Tuesday, August 6, 2024

It's Tim Walz - Locking in the (R) Never-Trump Vote!

...and Changing the Conversation:


Sam Huntington said...

According to the National Guard (dot mil), a Command Sergeant Major (CSM) functions at the brigade level - 3,000 to 5,000 Soldiers. Tim Walz did not serve, at any time, at the level of a combat brigade. The highest level of command he ever served was at the battalion — which calls for a Sergeant Major, roughly equivalent to the position of a Master Chief Petty Officer.

Moreover, the Minnesota National Guard does not have a 125th Field Artillery Regiment (which does rate a CSM); it has a 1st Battalion of the 125th. Moreover, Walz is not retired U.S. Army. He is a retired Minnesota National Guardsman. It seems that Walz is playing fast and loose with his military accomplishments. Bottom line? For 24 years, he served as a weekend warrior and was not once called to active service.

Joe Conservative said...

Thanks for the clarifications, Sam. I had heard some rumblings of him holding the highest "enlisted rank"... not realizing it was for a Guard unit.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Chris Jansing Reports (right now)...

Chris Jansing: Tim Walz is especially liked by a number of key Progressive lawmakers. Progressive caucus chair Primal Jaipaul said the current moment for Democrats is quote, "organizer gold". ... So what are you hearing from Progressives on the Hill, Julie?

Julie Tsirkin (NBC correspondent covering Capitol Hill): Progressives have worked with Tim Walz for a long time in Congress. He was a member of this body for 12 years. He represented a swing district in Minnesota. He was able to work across the aisle but he was also able to build deep relationships with Progressives. Many Progressives are applauding this pick by Vice President Harris. ... Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has endorsed and backed this pick as well as Joe Manchin. In the Senate he was very moderate ... he is in the center-left of his party.

But as governor he enacted and backed many progressive policies... things that Bernie Sanders championed ... his record on free school lunches, abortion rights ... in Sanders' words, really standing up for the working class. ... Bernie Sanders told me before the Senate left for recess he is going to do everything he can to elect Harris. Certainly a pick like Walz is going to make him happy.


Chris Jansing: Nikki Haley posted this, "Democrats doubling down on the Progressive movement...".

[end excerpts from 8/6/2024 airing of "Chris Jansing Reports"]

You think you can gaslight me into voting for the neoliberal tRump? The tRump campaign isn't going to be pushing this false narrative regarding Tim Walz. The d0tard campaign will be painting the Harris/Walz ticket as "far Left socialist/communist". For sure.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and keeping RFK, Jr OFF the ballots, to "save democracy" for Democrats!

Your party is a joke, Derv.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

They want EVERYONE to vote... unless they might vote for someone not a Democrat.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Sorry, Minus, but it is your party that is the joke. republicans allowed their party to be hijacked by a fascist anti-democracy authoritarian insurrectionist who is (re being an insurrectionist) disqualified from running. That he is an authoritarian is a fact YOU ADMITTED. He should have been removed (and thus be ineligible for certain) by your joke of a party when he was impeached the 2nd time.

rfkjr is running a fake campaign (funded by rightturd money) to take votes from the Democratic Candidate, Kamala Harris. He admitted it on a call with tRump and it was heard by the public via leaked audio (leaked by his own son).

Kayne West was the fake candidate (funded by rightturd money) the last time. Though rfkjr might siphon more votes away from the Democrat this time. Exactly why shouldn't Democrats fight back against such cheating attempts?

That was a rhetorical question, btw. You can get bent. rightturds are the ones pushing disenfranchisement legislation, not Democrats.

Joe Conservative said...

Yes, Trumps an Authoritarian, not a Totalitarian like Harris. You can disobey an authoritarian and be punished 1x. Disobey a totalitarian, and you'll be punished til the day you die.

Joe Conservative said...

...rightturds are the ones pushing disenfranchisement legislation, not Democrats.

Once again Oedipus Sanders stabs himself in the eyes with Jocasta's brooches!

Rattrapper said...

#TamponTim is trending now

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Kotex d0n wore one on his ear at the RNC convention, Mystere.

Why would "tampontim" be trending on Twit-turd, Mystere? Because republiturds are misogynists who hate it that high schools girls are getting hygiene products they need for free in MN public schools?

republiturds are constantly reminding us what horrible shits they are.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Thumbs up to Tim Walz being a decent human being and passing this legislation to help poor teenage girls whose families can't afford the hygiene products they need.

"not a Totalitarian like Harris" = you really need to start taking your Seroquel again, Minus.

Thersites said...

Tampons in boys bathrooms helps girls?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Why would tampons be made available for people who don't need them? I don't know what you're talking about. Sounds like another delusion.

Joe Conservative said...

Yep. Yours.

Among those laws is one that requires public schools in Minnesota to stock menstrual products in all girls and boys bathrooms at no charge to students. The bill went into effect Jan. 1.

A Republican-backed amendment to add the word "female" to the bill failed in committee. "Not all students who menstruate are female," Feist said, persuading committee members to vote "no" on the amendment.

Joe Conservative said...

Menstruating boys= Left-wing delusions. @@

Anonymous said...

Yep. There's female to male transitioning too... ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

That's a gender identity coddling problem...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Obviously tampons in a boys bathroom will go largely unused. But they are there for trans students if there are any at whatever school. I don't see the problem. While there could have been a problem if not available in the boys bathroom. Possibly a discrimination lawsuit.

Left-wingers have no delusions about menstruating boys. They know it's a fact that there a small number of girls who identify as male and therefore would prefer to use the boys restroom.

"A Republican-backed amendment to add the word "female" to the bill..."

Yeah, because republiturds saw an opportunity to discriminate against trans students. They have to take every such opportunity -- because they are horrible.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Can we get a law dispensing free condoms in girl's bathrooms now?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...the boys should have to pay, at least $0.25

Rattrapper said...

Dervish loves the queers

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Having sex is a choice. Having a period isn't a choice.

Joe Conservative said...

Becoming a "boy" wasn't a choice?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No. Is being "straight" a choice?

Rattrapper said...

Republicans are reminding you guys what horrible Joebidens you are?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Anonymous said...

And you know that from own experience? ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

Of course. You couldn't choose to be trans otherwise.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Of course. You couldn't choose to be trans otherwise.


AI Overview… According to experts, sexual orientation is not a choice and cannot be changed. It's a natural part of who someone is and can change over time, but only naturally. Many people experience little to no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.

Qtard: And you know that from own experience? ;-P

I do. From my experience of being a straight male I know it isn't a choice.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere: Dervish loves the queers.

No, I don't love you, Mystere. I think you are an evil a-hole.

Joe Conservative said...

I agree about one thing you said, "Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills." - Arthur Schopenhauer

Where I disagree is when one "chooses" to do something about it. And being "trans" was a "choice" made available only recently by the medical profession (late 1950s).

It's not what you "think", it's what you "do" that represents a choice made. Acta non verba.