Sunday, August 18, 2024

How the Elites began to run away from the Average American... and then turned on them and decided to teach them a lesson


Rattrapper said...

Ted Kennedy was right. Bidet was the dumbest Senator ever that he had met. Now he's second dumbest ever with Kamala taking the crown of shame before becoming fake Vice President.

Joe Conservative said...

A decoration for an increasingly totalitarian assemblage.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Yeah, the elites are eager to teach the average American many bigly lessons. The "lessons" are laid out in a document called "Project 2025".

Nobody named "Bidet" was ever a senator, Mystere. Ted Kennedy never called Joe Biden the dumbest senator ever. That is a d0n-OLD tRump lie. d0n-OLD tRump, the worst president in US history, is also the dumbest.

People who served in d0n-OLD's cabinet learned how dumb he is first hand.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Trump had the understanding of "a fifth or sixth grader".

White House chief of staff John Kelly called Trump "an idiot".

Both Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and former chief of staff Reince Priebus called Trump an "idiot".

Economic adviser Gary Cohn said Trump was "dumb as shit".

National security adviser H.R. McMaster said the president was a "dope" with the intelligence of a "kindergartner".

White House chief strategist Steve Bannon said in November 2017 that Trump was "like an 11-year-old child".

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in July 2017 called Trump a "moron".


"an increasingly totalitarian assemblage" is what we will see if tRump gets back in office.

Joe Conservative said...

Yep, you're worried about Trump in 2025 when you should be more worried about Kamala Harris Project 2024, Import Gazan terrorists into the USA.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I am not worried about that imaginary "project" in the least.

Rattrapper said...

"Nobody named Bidet was ever a Senator." Sure there is. His name is Joseph RobbingIt Bidet Jr. He came to office during President Nixon's terms as President. Butt Blast Bidet ran for President in 1988, got called out for plagiarism, and suffered defeat for the Democrat primary. That primary got Mike Dukakis nominated.

Then in 2008, Sniffy JoeJoe RobbingIt Bidet ran again for VP. He called 0bama a nice negro without a Negro accent. Bidet lost his second bid while still in the Senate. 0bama then chose Joey The Talking Chicken Bidet as his Veep, this having Buttstink Sniffy JoeJoe Bidet retiring from the Senate when 0 became President Elect.

2017: Farting JoeJoe RobbingIt Bidet Jr started making dirty deals to make sure he would like, cheat and steal the Oval Office. In 2020, they launched the dirty deeds done dirt cheap. Farting JoeJoe started losing his mind and control of his bowel movements. JoeJoe pooped his pants in front of the pope, farted in front of them Duchess Camilla Parker Bowles and yelled to the press "MY BUTT'S BEEN WIPED!"

Poopy Pants Bidet's Butt Burritos became a regular for Taco Jill to deal with daily. Bidet waddled and bent over at the D Day remembrance ceremony in Paris France, soiling his pants publicly.
Taco Jill rushed him to the bathrooms quickly during a break for his diaper change. Finally in late June 2024, Bidet's brain freezes showed up publicly during the debate against the Real President Donald John Trump Sr as Bidet let out one loud butt blast towards the end of the debate.

Rattrapper said...

Dervish has generously opened his queer brothel up in Paris for his Muslim butt buddies coming illegally into the USA.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere authored some fanfic about the imaginary "Joe Bidet" and an imaginary "Real President Donald John Trump Sr". And he added an additional story about an imaginary "Dervish" who he also calls "Ichabod Derpwood".

Obviously he took facts about the real d0n-OLD and applied them to our fantastic President Joe Biden. Like the pants pooping and dementia. Dementia d0n-OLD has pooped his pants publicly, Mystere. It is how he got the nickname "Diaper Don". d0n-OLD has been pooping in his pants for decades, Mystere. It isn't something that started recently.

btw, it was tRump that audibly shit himself during the debate, Mystere. The pants-pooping noises were picked up by d0n-OLD's mic, while Joe Biden's mic was off.

Joe Conservative said...

Project 2025... is coming for you! BOO!

Rattrapper said...

Poor Disillusioned Delusional Dervish! Once again, he shows his sick fixation on Mystere, who isn't here. Dumb Dingbat Dervish rips another stinker of a whopper trying to defend his farting butt buddy JoeJoe RobbingIt Bidet Jr, the pants pooping "emperor" who can't control his bowel movements or his flatulence in public. The CNN engineer left Bidet's microphone on during the last 20 minutes of the debate by mistake, as Joey ripped a loud and long tooter which could be heard while Donald Trump was speaking. Dummyhead Dervish didn't see the reactions of those in a livestream chat as viewers quickly said "Biden Farted" in the chat. No one said that Trump passed gas in the Livestream chats. Everyone said Biden farted. In the chaotic aftermath when the debate ended, the board operator got chewed out by his bosses for leaving Bidet's microphone on, picking up Bidet's loud fart.

For the record, there is no such person named Diaper Don, don-0ld tRump or dotard.

Your queer fixations on a man's behind show up when you mention your queer fantasies of some imaginary man named tRump.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

That "...the board operator got chewed out by his bosses for leaving Bidet's microphone on, picking up Bidet's loud fart" is yet another of Mystere's delusions.

That fart was emitted from the endo of d0n-OLD tRump. And very likely some turds were pushed out at the same time and d0n-OLD pooped his diaper. He does it all the time. That is according to someone who worked with him on his fake "reality" teevee program, "The Apprentice".

And "Diaper Don" DID trend on Twitter when d0n-OLD was predisent, Mystere.