Carolina and 8/11 (57.9 percent) for Nevada. (NewsWeek article: Kamala Harris' Chances of Winning All 7 Battleground States With Bookmakers).

Joe Conservative said...

Is a 1/4 or 1/8 blood Kennedy equal to a 1/2 blood Kennedy? One drop rule, Democrat? Some things never change.

Joe Conservative said...

At age 31 your Kennedy source must have know his GF and GU well... as Robert Kennedy had been dead for a quarter of a century before he was even born.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Dervish wants Tampon Timi's horse juice

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Tampon Timi's horse juice" is imaginary. d0nald Junior made up that story.

"Tampon Timi" is also imaginary. There is no such person.

Minus never said which Kennedy's are supporting rfkjr in his fake run for the presidency (which he will end soon). While I DID name Kennedy's that are opposed to rfkjr's fake potus candidacy. Only said the Kennedy's I named -- they somehow don't count.

Wikipedia: Mary Kerry Kennedy was born on September 8, 1959, in Washington, D.C. to parents Robert F. Kennedy and Ethel Skakel.

Yet Robert F. Kennedy's daughter is somehow not a Kennedy. Her father was still alive when she was born (she was 9 when her father died). Wikipedia says she is part of the Kennedy family. Maybe you should edit that and add that she isn't "really" a Kennedy? Though I think your edit would be quickly undone.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Why'd you say he was 31 today then, Dervy? Jrs. sister is but one of 10 other siblings. As jr said: some members of my family support me.

Dervish Sanders' Death Angel said...

Dervish chugs Tampon Timi's Horse Juice daily. It gives him plenty of horsepower to horse around with himself.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I've never had this "horse juice" that Mystere is raving about. I don't care how tasty you think it is, Mystere -- I don't want any. You aren't going to talk me into trying it.

"As jr said: some members of my family support me".

Which ones? They cannot be named?

John F. Kennedy's grandson Jack Schlossberg is 31.

Robert F. Kennedy's daughter (and rfkjr's younger sister) is 64.

Both of these Kennedy's (and others) have made public statements opposing rfkjr's fake potus candidacy (now ended). He has tarnished the Kennedy name. Maybe he has dementia? There has to be some explanation for him going to endorsing Democrats to endorsing tRump. Perhaps the brain worms are responsible? He's definitely a nut.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

So what bona-fides do your Kennedy's bring to the table that RFK, jr. doesn't? You obviously believe the Kennedy brand to still be important or you wouldn't comment. Which Kennedy is more credible, the one most active in politics, or the ones that aren't, the journalist and the NGO Foundation donation solicitress?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

By not disclosing their relationship to RFK, jr. the Kennedy family preserves the brand upon which it requires protection from the cancel culture inquisition. What would become of the RFK foundations without wealthy (D) donors like the "Heinz-Kerry's"?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and which family does Kerry-Kennedy adhere to? The one that feeds and houses her, or the one that doesn't?