Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Democrats Prevent Democracy Once Again...

Ya Gotta Love the Lawfare!
That'll Teach you for Running Against the Democrats RFK, Jr!

Jr., Has Your USSS Detail put you on to any Surveillance Watch Lists like the one that Tulsi's on, or did they take you off them now that you're being officially surveilled in person?  I'd carry a gun to protect yourself from your "protection" team if I were you.  Remember what happened to your Dad and Uncle.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"I moved to California".

AP News: ...a cousin [of jfkjr] said he believed that the candidate lives in L.A. and two old friends disputed that they’d previously been his landlords in New York’s Westchester County.

Why shouldn't Democrats try to keep this fake candidate off the ballot? If he really was a Democrat (and not a rightturd) he might negotiate with the Harris campaign for his endorsement. Get the Harris campaign to adopt some of his policies. Not his pro-Putin or ant-Vaccine stances, or course. But there must be large areas of agreement. More than with d0nald tRump. Unless he's lying. Which he obviously is. Otherwise he wouldn't be running as a spoiler to help d0nald tRump.

rfkjr's fake campaign is funded by republiturds. Kayne West's fake campaign was also funded by republiturds. I say it is defending democracy to try to keep fake spoiler candidates off the ballot. You don't see Democrats running fake candidates to take votes from republiturds -- because they believe in and defend democracy. And are not cheaters.

Joe Conservative said...

Location means nothing. It's where you pay you taxes. People are allowed to own and habitate as many homes as they want. Democrats HATE democracy. They worship the ABA, not ordinary workers.

Joe Conservative said...

It's why they criminalize their opposition with Lawfare.

Joe Conservative said...

..and this suit in NY against Kennedy, it's Lawfare, pure & simple.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The tЯump campaign isn't preparing legal challenges when he loses the upcoming election? He filed a bunch of frililous lawsuits the last time.

Joe Conservative said...

Victims shouldn't report crimes of the State against them?

Joe Conservative said...

Oh, that's right... you can only sue them if they LET you sue them. My bad.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Reporting imaginary crimes is sometimes itself a crime. Like if you file a false police report. tRump got away with filing false lawsuits. He was allowed to.

Joe Conservative said...

And Christine Blasey Ford is going to jail, when?

Joe Conservative said...

Maybe THAT's why she never filed a lawsuit!

Joe Conservative said...

Just a false FBI Statement.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Christine Blasey Ford told the truth. Boofing Brett's history of sexually assaulting women would have been confirmed if the tяump White House hadn't ordered the FBI to fake a reinvestigation into Boofing Brett's background.

Anonymous said...

Still asking? ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

...cuz the FBI has always been on Trump's side... @@

Rattrapper said...

Dervish brags about his fixation on men's private parts again. Sicko!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: ...cuz the FBI has always been on Trump's side...

Yes, you are correct. However, in this case the FBI was following procedure. The tRump White House requested the background check and it was the tRump White House's prerogative to set the parameters. What the tRump White House told the FBI to do was to re-interview the same people they had previously interviewed.

Even though what Democrats wanted was for them to interview people that had information about Boofing Brett's sexual assaulting who had not previously been interviewed. Many people were eager to tell their stories after Boofing Brett was nominated for the supreme court. They were reaching out and asking to be interviewed but were rebuffed. The second "investigation" into Boofing Brett by the FBI was a total cover-up.

Sending people to prison for telling the truth is what totalitarians do.

Mystere: Dervish brags about his fixation on men's private parts again. Sicko!

I only refer to what Boofing Brett admitted during his Congressional testimony. Mystere is the one who, when butt-chugging is brought up, immediately begins fantasizing about Boofing Brett's anus.

Rattrapper said...

Your fixation on Boofing so that you can get sloppy seconds off some dude keeps showing up, Dervish. I never even heard of Boofing until you wrote about it. Your perversion shows the world what kind of sick creep you are.

Joe Conservative said...

"Show me the man and I'll tell you his crimes" - Dervy's FBI designed on the KGB model.

Anonymous said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere, it is YOU who keeps babbling about "sloppy seconds off some dude". Because that is YOUR fantasy. A very gross one.

Minus: "Show me the man and I'll tell you his crimes" - Dervy's FBI designed on the KGB model.

KGB? You're the Putin fan. Obviously that is projection. You're dreaming of how things are going to go for Democrats if d0n-OLD tRump is reelected. According to Mystere many Democrats will be going to Gitmo, being convicted and executed.