Sunday, August 11, 2024

Mr. Bean Speaks Out on the Current Criminalization of Speech in the UK

On Our Ever more Rapid Progression from Tragedy to Farce the UK Elites Like Keir Starmer Express their secular-moral "Guilt-Pride' in De-Whitefying British Culture

...following the example of the Schuld-Stolz driven De-Nazification Program of Post-1945 Germany, except replacing ideological based Nazi purges with a pogrom based upon superficial skin colour appearances instead, thus doubling down on America's (and Nazism's) original "racial-identity" mistakes.  G_d forbid these elites should realize that the only reason they're destroying British culture by letting too many of these new immigrants in is so that corporate Britain can keep its' labour costs down and remain competitive in a near-tariffless global economy.  

Again, the Brexit vote that sought to eliminate these previously mandated and still irksome immigration policies, have still been completely ignored by the UK establishment.  The extant politicians would rather just scapegoat/ blame the British Populist Right for its' guilt-pride ignorance.  "Tommy Robinson, get thee to the nearest constabulary for re-education processing!  Without the requisite guilt-pride training being imprinted upon your psyche, you're a clear and present danger to our continued rule and to the immigrants we've imported and whom you now resent because they reduce your labour compensation rates.  It's not for the wealthy elites who benefit and grow ever-richer from open-border labour policies to change, it's you who must suffer our mandated DEI re-education training for keeping poor and working-class people POOR!"
Keir Starmer to the White Working Class of Britain:
Will THIS be the British people's response?:
Has it EVER been?


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Post: the UK Elites Like Keir Starmer Express their secular-moral "Guilt-Pride' in De-Whitefying British Culture. ...following the example of the Schuld-Stolz driven De-Nazification Program of Post-1945 Germany, except replacing ideological based Nazi purges with a pogrom based upon superficial skin colour appearances instead, thus doubling down on America's (and Nazism's) original "racial-identity" mistakes.

Extremely offensive White Supremacist NewSpeak.

Joe Conservative said...

Yep... a description of your racial guilt-pride supremacy is pretty disgusting.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

White Supremacists: "Racial guilt-pride supremacy, it's a Democrat thing".

Everyone else in the world: "GFY. That's bullshit".

White Supremacists: "We're the real victims".

Everyone else in the word: "GFY. That's bullshit".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"'s you who must suffer our mandated DEI re-education training for keeping poor and working-class people POOR!"

Huh? How is DEI about keeping poor and working class people poor?

Anonymous said...

\\Everyone else in the world

Yep. DEMN-cretins think that they CAN say for "Everyone else in the world".

And that -- disgusting that "Everyone else in the world". Biggly disgusting!

Anonymous said...

It allows em to enter Ivy League, maybe? ;-P

No??? Then why not? ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

20 million immigrants makes poor people who aren't the illegals rich? Who knew?

Joe Conservative said...

ESPECIALLY racial minorities. They so woke, they FEEL their oppression... @@

Joe Conservative said...

I guess everyone should know their intersectional place in new labour caste system invented by Democrats though...DEI. The new social caste system. You, whitey, defermative action for you!

Joe Conservative said...

"Irish need not apply..."

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Who knew that DEI demands immigrants (legal or illegal) be allowed into the country and given the jobs of US citizens? Nobody except White Supremacist Turds. Because DEI has nothing to do with immigration.

Wikipedia: Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are organizational frameworks which seek to promote the fair treatment and full participation of all people, particularly groups who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination on the basis of identity or disability. These three notions (diversity, equity, and inclusion) together represent "three closely linked values" which organizations seek to institutionalize through DEI frameworks. link

"The fair treatment and full participation of ALL people". White people are part of ALL PEOPLE. So all DEI says is that all people should be treated fairly. Also taking into consideration the fact that minorities have been (and continue to be) treated unfairly.

But of course White Supremacists like you are strongly against fair treatment of ALL people. Because you the prefer special treatment for Whites that has been in place forever to continue forever.

Minus: I guess everyone should know their intersectional place in new labour caste system invented by Democrats though...DEI.

Well, you guess wrong. Because this "new labour caste system invented by Democrats though DEI" is imaginary. There is no such thing except in White Supremacist delusions.

Minus: "Irish need not apply..."

Not allowed anymore. But you would like it very much if it was "ni**ers, sp*cs, towel heads and f*gs need not apply".

What's going on here is that White Supremacists are extremely offended at the suggestion that there should be equality between Whites and minorities. They view equality for minorities as discrimination against them.

That is exactly what we see Minus arguing on this blog -- in post after post.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Who knew that DEI demands immigrants (legal or illegal) be allowed into the country and given the jobs of US citizens? Nobody except White Supremacist Turds. Because DEI has nothing to do with immigration.

Wikipedia: Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are organizational frameworks which seek to promote the fair treatment and full participation of all people, particularly groups who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination on the basis of identity or disability. These three notions (diversity, equity, and inclusion) together represent "three closely linked values" which organizations seek to institutionalize through DEI frameworks. link

"The fair treatment and full participation of ALL people". White people are part of ALL PEOPLE. So all DEI says is that all people should be treated fairly. Also taking into consideration the fact that minorities have been (and continue to be) treated unfairly.

But of course White Supremacists like you are strongly against fair treatment of ALL people. Because you the prefer special treatment for Whites that has been in place forever to continue forever.

Minus: I guess everyone should know their intersectional place in new labour caste system invented by Democrats though...DEI.

Well, you guess wrong. Because this "new labour caste system invented by Democrats though DEI" is imaginary. There is no such thing except in White Supremacist delusions.

Minus: "Irish need not apply..."

Not allowed anymore. But you would like it very much if it was "ni**ers, sp*cs, towel heads and f*gs need not apply".

What's going on here is that White Supremacists are extremely offended at the suggestion that there should be equality between Whites and minorities. They view equality for minorities as discrimination against them. That is exactly what we see Minus arguing on this blog -- in post after post.

Joe Conservative said...

DEI has quotas for Irish and White people? Woo-Hoo!

Grow up, Derv.

Joe Conservative said...

Hire these illegals Elon... Or else!

Joe Conservative said...

I wonder what security clearance levels he should grant them?

Anonymous said...

\\Who knew that DEI demands immigrants (legal or illegal) be allowed into the country and given the jobs of US citizens? Nobody except White Supremacist Turds. Because DEI has nothing to do with immigration.


Only with imposing Communism.


Anonymous said...

How do one can recognize Commie -- they repeating non-stop Commie propaganda chants.
