Saturday, August 10, 2024

Dervy LOVES Democracy Burgers!

It's ALL in the "essence"!
...and the Recipe!:
From the Jowett summary of Plato's "Gorgias"
“What is the art of Rhetoric?” says Polus. Not an art at all, replies Socrates, but a thing which in your book you affirm to have created art. Polus asks, “What thing?” and Socrates answers, An experience or routine of making a sort of delight or gratification. “But is not rhetoric a fine thing?” I have not yet told you what rhetoric is. Will you ask me another question—What is cookery? “What is cookery?” An experience or routine of making a sort of delight or gratification. Then they are the same, or rather fall under the same class, and rhetoric has still to be distinguished from cookery. “What is rhetoric?” asks Polus once more. A part of a not very creditable whole, which may be termed flattery, is the reply. “But what part?” A shadow of a part of politics. This, as might be expected, is wholly unintelligible, both to Gorgias and Polus; and, in order to explain his meaning to them, Socrates draws a distinction between shadows or appearances and realities; e.g. there is real health of body or soul, and the appearance of them; real arts and sciences, and the simulations of them. Now the soul and body have two arts waiting upon them, first the art of politics, which attends on the soul, having a legislative part and a judicial part; and another art attending on the body, which has no generic name, but may also be described as having two divisions, one of which is medicine and the other gymnastic. Corresponding with these four arts or sciences there are four shams or simulations of them, mere experiences, as they may be termed, because they give no reason of their own existence. The art of dressing up is the sham or simulation of gymnastic, the art of cookery, of medicine; rhetoric is the simulation of justice, and sophistic of legislation. They may be summed up in an arithmetical formula:—
Atiring: gymnastic:: cookery: medicine:: sophistic: legislation.


Cookery: medicine:: rhetoric: the art of justice.


Uh Oh, Dervish Farted Again! said...

Dervish loves the meat and buns that make up the Democracy Burger. The meat is the same filler that makes the Big Joe Biden meaty burritos and the Taco Jill breakfast enchiladas. The huge Joe Biden buns give it the flavor only Dervish Sanders would enjoy.

Joe Conservative said...

Dervy loves the "Impossible Democracy Burger" from DK (Democracy Kings).

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus and Mystere love Fascism Burgers 🍔

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Nope. Republican burgers. Especially if the cows come from California. Mmmmmm :)

Anonymous said...

And what's so bad about "faascism"? ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

Fascism, in moderation is fine. Its' the 'excessive' version we're experiencing in the present moment, that we need to avoid.

Anonymous said...

I asked for definition. Not colloquial misnomer.


Joe Conservative said...

As the colloquial misnomer implies, there is no single form/ definition of fascism other than Mussolini's original condemnation of "corporatism" and therefore making it subservient to the government. The original Roman semiotics of the fasces refer to the bundle of sticks and axe-heads carried by the lictors (bodyguards) of a consul or tribune (Roman officials) that denoted a capability of the protected official's prerogative of directing the application of physical force and punishment (including execution) against the Roman population's masses

Joe Conservative said...

The fasces is a METAPHOR with many "symbolic" interpretations.

Joe Conservative said...

Like these fasces, prominently displayed in the House Chamber of the US Congress.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Curried saltfish in a pungent marinade with a secret sauce" = d0n-OLD tRump and jd "Vance". The "secret sauce" is fascism. Though it isn't really that secret. They're running away from Project 2025. But ONLY for the campaign. It will FOR SURE come back if the d0n-OLD/"Vance" ticket makes it to the White House. Or is it the "Vance"/d0n-OLD ticket? Or maybe it's the Thiel/Musk ticket? Because the voters "selected" Peter Thiel's puppet to be VP and move up to the predisency when d0n-OLD croaks.

btw, f*ck Jimmy d0re. He will be bigly disappointed if/when d0n-OLD loses. Or he might not care. I think he only cares about $$$. And Harris/Walz in the White House might be better for his bottom line. Given that rightturd outrage will be much higher with such a fantastic potus/VP Progressive duo in charge. Jimmy d0re is a huge Turd and a completely fake Lefty. He keeps proving it over and over.

Joe Conservative said...

Mmmmmmmm... that Democracy made Impossible burger is soooooo... yummmmmmy!

Anonymous said...

Yap. You gotcha.

It's "bees against honey" kind of things.

DEMNs desire EXACTLY that that they call "fascism" -- firm and uninterruptible ruling over masses through ideological brainwashing.

That's the reason of their Commie delusions. ;-P

But same time... trying to proclaim that SAME thing that they desire so much -- are bad-bad-wrong (though, it -- historical fascism, is not that bad... fascistic Italy was not doing something, anything, what any other country in the world, at any other times was doing... little bit of this, little bit of that: some rise in cultural development(subsidized by government), some rise in poor and powerless well-being, but some time some wars and oppression too...)

If anything like historical fascism can be called B-A-A-AD... it's in that, that it was utterly anti-climactic and mediocre. Yawn.

Joe Conservative said...

Yes, the Left is anti-fascists (against anyone else other than themselves with a little bit of power). They love to punch Nazi's (anybody who doesn't agree).

Joe Conservative said...

It's a metaphor, after all. I lacks a definite meaning... but I say "acta non verba" to that.

Joe Conservative said...


Joe Conservative said... I added the "recipe" to the original post.

Joe Conservative said...

...because there is an ancient Sufi parable about coffee: "He who tastes, knows; he who tastes not, knows not."

Joe Conservative said...

...but BACK to the shadow/ semblance of modern politics. "Orange Man Bad!"

Joe Conservative said...

Sham justice for Sham injustices.

Joe Conservative said...

Mmmmmmm... so yummmmmmmie!

Joe Conservative said...


Joe Conservative said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Because (in Minus FJ's view) White Supremacy isn't an injustice, it is the way things always have been and always should be. The real injustice is to even talk about overthrowing White Supremacy.

Joe Conservative said...

Can I have Oprah's "black job"?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard loves the fascism burgers even more 🍔

Or "moar" as IT says.

Joe Conservative said...

As Joy Reid recently commented on MSNBC as to why Kelly would have been a poor choice for Kamala's VP: "He's like a mayonnaise sandwich on Wonder bread white."

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Cuz Kelly, A Democrat, is definitely Y-Supremaciss' material.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

..and it would be offensive to object to those sort of comments. @@

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

What do you suppose such a tasty "mayonnaise on Wonder bread white" metaphor means, Derv?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...or must you now affirm Joy's comments as a righteous effort at overthrowing Y-supremassa-E? It's insulting that she only gets paid $1.5m annually, and Rachael Madcow earns so much more, isn't it? The MSNBC tv execs are so raciss!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Joy's definitely on the Oprah career path for black jobs... milking white-guilt-pride for all its' worth! It's just a shame that there isn't more room on the white guilt-pride porch steps for regular black people to sit on.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Maybe Hahvahd just needs to open up a few more minority endowment grants to minority students... what's the percentage of whites at Hahvahd now?

According to Data USA, 33.2% of Harvard University's undergraduate and graduate students are white.

Maybe get those numbers down to a more reasonable percentage, like 10%?